Use "europeans" in a sentence

1. Torture was certainly practised by Europeans upon Europeans.

2. 22 Torture was certainly practised by Europeans upon Europeans.

3. The technical superiority of the Europeans' weapons gave the Europeans an absolute advantage.

4. Those Europeans never did fit in.

5. Disarming the Kurds and the Europeans.

6. Brain Size of Australian Aborigines and Europeans

7. ‘Butchered’: The Kenyan FGM clinic serving Europeans

8. Albocracy: Government by “white” men or Europeans

9. Europeans are squeamish about warfare and armies.

10. This is an area rarely visited by Europeans.

11. Americans tend to be more puritanical than Europeans.

12. Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness.

13. Japanese people, on average, live longer than Europeans.

14. The Beothuk were the aboriginal inhabitants of Newfoundland when Europeans arrived, and were the first indigenous people the Europeans encountered in North America

15. What does Albocracy mean? Governance by whites or Europeans

16. The rebels are threatening all Europeans in the DRC.

17. However exploration of Australasia introduced Europeans to black swans.

18. Predominantly Arab; but also Afro-Arab, South Asians, Europeans.

19. We were like any other Europeans meeting in Africa.

20. Some Europeans sympathize with the Americans over the issue.

21. Many Europeans recoiled at the slaughter of the Aborigines.

22. The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.

23. According to this article all Europeans are descended from Charlemagne.

24. And I've seen Africans sell their own kind to Europeans.

25. The natives were believed by the Europeans to be Anthropophagites.

26. It delves into commonly held stereotypes about Native Americans, examines Abenaki life before the arrival of Europeans, explores the changing cultures of Europeans and Abenaki as …

27. The Balts were a north-western division of Indo-Europeans

28. Quite the reverse: only we Europeans are targeted ad nauseam.

29. 15 Some Europeans sympathize with the Americans over the issue.

30. The lion's share of travel in Europe is dominated by Europeans.

31. Europeans prefer complexity and nuance, the Japanese revere minuteness and minimalism.

32. Ashkenazic Jews were among the last Europeans to take family names

33. Non-Europeans, in particular, may find the entire topic impenetrably abstruse.

34. Ashkenazic Jews were among the last Europeans to take family names

35. Ashkenazic Jews were among the last Europeans to take family names

36. The Emperor Charlemagne is the ancestor of most, perhaps all Europeans

37. In the 16th century, Europeans began to bring slaves from Africa.

38. A catastrophe was wrought upon the Amerindians by contact with Europeans.

39. Bavarians, Austrians, heck ALL Europeans love to just take a break

40. The Dutch were the only Europeans allowed to trade in Japan.

41. In contrast to 90% of modern Europeans, he was lactose-intolerant.

42. Mountain Europeans gave the walking stick the name, Alpenstock, meaning Alpine stick.

43. If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue.

44. Costa Cruises is a European experience that primarily is geared toward Europeans

45. The Armenians are the descendants of a branch of the Indo-Europeans

46. The feudal lords who controlled the mine actively traded with the Europeans.

47. Europeans peg out boundaries and build fences; Aborigines hunt and gather nomadically.

48. He was one of the first Europeans to see the Victoria Falls.

49. Most Austrians and many other Europeans Abhor capital punishment as cruel and inhumane

50. The greatest challenge for the Americans is understanding the mindset of Eastern Europeans.

51. The ''Caucasians'' include: Arabs, North African (Berbers), Iranians, Indian Subcontinental people, Europeans etc

52. And that’s because Europeans didn’t set up inclusive institutions for the Central Africanese.

53. Many Europeans, especially the French, the Dazu rock carvings dote all the more.

54. Europeans are undoubtedly as technically inventive and managerially competent as their US counterparts.

55. According to statistics, one percent of all Europeans, Asiatics and Americans are “stone carriers.”

56. Would the Europeans, for example, not fight tooth and nail against a weakening dollar?

57. While initially relatively friendly, relations between the Europeans and the Algonquin tribes deteriorated quickly.

58. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans released domestic pigs on many subantarctic islands.

59. When the Indo-Europeans called Aryans arrived in the Indus Valley they were illiterate

60. So, being I'm in the United States, I'll have a dig at the Europeans.

61. UNHCR's predecessor, the International Refugee Organization ( IRO ) helped one million Europeans to resettle overseas.

62. The Europeans put the peanut to additional uses, even as a substitute for coffee beans.

63. The relations between the Noongar people and the Europeans were strained due to these events.

64. 21 Would the Europeans, for example, not fight tooth and nail against a weakening dollar?

65. In the East objects are carried in the Bosom which Europeans carry in the pocket

66. The story of the conquest of the Native North Americans (Indians) by Europeans raises questions.

67. As Europeans established sugar plantations on the larger Caribbean islands, prices fell, especially in Britain.

68. Many west Europeans , faced with severe recession at home, will see this as outrageously unfair.

69. The Afrikaners are descendants of Europeans who arrived in South Africa in the seventeenth century

70. The Commission's policies and activities to bring cutting-edge new internet technologies to all Europeans.

71. Bohunk is a disparaging term given to certain Eastern Europeans, ranging from Hungarians to Ukrainians

72. Medicinal Uses The Chinese, Europeans, and North Americans have used Bryophytes as medicines since long ago.

73. According to a genetic study in February 2019 almost all Afrikaners have admixture from non-Europeans.

74. Europeans should be pleased – and relieved – that they are no longer America’s first line of defense.

75. Pigs made a wonderful source of sustenance for other Europeans who began to colonize the islands.

76. Ethnic aliens belong to one of three groups : Asians from the Indian subcontinent, Arabs and europeans.

77. The Assyrians look quite similar to Southern Europeans (Greeks, Italians, Maltese, etc) and also Persian people

78. All this was invented in the 18th, 19th century by Europeans for a variety of reasons.


80. Europeans brought new diseases such as smallpox and measles, which caused the deaths of many natives.