Use "excreting" in a sentence

1. Thus, many animals have difficulty excreting ammonia when exposed to alkaline conditions.

2. 13 The blue-green algae that form the stromatolites helped create our present atmosphere by breaking down carbon dioxide and excreting oxygen.

3. A Biofilm is a community of bacteria that attach to a surface by excreting a sticky, sugary substance that encompasses the bacteria in a matrix

4. Its chief function is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances like sodium by filtering the blood, reabsorbing what is needed and excreting the rest as urine.

5. Artick Someone who self defines as an "artist" but really just doesn't want to find a real job and endlessly sponges off family and friends while excreting endless piles of crap they call art that no sane person would ever actually buy or display

6. Tagma: a specialized grouping of Arthropodan segments, such as the head, the thorax, and the abdomen with a common function; malpighian tubule: a tubule that extends from the alimentary canal to the exterior of the organism, excreting water and wastes in the form of solid nitrogenous compounds