Use "evidences" in a sentence

1. Circumstantial evidences are also called ‘Indirect evidences

2. Other Evidences

3. The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement.

4. And then we delete the evidences.

5. The lawyer brought forward some new evidences against the murder.

6. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce.

7. The administration of justice in the penal system evidences a profound crisis

8. This wasp behaviour evidences the most fundamental characteristic of animal sociality: parental investment.

9. Vocal evidences of nervousness may include an abnormally high-pitched or trembling voice.

10. We see a cornfield and a cottage, both solid evidences of man's presence.

11. Synonyms for Betokens include indicates, denotes, signifies, bespeaks, evidences, manifests, means, represents, declares and marks

12. Fossil evidences suggest that Aurochs originates from India, where it appeared 2 million years ago

13. Puerto Rico's month-over-month Economic Activity Index for FY2013 evidences its sluggishness and decline.

14. Paradoxically, the only time the court can deliver the subpoena is when all relevant evidences prepared.

15. The Correlative duty of loyalty arises from this level of trust and the complete reliance which it evidences

16. Moreover, within this little “bundle” are evidences of sophisticated design that impress even highly educated engineers and scientists.

17. Acheulean settlements are older than previously assumed and the oldest evidences are not only located in southern Europe

18. The administrative practice evidences simply the recognition by the Italian authorities of the disproportionate character of this obligation.

19. Counterfeiting, manufacturing spurious coins, paper money, or evidences of governmental obligation (e.g., bonds) in the semblance of the true

20. 3 Indubitable evidences of an ancient custom of ritual regicide have been found over a great portion of the globe.

21. Indubitable evidences of an ancient custom of ritual regicide have been found over a great portion of the globe.

22. Recent experimental evidences have been produced on the protection afforded by penicillin G in rats poisoned by Amanita phalloides extracts.

23. 2. Intra-alveolar groups of pneumocystis show advanced or complete loss of histochemical activity of esterase and evidences of degeneration.

24. One of the first evidences of his change was that he cut short his long hair and shaved off his straggly beard.

25. Throughout Dan Bohi's ministry, thousands have been saved and sanctified with significant evidences of physical healing and restoration to basic health.

26. The method proved to be simple, accurate and offered evidences of western medicines added lawlessly in Chinese patent medicines for hypoglycemic and antirhinitis.

27. It was but yesterday that I could read my title clear; to-day my evidences are Bedimmed, and my hopes are clouded

28. In fact, they provide evidences that support the statements of the Bible, and confute criticisms who doubt the accuracy of biblical descriptions.

29. Empirical evidences in cognitive psychology and neurosciences show that cognition can assist information processing of perception in different ways, which implies that cognition is penetrable.

30. Backstopping is used as a technical tool for project and programme consultancy, whereby it supports the development and transfer of new evidences and innovations

31. The Clearest evidences as to the stages in the evolution of sexual reproduction is found in the plant world among the green algæ

32. To this date, there have been many controversies on “to what extent was Lucy Bipedal?” which has been supported through evidences such as, the analysis of

33. 23 On your second question, China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha islands and their adjacent seas. China has ample historical and jurisprudential evidences on that.

34. Objective To investigate the updated distribution, habitat conditions, cultivation and output of Amomum villosum (AV) in China, thus provide evidences for the germplasm resources research of AV.

35. Objective To study seasonal fluctuation of Rattus flavipectus and the species composition of fleas , and provide the evidences for the policy making in Hepu county of Guangxi.

36. 28 The origin of cocoonase of silkmoth, Bombyx mori was likely midgut, maxilla, or craw. However, it was absent of direct evidences whether the craw could secret cocoonase .

37. Burgos possesses more religious monuments than any other Spanish diocese, not even excepting Toledo - evidences of the piety of the counts and kings of Castile and Leon

38. Age of onset is later than in paralysis Agitans, rigidity is more marked than tremor, evidences of arteriosclerosis are present, e.g., thick arterial walls, retinal arteriosclerosis, etc

39. One of the evidences of their Carnality is that they all wanted to speak in tongues, and that just doesn’t happen to be a measure of spirituality but of Carnality

40. Definition of Approving : showing approval or acceptance an Approving nod/glance/smile He surveyed through the park railings the evidences of the town's opulence and luxury with an Approving eye.

41. Vocal evidences displaying nervousness are an abnormally high pitch, a trembling of the voice, repeated clearing of the throat, an unusual thinness of the tone caused by lack of resonance due to tenseness.

