Use "expatiated" in a sentence

1. In contrition she expatiated on the beauty of the garden.

2. Furthermore, machining method of prime number teeth gear beyond 100 is expatiated.

3. The excellent performance of KKK mobile phone is expatiated in this manual.

4. Or he expatiated on the nutritional value of the lowly peanut.

5. The chairman expatiated for two hours on his plans for the company.

6. The superiority of HDPE used in barrier layer of landfill was expatiated through the comparison of several manmade composite materials.

7. The present situation of energy crisis, enology pollution and development of car industry were expatiated, and bioenergy should substitute for fossil fuel.

8. The second, the third and the fourth part expatiated the peregrination of Yang Shen in Yun nan commonly and the poem that he wrote down.