Use "executory" in a sentence

1. An executory Bequest is a Bequest that says, “This person gets this gift after

2. Further proposed amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure are aimed at accelerating executory and admonitory proceedings and proceedings in economic cases.

3. .” Most executory Bequests involve important life events or set age limits so that beneficiaries will be old enough to (hopefully) handle their gift maturely.

4. So the problem of Alienability of contingent remainders and executory interests, where the taker is unascertained, is necessarily restricted to cases where there is a prospective taker who answers the description.

5. Executory Agreements, in the ordinary acceptation of the term, are such contracts as rest on articles, memorandums, parol promises, or undertakings, and the like, to be performed in future, or which are entered into preparatory to more solemn and formal alienations of property