Use "eval" in a sentence

1. Ampicillin IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum

2. La empresa evalúa la Aptitud forestal del terreno

3. He was fired after an altercation with another faculty member, and he underwent a mandatory psych eval.

4. The TeamSpeak 3 SDK server eval is limited to 1 virtual server and 32 slots and requires Internet access.

5. La Cámara de Representantes actualmente evalúa tres medidas que persiguen un mismo fin: Auditar la deuda pública de Puerto Rico

6. In scalar context, returns the Caller's package name if there is a Caller (that is, if we're in a subroutine or eval or require) and the undefined value otherwise

7. Anchorwise_output: true - for classification_loss; batch_size: 6 - in train config; num_examples: 960 - in eval config; the paths to model ckpt, train and test records and pbtxt; dan01 (2018-03-26 04:58:36 -0500 ) edit

8. It is also used in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman as an allegory for the eval and apply functions of programming language interpreters in computer science, which feed each other.

9. Tänapäeval kõnelevad peaaegu kõik Berberid araabia keelt, samuti on levinud daridža ning tänu kunagisele Euroopa kolonisatsioonile prantsuse (Marokos, Tuneesias ja Alžeerias) ning hispaania keel (Lääne-Saharas ja osas Marokost)

10. Cuter can then be invoked by calling the Cuter:run/3 function: erl -noshell -eval "Cuter:run(foo, bar, [[1], [2]])" -s init stop This will report a list of inputs that lead to runtime errors, for example foo:bar([0], []) and foo:bar([3,2,1], [0.0,0])