Use "expansion of the universe" in a sentence

1. That's what the expansion of the universe or space means.

2. The basic framework is the standard big bang theory for the expansion of the universe.

3. If the expansion of the universe continues to accelerate, there is a future horizon as well.

4. The principle of entropy is related the " arrow of time " result of the expansion of the universe

5. But in 1998, astronomers made the stunning discovery that the expansion of the universe is actually speeding up.

6. To add to the befuddlement, the expansion of the universe now seems to be accelerating, a process with truly mind-stretching consequences.

7. Linde and others, cosmic inflation -- exponential expansion of the universe driven by the potential energy contained in an `inflaton' field -- has become a successful paradigm of early universe Cosmology and the origin of structure in the universe

8. Although dark energy is currently the most popular explanation for the acceleration in the expansion of the universe, another theory elaborates on the possibility of our galaxy being part of a very large, not-so-underdense, cosmic void.

9. If the expansion of the universe continues to accelerate, it will eventually overcome not only the gravitational force – tearing apart galaxies and solar systems– but also the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear forces which hold atoms and nuclei together.

10. If we consider the classical formula of gravitational force F = , then can the Antigravitational force responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe be represented by F = ? Thus, since the (MKS) magnitude of G = 10 , would the Antigravitational force be smaller

11. Astronomers from the High-z Supernova Search Team and the Supernova Cosmology Project used ground-based telescopes and HST to observe distant supernovae and uncovered evidence that, far from decelerating under the influence of gravity, the expansion of the universe may in fact be accelerating.