Use "evangelized" in a sentence

1. In AD 586 St Kentigern evangelized Tweeddale.

2. They murdered Aztecans, destroyed native civilizations, and force-evangelized the indigenous population

3. (Acts 8:4) All “those who had been scattered,” not just a few appointed ones, evangelized.

4. Consumable provides instant access to over 45 million pieces of premium entertainment, empowering brands to utilize our user evangelized content and promote their messaging

5. The bi-locating nun who may have evangelized America Similarly, if it is within the will of God, humans can be given the gift of Bilocation, where they appear to be in two places at once

6. Those who are most vulnerable to the aggressive proselytizing of sects—a just cause for concern—and those who are incapable of resisting the onslaught of agnosticism, relativism and secularization are generally the baptized who remain insufficiently evangelized; they are easily influenced because their faith is weak, confused, easily shaken and naive, despite their innate religiosity.