Use "exasperated" in a sentence

1. Her moods exasperated him.

2. I was exasperated at her ill behaviour.

3. I am exasperated with her.

4. Labour, exasperated, broke the coalition.

5. She was exasperated against the informer.

6. He's becoming increasingly exasperated with the situation.

7. He was almost ecstatically exasperated by Kemp 's treachery.

8. She was exasperated by the senseless delays.

9. We were exasperated at his ill behaviour.

10. I was exasperated by all the noise.

11. Cindy was completely exasperated with her son.

12. He was becoming exasperated with the child.

13. She was exasperated at/by his stupidity.

14. 8 She was exasperated against the informer.

15. He was exasperated, but not cast down.

16. Azadi was becoming exasperated by all the questions.

17. Dorman-Smith's erratic behaviour had exasperated him already.

18. His refusal to cooperate has exasperated his lawyers.

19. 3 He's becoming increasingly exasperated with the situation.

20. He put his head in his hands, exasperated.

21. Neil had grown very exasperated with her about that.

22. The president was clearly exasperated by the whole saga.

23. 19 Voynet was exasperated by the delaying tactics of certain councils.

24. Voynet was exasperated by the delaying tactics of certain councils.

25. 'Why won't you answer me?' he asked in an exasperated voice.

26. She was becoming exasperated with all the questions they were asking.

27. Maggie saw Hermione shake exasperated shoulders and suddenly feared that she might walk away.

28. Christopher becomes exasperated by Pooh's absent-mindedness and fear of Heffalumps and Woozles.

29. And neither did the cacophony of exasperated hoots which was soaring to a crescendo.

30. Most were exasperated by their own position and that of the nation in general.

31. “Often feelings of loneliness and being left out build up inside, and I become exasperated, even angry.

32. 8 His erudition exasperated the average reader, and was sometimes queried by the expert.

33. The Balkans and the anti-Maastricht Tory rebels turned the statesman into an exasperated headmaster.

34. Mr. Pan was exasperated, but he restrained himself and, stooping down, picked up the child.

35. Synonyms for Annoyed include piqued, cross, aggravated, disgruntled, exasperated, irked, irritated, nettled, upset and aggrieved

36. Eventually a letter arrived from London in response to Moran's exasperated inquiries about his elder son.

37. Many Republicans are exasperated at the vice-president's temerity to ask for all the votes to be counted.

38. At one point, exasperated police even issued artist's impression drawings in an attempt to catch the creature.

39. The coughing, the rustling of the newspapers, the rasp of coat buttons on table or chair exasperated his brooding.

40. But he demanded high standards and as a classical scholar was exasperated by my inability to cope with Latin.

41. Betrayed, Bothered, and Beleaguered!(いやいやピカチュウ、やれやれバリヤードThe Reluctant Pikachu and the Exasperated Mr

42. Synonyms for have had a Basinful of include tired, bored, exasperated, sick, irritated, dissatisfied, fed up, jaded, weary and annoyed

43. It exasperated his grandmother to see this forceful spirit drifting like a rudderless boat, directed neither to work nor to leisure.

44. They also have a similar sort of appeal : " They are particularly adept at tapping into , and claiming to represent , the frustrations of an exasperated electorate .

45. Over on WoW's subreddit, several of the most popular threads are angry rants from players exasperated by how Anticlimactically the fight with N'Zoth ends

46. Ancient Athenians could not suffer Socrates because he forced everybody to define abstract terms like justice , temperance , love , etc . , and exasperated them by pulling to pieces every definition that they attempted .

47. Unlike the serene sculptural compositions Bestrewn throughout the gallery, this seven-and-a-half-minute film doused the space with the sounds of exasperated children, as their hapless parents beg for their compliance

48. This sort of “sigh, shame-on-you” comment can be used in all kinds of situations, but is almost always experienced as Condescending. It’s the the sort of thing an exasperated parent would say to

49. In Congreve's "The Way of the World," an exasperated Lady Wishfort bursts out, "Go lie down and sleep, you sot, or as I'm a person, I'll have you Bastinadoed with broomsticks." Recommended on

50. Adjective irritated, bothered, pissed (taboo slang), harassed, hassled (informal), aggravated (informal), maddened, ruffled, exasperated, nettled, vexed, pissed off (taboo slang), miffed (informal), displeased, irked, riled, harried, peeved (informal), piqued, browned off (informal) She tapped her forehead and looked Annoyed with herself.

51. Cabbaged The word Cabbaged originated in Belfast Northern Ireland: The meaning of this term is - wiped off your tree, maybe consuming too many extacy pills or other drugs to be in state where you are unable to move ie Cabbaged It can also mean to be exasperated due to the result of being stoned to the ballix ie consuming too much cannibus

52. ‘I was rather Chagrined to discover there were inquiries for puppies going right back to October last year that I hadn't answered.’ Synonyms annoyed , irritated, cross, angry, vexed, exasperated, irked, piqued, displeased, put out, fed up, disgruntled, in a bad mood, in a temper, testy, in high dudgeon, huffy, in a huff, resentful, aggrieved

53. ‘I was rather Chagrined to discover there were inquiries for puppies going right back to October last year that I hadn't answered.’ Synonyms annoyed , irritated, cross, angry, vexed, exasperated, irked, piqued, displeased, put out, fed up, disgruntled, in a bad mood, in a temper, testy, in high dudgeon, huffy, in a huff, resentful, aggrieved

54. They might be exasperated and Antipathetic, but never bored All the questions afterwards were Antipathetic George was Antipathetic to Richard Crossman A Europe built on the lines implicit in the Franco-German alliance would certainly be more Antipathetic to the Americans than the looser Europe I preferred That the public at large was so strongly Antipathetic to

55. Present participle of bellow··The sound produced when someone or something bellows 1890, Richard Garnett, The Twilight of the Gods, and Other Tales‎[1]: The cries of applause and derision from the spectators, and the formidable Bellowings of the exasperated monks who surrounded Pachymius, did not tend to steady his nerves, or render the task of