Use "ewes" in a sentence

1. Though Blesbok rams and ewes are very similar in …

2. Most Cotswold ewes produce quite a lot of milk.

3. Ewes also can have horns, or nubs called scurrs.

4. If ewes have horns, they are small like a knob.

5. However, he also tried breeding Cheviot rams to Columbia ewes.

6. He's using ultrasound scanning to discover if ewes are pregnant.

7. Ewes can lamb up to three times in two years.

8. St. Croix ewes produce ample quantities of milk high in butterfat.

9. However, the ewes make good mothers and produce plenty of milk.

10. There were 810 breeding ewes, ewe lambs, and rams on offer.

11. Ewes have a yearly milk yield of 152 l on average.

12. The rams of this breed are horned, and the ewes are not.

13. On average, ewes mature at 18 months while rams mature at 24 months.

14. He's helping to drive in the ewes for a mass ante natal clinic.

15. In some regions of the United States, ewes are being milked for cheese production.

16. Rams weigh between 185 and 235 lb and ewes between 175 and 210 lb.

17. Increase in flock size depended on the number of ewes entrusted to a shepherd.

18. Rams of four to six years of age may be allowed up to 50 ewes .

19. A few months later, the flock had dwindled to just 28 ewes and one lamb.

20. Herds of Bighorns live with up to 15 ewes, lambs, yearlings and two-year old’s

21. Blackface ewes are excellent mothers and will often attempt to defend their lambs against predators.

22. The horns are generally small on the ewes but larger and stronger on the males.

23. Blindfolded lambs emitted more frequencies of Baaings to seek care from ewes instead of vision

24. 13 John Bracken scanned the ewes with ultrasound and, by March, he was detecting pregnancies.

25. Ewes are 65 cm at the withers, weigh 40 kg and have scurs or small horns.

26. Ewes have a mean daily milk yield of 906.2g, with a lactation period of 199 days.

27. Region Advance on premium payable per female of the ovine species other than eligible ewes 1 3,857

28. An inhibitor of PG synthesis was found in allantoic fluid from ewes at 100–130 days gestation.

29. Region Advance on premium payable per female of the ovine species other than eligible ewes 1 3,301

30. The effect of nutrition and body condition of triplet-bearing ewes during late pregnancy on the behaviour of ewes and lambs The Doe Next Door Micro Heat Bleat Call produces estrous Bleats or fawn Bleats by swapping out O-rings.

31. Blesbok males (Rams) are stockier and more robustly built and they also weigh more than ewes (females)

32. The MacSharry package would reduce headage limits for ewe premiums in less-favoured areas from 000 to 750 ewes.

33. In 1958, the CSIRO purchased 12 ewes (triplets or quadruplets) and a ewe who had given birth to triplets.

34. Ewes can have two crops of lambs per year with an average of 1.5 to 2.3 lambs per litter.

35. Ambient Effects of solar radiation and feeding time on behavior, immune response and production of lactating ewes under high Ambient temperature

36. Mature ewes achieve an average litter size of more than 3.00 and this advantage carries through to lambs weaned per ewe.

37. Ewes Baaing, lambs crying, and shepherds wishing for quiet: will the noise never cease! These are all signs that weaning is commencing

38. Iconic of Lazio is cheese made from ewes' milk (Pecorino Romano), porchetta (savory, fatty, and moist boneless pork roast) and Frascati white wine.

39. They are amongst the smallest sheep, with mature ewes weighing 28 kg (62 lb) and standing 55 cm (22 in) at the withers.

40. To point out the obvious, if a particular ewe in the flock has had repeated instances of health issues, these ewes should be Culled.

41. Ewes that are ill thrift or have some other type of health issue should be Culled from the flock, especially if the condition is contagious

42. It is common to feed a Coccidiostat to ewes during late gestation, though there is disagreement as to whether this is a necessary management practice

43. At 18 months of age, however, the levels of NOx metabolites decreased in Androgenized animals, but remained close to normal in ewes subjected to neonatal treatment with

44. Like fellow sires, PIET, RAPPER and HOMEBREW, PALE ALE’s pedigree features one of Burrawang’s most successful ewes, Burrawang 120020, from whom he inherited great balance along with other qualities

45. In Androgenized ewes at 12 months of age, an increase in subcutaneous fat and relative decrease in the visceral fat compartment did not affect the expression of REDOX markers

46. In Androgenized ewes at 12 months of age, an increase in subcutaneous fat and relative decrease in the visceral fat compartment did not affect the expression of REDOX markers

47. At 18 months of age, however, the levels of NOx metabolites decreased in Androgenized animals, but remained close to normal in ewes subjected to neonatal treatment with leuprolide acetate.

48. The development of the Rambouillet breed started in 1786, when Louis XVI purchased over 300 Spanish Merinos (318 ewes, 41 rams, seven wethers) from his cousin, King Charles III of Spain.

49. Before all or some of that number of ewes and/or she goats in respect of which the premium is requested are placed in agistment during the retention period, the animals concerned must be identified.

50. (2) either [all ovine and caprine animals on the holding have been killed and destroyed or slaughtered, except for breeding rams of the ARR/ARR genotype, breeding ewes carrying at least one ARR allele and no VRQ allele and other ovine animals carrying at least one ARR allele;]

51. Blesbok form large mixed herds during winter, but at the onset of the summer the rams will start establishing small territories, demarcated with scent glands and dung heaps, advertised through ritualised displays and maintained through some serious fighting, in which they attempt to herd and keep groups of ewes with which to mate.

52. Biasness comutar requirement inaniae act of giving birth to a lamb or lambs (regarding a ewe); act of looking after ewes that are lambing (regarding shepherd or farmer), birth of lambs, delivery of baby lambs antiwar protest Cheers! punishment sumbrs (v) sustain Verteiler (u.E.) (S, Tech) create a sensation geisha bistec a la plancha plunder

53. Breeding rams other than those of the ARR/ARR genotype shall be killed or castrated without delay and all possible measures to quickly build up genetic resistance in the ovine population of the holding, including by reasoned breeding and culling of ewes to increase the frequency of the ARR allele and eliminate the VRQ allele, shall be implemented.