Use "exerted" in a sentence

1. The pressure exerted from the wormhole...

2. 5 Butler , deeply illiberal, exerted his rights.

3. 14 Flavonoids in Cordate houttuynia exerted obvious antidepressant activity.

4. 3 Flavonoids in Cordate houttuynia exerted obvious antidepressant activity.

5. Science aims at understanding causality so control can be exerted.

6. Flavonoids in Cordate houttuynia exerted obvious antidepressant activity: 4

7. The hoop stress is the force exerted Circumferentially (perpendicular both

8. What is the force exerted on this 2- coulomb charge?

9. 16 Both exerted downward pressure on the sterling exchange rate.

10. (1) Pressure at ground level exerted by the column of atmosphere immediately above.

11. Buoyancy refers to an upward force which is exerted by a fluid

12. Method for adjusting the clamping force exerted by a parking brake

13. Pressure is being exerted on the corpus callosum of his brain.

14. Cornering is a measurement of the force exerted on the vehicle’s center of gravity

15. These families exerted control over Iki Island, and established trading links with Yayoi Japan.

16. Meanwhile, the middle layer absorbs the mechanical energy exerted during an attack.

17. Quite strong forces are exerted on the side of a tall building.

18. Waste gas emitted by cars has exerted a baneful influence on natural environment.

19. In the experiment, vertical steady load and horizontal reciprocate load were exerted to the joints.

20. These lead to the consequence that their creativity as historic propellent can't be exerted sufficiently.

21. Synonyms for Bestirred include stimulated, troubled, activated, animated, awakened, exerted, motivated, actuated, got going and gotten going

22. New Stories is the product of profound influence exerted by expressionism upon Lu Xuan.

23. Active plates work due to the constant pressure exerted by adjustable screws, wire springs or archwires.

24. It was therefore suggested that glucose exerted a specific action on the hypothermic cardiac metabolism.

25. As a result, the remaining competitive pressure exerted by aerated concrete on sand-lime bricks would disappear altogether.

26. Agreev wrote: “Emotional abuse is being exerted over you to control you, to enslave you

27. Installed Balusters should withstand 50 pounds of pressure exerted over a 1-sq.-ft area.

28. The second absorption system has a delayed reaction to forces exerted upon the underbelly of the vehicle.

29. Ancient Babylon was the hub of a powerful empire that exerted influence over western Asia for centuries.

30. Customs and traditions have always exerted a powerful influence on celebrations, and Christmas is no different.

31. Abdominalis exerted an anti-cancer effect by dual-targeting AKT and AR signaling in prostate cancer.

32. Adrenalectomy and the diet exerted independent effects on glucose phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation in islets.

33. Peugeot Nederland exerted direct pressure by occasionally acting to limit the export sales of certain dealers.

34. Much more weight is exerted on the lower back when sitting, according to a Swedish study.

35. (Mark 6:31-34) Jesus also exerted himself vigorously in the Kingdom preaching and teaching work.

36. Tyrold had exerted her utmost authority to prevent Sir Hugh from Apprizing her of it in form.

37. It is absolutely imperative for those controls to be exerted on the fissile material across the world

38. Unlike poultry eggs, the shell is actually a tough skin that is easily dented when pressure is exerted on it.

39. God’s spirit, his active force, describes energy that is projected and exerted on people or things to accomplish God’s will.

40. By the same token those who exerted that pressure actually postponed Transnistrian settlement for an indefinite time.

41. Perianth Campanulated limb of four, valvate triangular segments stamens 4, exerted, alternating with 4 rounded obtuse scales

42. 15 True Christians are not immune to the problems and pressures exerted by Satan’s system of things.

43. The actual word Abutting means to rub up against. It implies contact, but not necessarily pressure or force exerted

44. “The enormous tidal forces exerted by Jupiter’s gravity relentlessly flex Io and heat it up, making it volcanically active.

45. The power exerted over black and women patients is inevitably a manifestation of larger race, class and gender relations.

46. Counteroffensive But however successful such a Counteroffensive might prove, it could not have exerted any immediate influence on the western front.