42. At the following Sicilian city, of the early Iron Age, instead, the acromi ceramic in carenate forms, of red and brown paste, finds evidences in the culture of Ausonius in Lipari.

43. Watermarking skills have been developed to avoid the original graphics files from being stolen, modified or tampered and could be admissible in a court of law to be probative as digital evidences.

44. Various Biosystematics; Taxonomic Evidence: Importance and types of taxonomic evidences: Anatomical, cytological, molecular, palynological, geographical and embryological; Nomenclature : Important rules of botanical nomenclature including effective; Valid publication, typification, principles of priority and its limitations, author citation,

45. We even have some preliminary evidences that these microorganisms may still be active in the desiccated state, like walking mummies all around us, and that they may be using UV radiation as a source of energy.

46. Retinopathy and albuminuria as evidences of microangiopathy were present at the beginning of the study in a greater number of patients and in a greater degree in those with persistent bacteriuria than in those cured.

47. Allegiance evidences the best (THE BEST) character development and drama sequencing, not to mention dispensing with the denouement--it's razor sharp at every point; every story point, every decision in the post-production, is pure essence

48. One of the most dramatic evidences of this overthrust is visible in the form of Chief Mountain, an isolated peak on the edge of the eastern boundary of the park rising 2,500 feet (800 m) above the Great Plains.

49. The currently available evidence indicates that most of the preoperative Airway assessment tests only have a low predictive performance for difficult facemask ventilation after anesthetic induction.[1] Thus, the new tests and evidences for prediction of difficult facemask ventilation are still needed.

50. Bottomries, charter parties, bills of lading, bills, bonds, notes, receipts, evidences of debts, releases, and satisfactions of mortgage, judgment and other debts, and such other instruments in writing, of whatever kind or nature, as may be reasonable, advisable, necessary, or …

51. Yet notwithstanding the vast and convincing progress made to brighten the services, to make them applicable to every-day life, and adapt them to modern requirements generally, evidences are unfortunately not Awanting that the Church is losing its grip of the masses.

52. Was put into my hand.I thank you sincerely for it, and consider the views of it so sound, that I have communicated it to my Coadjutors as one of our important evidences of the public sentiment, according to which we must shape our course.

53. The rugose coral ‘Amplexus’ occurs frequently in the sedimentary cover of the Devonian submarine volcanic intrusion in the eastern Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco.This study elucidates the palaeoecology of ‘Amplexus’, which forms very rich and mostly monospecific, spot assemblages within the Lower and Middle Devonian carbonates.Geological and isotopic evidences show that these

54. Emptys and polychrome, and disapprobation him rounded in a unreflected diaghilev wordlessly the checkerberry of this disadvantage, redden royal—the amateurism that Abreacts the candlenut its name—and gave him bombproof.Mastodons sno king hockey bingo, that hob-nobs with the sno king hockey bingo kirkland wa, evidences were zapotec

55. Dean Warburton, writing of the Armagh Assizes of the same Spring said that there were(3) “no juries, no prosecutions, no evidences against any person under the denomination of a United man.” The Tyrone Loyalists did get some minor results, but from their point of view they were disappointing.

56. I told him, "that in the kingdom of Tribnia, (3) by the natives called Langdon, (4) where I had sojourned some time in my travels, the bulk of the people consist in a manner wholly of discoverers, witnesses, informers, Accusers, prosecutors, evidences, swearers, together with their several subservient and subaltern instruments, all under the

57. There are well-documented evidences of Aurangzeb’s patronage of various Hindu religious institutions, namely temples, maths, grants to Brahmins and pujaris: Land grants were renewed to the temples at Mathura, Banaras, Gaya, Gauhati, and others, while the emperor is known to have donated ghee for the navadeep in a few temples, including the Mahabateshwar temple at Agra;

58. (adjective) In view of the many evidences of the linguistic character of Sumerian as opposed to the one fact that the language had engrafted upon it a great number of evident Semitisms, the opinion of the present writer is that the Sumerian, as we have it, is fundamentally an Agglutinative, almost polysynthetic, language, upon which a more

59. The evidences for Astrologic demonology in ancient Israel, when the nation was affected by Hellenism and Babylonian decadence, are found in the latter part of the "Book of the Secrets of Henoch" -- the "Book of the Course of the Lights of Heaven" -- as also previously in the fourth section which treats of Henoch's wanderings "through the secret