Use "expense account" in a sentence

1. Probably comes off of his expense account

2. We charge off the car on my expense account.

3. He took no salary and had no personal expense account.

4. The journal entry of Accrued salaries will increase both the expense account and the liability account

5. It' s a business expense taken from their joint personal account

6. As the company pays wages it increases the 'Wage Expense' account and decreases the 'Cash' account.

7. Before the clothes and the expense account, and scrambling to make partner.

8. 1 He put Elizabeth's motel bill and airfare on his expense account.

9. You also get a nice little expense account, use of the executive washroom...

10. i--i cleaned up your expense account folder and categorized expenditures by bank card.

11. Second, although the 2020 Final Regulations retain the rule for Apportioning expenses among assets (similar to interest expense apportionment), the Final Regulations provide that the 50% tax-exempt asset concept that is taken into account for interest expense apportionment purposes is not taken into account for stewardship expense apportionment

12. Expense items shall be priced to ensure that no costs accrue to the Food Services account.

13. Previously he had “padded” his expense account, putting down things that were not direct business expenses.

14. I forgot to mention, a company car is included as well as a generous expense account

15. 12. Assets acquired for the account and at the expense of BBMRI-ERIC shall be its property.

16. Other instances where the CCRA will accept interest expense as being on income account are discussed in ¶ 36.

17. Because of my trustworthiness, he granted me free vegetables for my family’s use and a personal expense account.

18. You are giving this unfeeling corporation so much, why not grab what you can in expense-account-paid perks?

19. On this basis, the Commission records the related expense in the economic outturn account and clears the balance sheet entry.

20. Expense allowance

21. An Accrued expense is the opposite of a prepaid expense

22. He was earning over $25,000 a year, besides which he had an expense account and use of a company car.

23. If there is a debit balance in the Cash over and short account at the end of the fiscal period , it is an expense and may be included in" Miscellaneous expense" on the income statement.

24. These credit transactions reflect missions recognizing the proper expense coding for petty cash expenditures and correcting previous debits to this account.

25. The expense - account culture may be curbed only after strict limits are put on reimbursements , thus making compliance irrespective of policing .

26. Abraham Aamidor, a Taylor biographer, also points out that Taylor was not sparing in his use of the Converse expense account.

27. Certify is an expense management solution that automates the entire expense management process

28. Abacus is a real time expense reporting solution that automates expense creation and approvals

29. Abacus is a real time expense reporting solution that automates expense creation and approvals

30. Or “at my expense.”

31. I'll spare no expense.

32. Prepaid expenses A prepaid expense is an expense you pay before it is due.

33. No expense shall be spared.

34. She protested about the expense.

35. Countertrade Time & Expense Portal

36. He also Anted up hundreds of dollars of the Pioneer Press' own money to get a first-hand view of the games -- wagering by expense account

37. The Capitol has spared no expense.

38. He traveled at his company's expense.

39. This expense has depleted our funds.

40. Our government has spared no expense.

41. Let's celebrate and damn the expense!

42. He's arranged everything, no expense spared.

43. • Compare Actual Expense to Budget Dollars

44. Ownership of property involves great expense.

45. The expense of living is immense.

46. Expense does not necessarily indicate worth.

47. Your disciples have incurred a large expense.

48. Her mansion was refurnished at taxpayers' expense.

49. The fees qualify as a Medicaid expense.

50. A motorcycle can be a great expense.

51. We've hired a marquee at vast expense.

52. Running a car is a great expense.

53. The results are well worth the expense.

54. An Accrued expense is an accounting term that refers to an expense that is recognized on the books before it has been paid; the expense is recorded in the accounting period in …

55. As of now, it's a huge expense.

56. Closing of Revenue and Expense Accounts Description:

57. The bridge was built at public expense.

58. We were entertained at the editor's expense.

59. He can comfortably afford the extra expense.


61. The garden was transformed at great expense.

62. Provided that it is reasonable to incur the particular expense, however, it is immaterial that the expense may be very large.

63. Whether she personally bore all the expense of making such garments for these widows, or whether she contributed her time, strength and talent only, the account does not say.

64. Capitalizing the process of converting an expense into an equivalent capital sum, carrying forward that expense as a FIXED ASSET in the BALANCE SHEET of a firm rather than writing off that expense as a …

65. Advantages: Requires no expense, preparation, or external apparatus.

66. Here is another example of an Accrued expense.

67. This generates customer loyalty and reduces advertising expense.

68. I don't think we can afford the expense.

69. Slippage tends a much bigger expense than commissions.

70. Would you stop making jokes at my expense?

71. They often make jokes at each other's expense.

72. I was told to limit the expense to.

73. To Capitalize is to record a cost/expense on the balance sheet for the purposes of delaying full recognition of the expense

74. Burial insurAnce for seniors, burial insurAnce, affordable burial insurAnce for seniors, cheap burial insurAnce, final expense insurAnce for seniors, select advisors life insurAnce, aarp final expense life insurAnce, best final expense life insurAnce Sarasota is both …

75. ICarpool uses a share-the-expense Carpool model.

76. My organization will compensate you for the expense.

77. Bad debt in accounting is considered an expense.

78. Oh, let's get two and hang the expense!

79. They purchased life at the expense of honour.

80. Julie's parents spare no expense for her wedding.