47. It also exerts less of a pressure for adjustment than is exerted under a fixed exchange rate system.

48. 14 All the while, the scattered faithful ones adhering to God’s Word exerted themselves as best they could.

49. Agriculture, in contrast, in many cases preserves land, although negative pressure may be exerted on the soil quality.

50. 23 John Cage, as a banner of the avantgarde music,[] exerted significant influence on the music of twentieth century.

51. But because of the pressure exerted by miles of ocean above, the superheated brew does not turn to steam.

52. Acid corrosion of concrete is of significant importance in respect of the binding forces exerted between cement and aggregate.

53. The band allows to achieve optimum fit by allowing to adjust the pressure which can be exerted at the user's heel.

54. Natural obstacles frequently cause accumulation or acceleration of air whereby a decisive influence may be exerted on the development of weather.

55. What is Buoyancy? Buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a fluid on an immersed object in a gravity field

56. Power can be exerted by the use of force or violence.Authority, by contrast, depends on the acceptance by subordinates of

57. He has exerted great influence in academic circles especially in Japanese Sinological arena with his academic works on Chinese paleography.

58. 15 While the programming applies multi-ply subroutine flexibly, the most efficacies of NC machine tools can be exerted fully.

59. The force exerted on fluid when an object is partly or fully immersed in the liquid can be termed as Buoyancy

60. Fractures of the Acetabulum occur as a result of the force exerted through the head of the femur to the Acetabulum

61. The Airfoil has a tendency to twist about this axis; that is, there is an aerodynamic moment exerted on the Airfoil.

62. The peripheral braking forces must be transferred to the integrated anchor plate (2), the forces exerted by the inner brake shoe (4) being transferred via a projection (13) and the forces exerted by the outer brake shoe (5) being transferred via the floating calliper (6) and a socket (11).

63. Most modern Crankcases are made out of aluminum, which provides a lightweight yet strong design capable of withstanding the pressures exerted during normal engine use.

64. Anacreon, the Greek poet who sang of love and pleasures of wine, has exerted a strong influence on artists through the ages

65. According to Anomie theories, crime arises in particular as a result of the pressure exerted by the unequal distribution of socio-economic

66. Arteries are muscular and elastic tubes that must transport blood under a high pressure exerted by the pumping action of the heart.

67. As a result, Jacob was given the name Israel (Contender with God) because he “contended,” or “persisted,” “exerted [himself],” “persevered,” with God.

68. The cause of this Bloodlessness of the fatty liver is to be sought in the pressure exerted by the growing fat-cells

69. The emphatic assertion of individual control over health exerted in some of these accounts can be looked at in a wider context.

70. Like with Tyrannosaurus, the maxillary (cheek) teeth of Albertosaurus were adapted in general form to resist lateral forces exerted by a struggling prey.

71. Creoles of African descent exerted a strong influence on Cajun culture (and vice versa), affecting the Cajuns' music, foodways religious practices and more

72. ‘The keen interest which Scandinavian ‘kings', war-bands, and Barterers showed in Europa is ultimately a tribute to the magnetism which it exerted.’.

73. The blade is a frail instrument, and when too great a pressure is exerted it bends, and as a result a Breakage follows

74. Secondly, The submarine will be exerted many kinds of force, such as hydrostatical force, hydrodynamic force and reaction of projection while it is projecting the ballistic missile.

75. There is little evidence that the 18-year-old Yuan Lang exerted any real influence on Gao Huan's policy decisions as he battled the Erzhus.

76. Once the white dwarf reaches this mass, such as by accretion or collision, the gravitational force would exceed the pressure exerted by the electrons.

77. Lithospheric plates are exerted by a fluid pressure, since they immediately overlie the asthenosphere . We define this fluid pressure as Asthenospheric Static Push (ASP).

78. Attempting to install a Cofferdam in deep scour pool can be problematic due to Cofferdam leakage and increased water pressure exerted by the deep .

79. These data suggest that the short-term stimulatory effects of dbcAMP on total adenohypophyseal protein synthesis and release are exerted at the transiational level.

80. By focusing the volume flow on a limited surface, a correspondingly high force is exerted on the relevant skin section or surface and, consequently, on the adhering dirt.