Use "estuaries" in a sentence

1. Barramundis are born in estuaries

2. In long estuaries several nodes and Antinodes may exist

3. Marine Biofouling is commonplace in open waters, estuaries and rivers

4. Cockles are found in estuaries round the British coastline.

5. Jelly Blubbers tend to be found in intertidal estuaries and coastal waters

6. In nature, estuaries are a common site of Brackish water

7. Ocean Acidification is a global threat to the world’s oceans, estuaries, and waterways

8. Archerfishes Archerfishes inhabit coastal waters and estuaries of Southeast Asia and the Tropical Pacific

9. A broad range of biological attributes have been used as Bioindicators in estuaries (Bortone, 2005)

10. Banded Archerfish inhabit the brackish mangrove estuaries of India and eastward to northern Australia

11. Southwold to Brightlingsea poor with flounder and dabs plus occasional sole and plaice from estuaries.

12. They tend to favour mountains, moorland and sea cliffs in the breeding seasons, and estuaries and coasts in winter.

13. Brackish habitats include estuaries and mangrove swamps and there are also some Brackish seas and lakes

14. 20 Sands derived from beaches, estuaries or the sea bed may contain quantities of salt within their interstitial waters.

15. Both Belugas and narwhals inhabit the Arctic Ocean, along with some nearby seas, bays, fjords, and estuaries

16. All of the Brachyuran species studied thus far live in estuaries or along coasts and have the same general life …

17. Saltwater Crocodiles generally spend the tropical wet season in freshwater swamps and rivers, moving downstream to estuaries in the dry season

18. Estuaries and Bays form where rivers meet the ocean, mixing freshwater from far inland with saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico.

19. Anadramous fish species such as salmon, sturgeon, gaspereau or alewife, striped bass, and eel, seasonally move up the estuaries in large numbers.

20. The state's coastline contains many salt marshes and estuaries, as well as natural ports such as Georgetown and Charleston.

21. They divide up their waters quite amicably, and each occupies a wide range of habitats, from ponds to estuaries.

22. bore (plural Bores) A sudden and rapid flow of tide occuring in certain rivers and estuaries which rolls up as a wave.

23. Inflow studies done to assess the effects of changing flows in Texas estuaries used benthic invertebrates and macrofauna biomass as Bioindicators (Palmer et al

24. 2 John Glenn, D-Ohio, intends to introduce legislation that would prohibit ships from discharging organism-laced ballast water in estuaries.

25. Coasts are also home to diverse ecosystems including beaches, estuaries, and deltas that provide opportunities for recreation, support fisheries, and protect land from coastal storms.

26. The Bores attracted crowds to the banks of the river in Flintshire to observe the phenomenon, which only occurs in certain estuaries around the world

27. 1 French Land Register data, which excludes lakes, ponds, glaciers > 1 km 2 (0.386 sq mi or 247 acres) and river estuaries

28. 1 French Land Register data, which excludes lakes, ponds, glaciers > 1 km 2 (0.386 sq mi or 247 acres) and river estuaries

29. A buoyant, large-headed duck that abruptly vanishes and resurfaces as it feeds, the tiny Bufflehead spends winters bobbing in bays, estuaries, reservoirs, and lakes

30. We tested the hypothesis that advective transport regulates zooplankton biomass in the Hudson and in lakes, estuaries, and rivers for which we have published values.

31. Adult males segregate from females with calves and juvenÎles during their period of summer aggregation in estuaries (Michaud 1993, Smith and Martin 1994, Smith et al.

32. A buoyant, large-headed duck that abruptly vanishes and resurfaces as it feeds, the tiny Bufflehead spends winters bobbing in bays, estuaries, reservoirs, and lakes

33. Estuaries are the home of many living species that can be classified into plankton, nekton and benthos based on their swim ability and the habitats they live.

34. The Common Cockle lives on muddy and sandy shores, between the high tide and low tide mark, and is commonly found in estuaries

35. It frequents estuaries and the intertidal zone to a depth of 439 m, as well as in sandy areas near deep rocky reefs.

36. “Curlews are instantly recognisable on winter estuaries or summer moors by their striking long, curved beak, long legs and evocative call,” said RSPB’s Dr Daniel Hayhow.

37. A. flavimanus, the largest species of goby found in estuaries of California, was first discovered in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system of California in 1963.

