Use "exist" in a sentence

1. Spirits exist!

2. Margarine didn't exist.

3. Extradition doesn't exist.

4. Horrible diseases exist.

5. Prevascular fissures already exist.

6. Countersignatures exist for authentication

7. “DOES absolute truth exist?”

8. Colloidal systems may exist as

9. Webroot %# does not exist! Aborting

10. Counterscarps exist to be countered

11. The headquarters no longer exist

12. Therefore, EF matchings exist too.

13. Additional polar metabolites also exist

14. Fundamentally, these technologies exist today.

15. Problems also exist in agriculture.

16. Does the mental perpetuation exist?

17. This council does not exist.

18. A Contradiction, therefore, cannot exist in reality, since existence exists (whereas a Contradiction could not possibly exist).

19. You provide the food that negativity needs to exist, for without your fear, it can not exist.

20. The painting may no longer exist.

21. The surrounding gardens no longer exist.

22. He doesn't exist, except on paper.

23. 17 Do these creatures really exist?

24. 7 Such people do not exist.

25. Pure Autarkies do not exist today

26. They exist in various geometric patterns.

27. The specified file does not exist: %

28. Comparable differences exist for contact dermatitis.

29. Scraps of men do not exist.

30. Humanoid beings exist in higher dimensions.

31. Where it is fabled to exist.

32. Before that, obviously, technology didn't exist.

33. Without life, the spirits can't exist

34. An Apparent situation, quality, or feeling seems to exist, although you cannot be certain that it does exist

35. Free PC Cleaner programs do exist

36. Of course, allergy tests do exist.

37. Without purpose, we would not exist.

38. Without it, molecular oxygen wouldn't exist.

39. Two variants of this Countermark exist

40. The Commandments exist in different versions

41. Ampullae exist in animals and humans.

42. 11 Problems also exist in agriculture.

43. 9 I don't think ghosts exist.

44. 6 Do you believe fairies exist?

45. More than 15,000 species of Bivalves exist.

46. Several Centrist political parties exist in Europe

47. War and crime simply do not exist.

48. The others exist only as equitable interests.

49. Does the past exist concretely, in space?

50. A Ballet doesn't – can't – exist without dancers

51. Transitional stages exist between autogamy and allogamy.

52. Many interesting walks exist around the village.

53. These tunnels exist under the entire city.

54. My job had effectively ceased to exist.

55. Heinrich Hertz shows that electromagnetic waves exist.

56. A hive can't exist without a queen.

57. A hive cannot exist without a queen.

58. Doubtless many more exist in museum collections.

59. Excellence and affordability co-exist at Centre

60. Both constitutive and acquired hemostasic defects exist.

61. Antlered Does Does with antlers do exist

62. 'Cause none of those companies exist anymore.

63. When did Nebuchadnezzar’s dynasty cease to exist?

64. Stop pretending that the problem doesn't exist.

65. 8 You can't exist by hope alone.

66. But Compulsions exist along a broad continuum, and at the opposite end of these mild forms exist life altering disorders

67. 10 Barbaric Practices That Still Exist S

68. Other types of Chondrodysplasia punctata possibly exist.

69. Amnesty lnternational doesn' t know we exist

70. Opportunities exist for students to gain sponsorship.

71. 12 He doesn't even know I exist.

72. There exist both Carthusian monks and nuns

73. Opportunities exist for honoring individuals and Boninesses

74. And often, the data actually doesn't exist.

75. Organisms exist only during certain geological intervals.

76. No records of lesbian relations exist, however.

77. Many colors and types of lipstick exist.

78. Mustard does not exist on a hierarchy.

79. 5 Does life exist on other planets?

80. These entities exist in a cosmic mind.