Use "exhortations" in a sentence

1. Amissibility implied in exhortations to perseverance

2. Keep on teaching these things and giving these exhortations.

3. All his father's exhortations were in vain.

4. These exhortations had obviously begun to grate on the President.

5. How often such exhortations occur in the Bible!

6. Online Database of Christadelphian Bible Talks, Studies, and Exhortations

7. (John 7:16) Jesus’ statements were clear, his exhortations persuasive, and his arguments irrefutable.

8. On the other hand, bridal pregnancy was widely tolerated despite the exhortations of the professional moralists.

9. There were songs and testimonies, spontaneous sermons and exhortations, joyous shouts and prayers punctuated by sobs and tears.

10. 13 Self-sufficiency is anathema to capitalism and, despite the already mentioned exhortations, is not what is required.

11. Printed exhortations can convey the same dehumanizing views; but print is limited in its manipulating power by the factor of delay.

12. Self-sufficiency is anathema to capitalism and, despite the already mentioned exhortations, is not what is required.

13. Thousands of survivors were released and sent back to their villages amid exhortations to the nation to forgive and forget.

14. (Ac 20:29) He repeatedly wrote admonitions about such apostasy not only here in Second Thessalonians but in many exhortations to Timothy.

15. In general, Aggadah is a compendium of rabbinic homilies that incorporates folklore, historical anecdotes, moral exhortations, and practical advice in various spheres, from

16. (John 14:1) The inspired Scriptures give us many similar exhortations: “Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you.”

17. The texts of the Aggadah include folklore, parables, historical anecdotes, moral exhortations, and practical advice that illustrate the meaning or purpose of laws, customs, or biblical passages.

18. Despite a welter of statements, exhortations and resolutions on numerous occasions and in a variety of forums, we are now, in terms of global outlay and expenditures, some # nuclear warheads, a massive accumulation of conventional armaments and $ # billion further away from the goal of disarmament

19. Aggadot or (Ashkenazi) aggados; also known as aggad or aggadh or agâdâ) refers to non-legalistic exegetical texts in the classical rabbinic literature of Judaism, particularly as recorded in the Talmud and Midrash.In general, Aggadah is a compendium of rabbinic texts that incorporates folklore, historical anecdotes, moral exhortations

20. Despite a welter of statements, exhortations and resolutions on numerous occasions and in a variety of forums, we are now, in terms of global outlay and expenditures, some 35,000 nuclear warheads, a massive accumulation of conventional armaments and $800 billion further away from the goal of disarmament.

21. In such wise, however, that the venerable house of prayer which is there shall be faithfully frequented with vows and supplications, and the celestial converse shall be sought and striven after with all desire and with the deepest ardour; and also that there shall be sedulously directed to God prayers, Beseechings and exhortations as well for