38. The Curlew is the largest European wading bird, instantly recognisable on winter estuaries or summer moors by its long, downcurved bill, brown upperparts, long legs and evocative call

39. Some authors sometimes erroneously include in Balneotherapy mud therapy, sea baths, and bathing in estuaries and in the natural brine of salt lakes (brine baths)

40. Water bodies exist in many forms—natural or seminatural such as seas, lakes, rivers, estuaries, Bayous, lagoons, and artificial such as reservoirs, ponds, retention basins, canals, harbors, etc

41. The park protects diverse range of habitats including the rugged, forested landscape surrounding Mount Elliot and Saddle Mountain as well as coastal estuaries between Cape Cleveland and Cape Bowling Green.

42. As observed on the map, the jagged, and rocky Atlantic Ocean coastline of Connecticut is a mixture of bays, inlets, tiny islands, river estuaries, and a few sandy beaches.

43. Tidal Barrages alter the flow of saltwater in and out of estuaries, which can alter the quality of the seawater and thus negatively impact and displace marine life in the area

44. These Backwaters are formed due to the back and forth motions of sea waves, giving rise to intoxicating water bodies like lakes, canals, lagoons, deltas, and estuaries

45. South Louisiana is a delicate, complex combination of swamps, wetlands, Bayous, marshes, estuaries, and river delta area where the Atchafalaya River and the Gulf of Mexico converge

46. Bichirs are a primitive ray-finned fish that are found in the swampy, shallow floodplains and estuaries of the Nile River system in tropical Africa and are in the same

47. The land area of Andros consists of hundreds of small islets and cays connected by mangrove estuaries and tidal swamplands, together with three major islands: North Andros, Mangrove Cay, and South Andros.

48. Colloids are 1 nm to 1 µm particles that usually become destabilized in estuaries due to rapid changes in salinity, resulting in aggregation that brings them into the traditional particle size range

49. An overview of EPA’s oceans, Coasts, estuaries and beaches programs and the regulatory (permits/rules) and non-regulatory approaches for managing their associated environmental issues, such as water pollution and climate change.

50. This species occurs in muddy estuaries, tidal flats and swamps and marshes and is capable of remaining out of the water for up to 60 hours so long as it is kept moist.

51. Vectensis is the starlet sea anemone, an Anthozoan that burrows in muddy estuaries along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, as well as along the southern coast of England (Fig

52. Now, a single trematode is tiny, microscopic, but collectively they weighed as much as all the fish in the estuaries and three to nine times more than all the birds.

53. What Is Cholera? Cholera is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Vibrio Cholerae. The bacteria typically live in waters that are somewhat salty and warm, such as estuaries and waters

54. Bores close to the coastline or estuaries are at risk of drawing in saltwater if a bore is installed too deep, or has a pump with a flow-rate that is too high.

55. Diatoms may preferentially use and may use it both Assimilatively and in non‐assimilative photoprotection or energy balance Lomas and Glibert (1999a,b) Growth suppression of productivity in estuaries by elevated loading suggested

56. Tidal Bore, also called Bore, body of water that, during exceptionally high sea tides, rushes up some rivers and estuaries near a coast where there is a large tidal range and the incoming tide is confined to a narrow channel

57. Average June–September estimates of early instar abundance within two coastal estuaries and the adjacent nearshore are compared with alongshore and cross-shelf transport vectors during the preceding 4- to 5-mo pelagic larval phase.

58. Avocet - long-legged web-footed black-and-white shorebird with slender upward-curving bill limicoline bird, shore bird, shorebird - any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries genus Recurvirostra, Recurvirostra - type genus of the Recurvirostridae: Avocets

59. Cheshire, geographic and historic county and former administrative county of northwestern England, bordering Wales to the west, fronting the Dee and Mersey estuaries to the northwest, and flanked by the Pennine uplands, partly within the Peak District National Park, to the east

60. The Coastal zone is an interface between the land and sea, which comprised of a continuum of Coastal land, intertidal area, aquatic systems including the network of rivers and estuaries, islands, transitional and intertidal areas, salt marshes, wetlands, and …

61. Archerfish can be found in the waters of India, South-East Asia and Northern Australia.They generally dwell in brackish water such as mangrove estuaries, but will also survive in fresh water and often make their way up coastal rivers and streams

62. Not only is it about time for brown to start their annual migration, but Baitfish, come fall, are important for everything from bass that are fattening up for cooler weather and coastal predators like redfish and speckled trout that are starting to move into coastal estuaries and marshes.

63. En Interactions between the shelf and the various components of the coastal zone (neritic zone, estuaries, inter-tidal zone, lagoons and salt marshes); relative importance of autochthonous and Allochthonous sources of matter for different types of near-shore ecosystems; origin, transformation and fate of organic matter in the coastal sea