Use "ethic" in a sentence

1. Vanishing Work Ethic

2. The old ethic of hard work has given way to a new ethic of instant gratification.

3. She had a real work ethic.

4. Plain Janes with a work ethic?

5. I have a strong work ethic.

6. The good old Protestant work ethic.

7. They instilled the work ethic into their children.

8. Probably laissez faire and " Protestant work ethic " helped.

9. This ethic is often used in organized crime.

10. Yet, my dad has a good work ethic.

11. Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic.

12. He was Accoladed for his work ethic & poise

13. That must be where you get your work ethic.

14. The ethic of filial duty of Buddhism ethic was the key to Buddhism' s development and one of the main features of Buddhism in China.

15. The work ethic was never very strong in Simon.

16. Mr. Grass inherited his work ethic from his father.

17. See, Andrew has always had this extraordinary work ethic.

18. Either that, or a different investment ethic prevails there.

19. They've certainly got work ethic and dedication from their dad.

20. Conservation is an ethic of resource use, allocation, and protection.

21. Therefore China"s eco-ethic must follow the nativism way."

22. They can each attest to my hard work ethic and persistence.

23. The official main subject of the school was Christian Ethic Morals.

24. What do I do to teach kids a solid work ethic?

25. You come from a modesty culture. Work ethic, and all that.

26. But, surely a true global ethic is for someone to say,

27. “An ethic of conspicuous compassion, where ‘being a nice person’ excuses everything.”

28. We seem to have less of a work ethic than did our forefathers.

29. Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation?

30. Irvin developed his work ethic because of his father, who was a roofer.

31. * Employment: Develop new job skills, foster a strong work ethic, earn advanced certifications.

32. I firmly believe in the cooperative ethic, I talk about it a lot.

33. Metamorphosis, in turn, certainly represents the horrible imagery of an ethic of lucidity.

34. Coonhound mixes are smart, focused, disciplined, endurance athletes with a tireless, fearless work ethic

35. This situation generated a low working ethic, morale and motivation among the agencies' personnel

36. The assembly program involved common prayers, songs, lectures, and dramas on moral-ethic subjects.

37. I'm sorry to cast Aspersions on Julie, but her work ethic is really terrible

38. Tori is also known for her Advocation of the DIY ( Do-It-Yourself ) work ethic

39. The Conventionalist Ethic If you are not breaking the law it is probably ok, is similar to the Theory of Amorality, criticism of the this ethic is the actions in business directly impact the lives

40. Affectionate and mild-mannered at home, the Bullmastiff has a strong and serious work ethic

41. “To forget all about that good old Anglo-Saxon ethic of stoicism and to cry.

42. Aloofness is the inherent claim of doctors vocation; Empathy is external character of medical ethic.

43. It was rooted in a cast of mind raised to an ethic in the professions.

44. He’s the model of professionalism, Coolheadedness and he possesses a work ethic second to none

45. With a stronger private sector, a more vital ethic of self-help might also emerge.

46. Domestic instruction is an ethic schoolbook of ancient family, it includes rich domestic moral education thought.

47. Weber's essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is his most famous work.

48. About Tory Akene When you think about trust, loyalty and work ethic; you think of Tory

49. 22 His work ethic and his way of making his column look so easy are unsurpassed.

50. 19, Aloofness is the inherent claim of doctors vocation; Empathy is external character of medical ethic

51. Bondie Trading LLC’s maintains a rigorous work ethic and practices its profession in a most professional manner

52. The group may provide guidelines for behaviour such as a professional ethic or a code of conduct.

53. Its political inflexion contests the middle-class work ethic which is the main purpose of its message.

54. Thereby has to be taken into account, that ethic, social and ecologic standards have to be respected.

55. The independent ethic they had courted so successfully since their conception was beginning to fall hopelessly apart.

56. The unique ways of dissemination of poem are the important links in its process of ethic canonization.

57. Known for his easy-going California attitude, he is respected for his creativity, work ethic, and Congeniality

58. Any culture can get the work ethic if the institutions are there to create the incentive to work.

59. They demand a collective ethic and a shared ideal; instead they are often treated as large-stage star vehicles.

60. In many cases, the work ethic is denigrated and impulse repression is replaced by an incitement to self-expression.

61. Collegiate’s rigorous academics pushed me to develop a strong work ethic and an endless curiosity to never stop learning

62. Risk factors specific to the individual such as work ethic or commitment to the organisation need to be considered.

63. Seeking a dedicated computer programmer capable of operating in a collaborative environment with superior skills and excellent work ethic.

64. If finally I become wholly submerged in this solipsism there could be no other rational ethic for me than egoism.

65. Bucko is the 4th track on Fearless and describes Josh’s relentless work ethic and his rise into the rap scene

66. With a competent, able team and hard work ethic, Bedevil has grown and is recognized throughout the oil field industry.

67. When it was time for me to go it alone, I took that attitude and work ethic to Amende Place

68. A thirst for learning and the work ethic to step up to a challenge are values we now recruit on.

69. 29 Confucian kindheartedness is soul of Confucian ethic thought. We must affirm and develop the essence after discarding the Feudalism dross.

70. Moderately Easy Training: The Coolie is an intelligent dog who has an impeccable work ethic and a strong desire to please

71. Here the prospect of building an ethic on spontaneity and awareness brings about an unexpected shift of the burden of proof.

72. I have a little bit of a problem with this American family ethic... that seems to have hypnotized the whole country.

73. Growing up under Soviet occupation had a profound effect on everything from Brike's work ethic to her subject matter and aesthetic sensibilities

74. Growing up under Soviet occupation had a profound effect on everything from Brike's work ethic to her subject matter and aesthetic sensibilities

75. Hacker ethic, as the behavioral rules of hacker subculture, leads to the damage to information security and active moral meaning as well.

76. In Korea and Japan, ethic and etiquette have been under the influence of the Confucian viewpoints such as humanity, justice and etiquette, etc

77. The film showed the difficulties faced by the miners, working in crude conditions, but also the honesty and work ethic they displayed.

78. The individual with this ethic does not engage in any cooperative activity for goals beyond the immediate-interest of the nuclear family.

79. Massive spamming has turned what was an amusing annoyance into a lucrative business that profits by violating the pre-commercial Internet ethic.

80. In one sense, the Confucian ethic is egalitarian, though not in Western sense where everyone has equal standing and opportunity within society