Use "excesses" in a sentence

1. His excesses at parties are well known.

2. Victorian propriety would have frowned upon such individual excesses.

3. I vowed to abstain from meat and all excesses.

4. 23 Now he is slowly learning to curb those excesses.

5. First, he condemned the clergy for their excesses and immoral conduct.

6. The unwinding of past excesses may well bring more unpleasant surprises.

7. Biological - excesses of the neurotransmitter dopamine may be implicated in schizophrenia

8. 9 We need a free press to curb government excesses.

9. The excesses of the Borgias made enemies and drew criticism.

10. 5 Over time, we have had uncountable excesses, broken hearts and homes.

11. Your gastrointestinal apparatus was completely destroyed from all types of excesses.

12. What kind of excesses have made religion so distasteful to science?

13. But nothing is gained by trying to escape this through harmful excesses.

14. He basically defended the concept but acknowledged excesses that could be curbed.

15. Biological - excesses of the neurotransmitter dopamine may be implicated in schizophrenia a

16. Curb your excesses, they as much as said; seek the middle ground.

17. The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.

18. His parents evidently did not suffer from drunkenness, gluttony, or excesses of marital discord.

19. Metal might be infamous for its excesses, but there's no need to glorify them.

20. Today's fiscal excesses are not the result of fiscal indiscipline, but of private indiscipline.

21. 20 The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.

22. 7 This uneasy halfway house is fair game for the worst excesses of journalism.

23. Yet nothing can quite make up for the gaudy excesses of the auto-da-fe.

24. Jazz musician Mick Mulligan, known for indulging in such excesses, had the nickname "king of the ravers".

25. Computational method for the prediction of enantiomeric excesses and absolute configurations by using dft-based 3d-descriptors

26. The Bible speaks of “the will of the nations,” which includes “excesses with wine” and “drinking matches.”

27. 15 They are made available directly to you - with no bookstore mark-up and no distribution excesses.

28. But still the economy is not showing signs of any of the excesses that normally presage a recession.

29. He was combative, preferred elegant excesses of language, and had developed a strong, up-front sense of self.

30. People were prepared to put up with occasional excesses in hopes of achieving a degree of order and security.

31. Soldiers had an intense passion for gambling, reaching such excesses that troops would often wager their own uniforms.

32. Take time to enjoy some healthful and beneficial relaxation in moderation, but avoid imitating the excesses of the world.

33. This system was newly established in the Sixth Republic, to help guard against the excesses shown by past regimes.

34. Chastity, then, was the manner in which Judaism steered a course between the twin excesses of paganism and puritanism

35. Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people.

36. But there was more to Jeanson than his bad faith, excesses, cruel humour and disconcerting habit of changing his mind.

37. Warning against improper forms of amusement and excesses in entertainment, Solomon says: “Grief is what rejoicing ends up in.” —Proverbs 14:13b.

38. Money is needed to pay for the excesses, even if it requires hurting another or taking his life to get the money.

39. The short circuit current of large load center that excesses the regulation standard seriously endangers security and stability of power grid.

40. The naaktlopers’ demonstration provided ample fodder for polemicists who sought to warn their readers about the dangers and excesses of Anabaptism

41. I must realize, and adjust for, the Aptnesses I have to various sorts of errors, most noticeably those involving excesses and deficiencies.

42. You could roll your eyes at her maudlin excesses and her spiritual imperiousness, but you couldn't deny her clout, or her courage.

43. The worst excesses in the securitisation mess are encrusted precisely where regulation sought to protect banks and investors from the dangers of untrammelled credit growth.

44. Critical public opinion in the Netherlands led to much of the Cultivation System's excesses being eliminated under the agrarian reforms of the "Liberal Period".

45. This movie is more of a camp festival of excesses, where tone and temperament are identified and altered to confuse and Bemuse the audience

46. As your post indicates, Christians already suffer from a tarnished image among many people because of the excesses of Christianism , which is why they don’t

47. Clamorous Sentence Examples It was not only that his intellect revolted against the narrowness of party, his whole being repudiated its Clamorous and vulgar excesses.

