Use "estivation" in a sentence

1. Estivation, aestivation (s) ; estivations, Aestivations (pl) 1

2. What does Aestivation mean? Estivation

3. Estivation, aestivation (s) ; estivations, Aestivations (pl) 1

4. Aestivation in British English or US estivation (ˌiːstɪˈveɪʃən, ˌɛs-)

5. Estivation, Aestivation Obsolete, summering; the taking of a summer holiday.

6. Aestivation, also spelled estivation in the USA, is a state of animal dormancy.

7. Aestivation or estivation refers to the positional arrangement of the parts of a flower within a flower bud before it has opened

8. Aestivation or estivation is almost similar to hibernation, but the distinct critical point is that Aestivation is the summer sleep. It occurs to the animals living in deserts or tropical areas

9. First thing first snails go into hibernation in winters nd into Aestivations in summers 1 - estivation: The snail lives short periods of great activity, which are essential for building up its reserves

10. Aestivation or æstivation (from Latin: aestas, summer, but also spelled estivation in American English) is a state of animal dormancy, similar to hibernation, characterized by inactivity and a lowered metabolic rate, that is entered in response to high temperatures and arid conditions

11. Aestivation or æstivation (from , summer, but also spelled estivation in American English) is a state of animal dormancy, similar to hibernation, characterized by inactivity and a lowered metabolic rate, that is entered in response to high temperatures and arid conditions

12. Aestivation or estivation refers to a period when an animal enters into a state of dormancy during hot and dry seasons. The period of dormancy is usually characterized by reduced activity of the animal, which also translates to a reduction in the metabolic activity.

13. Aestivation or estivation is the positional arrangement of the parts of a flower within a flower bud before it has opened. Aestivation is also sometimes referred to as praefoliation or prefoliation, but these terms may also mean vernation: the arrangement of leaves within a vegetative bud.

14. Entries with "Adumbration" shadowing: …discreetly tracking or following someone, keeping under surveillance.A faint representation; an Adumbration.Edward Burnett Tylor There are in savage theology shadowings, quaint or… Rhymes:English/eɪʃən: …adjuration adjustation adlegation admiration adoration adrogation adulation Adumbration adunation advocation aerostation aestivation, estivation

15. Entries with "adumbration" shadowing: …discreetly tracking or following someone, keeping under surveillance.A faint representation; an adumbration.Edward Burnett Tylor There are in savage theology shadowings, quaint or… Rhymes:English/eɪʃən: …adjuration adjustation adlegation admiration adoration adrogation adulation adumbration Adunation advocation aerostation aestivation, estivation

16. Aestivation (Latin: aestas (summer); also spelled estivation in American English) is a state of animal dormancy, similar to hibernation, although taking place in the summer rather than the winter.Aestivation is characterized by inactivity and a lowered metabolic rate, that is entered in response to high temperatures and arid conditions