48. Life penalizes those who fall victim to the debilitating effects human weakness, such as a negative character, ignorance, laziness, excesses and vices. Dr T.P.Chia 

49. Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, "McCarthyism" soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts.

50. 20 Protestantism, which sought to reform the unscriptural excesses of Catholicism, soon became equally adept at making authoritarian rules with no basis in the law of the Christ.

51. Acting to halt 'leftist excesses', a junta composed of two army officers and four civilians takes over El Salvador, ousting another junta that had ruled for three months.

52. 11 Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, "McCarthyism" soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts.

53. The Bible warns that those who engage in “excesses with wine, revelries, drinking matches . . . will render an account to the one ready to judge those living and those dead.”

54. Still, many Western intellectuals, recoiling from the excesses of McCarthyism, and hampered by lack of firsthand information, gave the benefit of the doubt to Mao in the decade that followed.

55. To quote the apostle Peter, it is the way of “loose conduct, lusts, excesses with wine, revelries, drinking matches, and illegal idolatries,” a way that leads to a “low sink of debauchery.”

56. To formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to formally ask for a special piece of work from someone: The newspaper Commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the …

57. Arete as a moral term doesn’t just mean striving toward excellence, it means avoiding vices (deficiencies and excesses of virtue) and helping others to do the same (as that is a fulfillment of grand purpose)

58. Abstemiousness: 1 n moderation in eating and drinking Type of: moderation , temperance the trait of avoiding excesses n restricted to bare necessities Type of: exiguity , leanness , meagerness , meagreness , poorness , scantiness , scantness the quality of being meager

59. Hypernyms ("Abstemiousness" is a kind of): moderation; temperance (the trait of avoiding excesses) Attribute: abstemious (sparing in consumption of especially food and drink) Derivation: abstemious (sparing in consumption of especially food and drink)

60. To formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to formally ask for a special piece of work from someone: The newspaper Commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion industry

61. The capricious course which he at all times pursued respecting diet, -- his long fastings, his expedients for the Allayment of hunger, his occasional excesses in the most unwholesome food, and, during the latter part of his residence in

62. At the same time he condemned the excesses of the Revolution as "anarchy, intrigues, disobedience of the law, irreligiosity, cruelty and murder", but did not declare himself fundamentally opposed to the principles of the Revolution, based on the ideas of the Enlightenment.

63. In Agadir, a city located in the southern part of the coast of Morocco, the climate is a bit peculiar: it's subtropical oceanic, temperate and arid.Winters are very mild, with quite rare rains, while summers are warm but without excesses, and with no rain.

64. ‘He is a man of plain words, impatient with metaphor, fascinated by the structure of the land and evidence of early attempts to cultivate and Civilise it.’ ‘Social reformers believed that carefully designed settlements would curb many of these excesses, help to Civilise the navvy and improve his work rate.’

65. This Appalls the Santerians as much as the rest of us.; The excesses of the executive side of this corporation appall me,; They get into a fight, which Appalls the Petco executives.; And he exhibits a familiarity that Appalls the rest of the staff.; Removing healthy tissue Appalls some doctors, and the

66. ‘He is a man of plain words, impatient with metaphor, fascinated by the structure of the land and evidence of early attempts to cultivate and Civilise it.’ ‘Social reformers believed that carefully designed settlements would curb many of these excesses, help to Civilise the navvy and improve his work rate.’

67. It is, at best, difficult to build a doctrine based on Paul’s warnings, cautions, and Admonishings to the Corinthians, who clearly demonstrated carnality and immaturity in their lives, and were known for many abuses, factions, jealousies, excesses at the Lord’s table, women behaving inappropriately and in an unseemly manner, immorality

68. Indeed, physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling predicts that concentrations of cyanoethylene oxide in the brains of humans would be considerably greater than those in rats exposed to similar concentrations of acrylonitrile, although increases in brain cancer have not been observed in epidemiological studies with limited power to detect excesses of this rare tumour.

69. Even his Prometheus, the Archradical and comforter of humankind, is a willing accomplice in the cycle of violence in which the tyranny of one order is succeeded by the despotism of the next, while in Endecott and the Red Cross the repressive Puritanism of Governor Endecott is balanced by the excesses of the hedonistic Merry Mount settlers.