Use "eschatology" in a sentence

1. Let's just call that "reserved eschatology."

2. 8 Number one, ; I said Colossians and Ephesians both have realized eschatology; Paul has reserved eschatology.

3. Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul.

4. Eschatology, Fulfillment, and Co-Covenanting Communities

5. This is called by scholars "realized eschatology."

6. Where did this Christian tradition of historical eschatology originate?

7. Editorial and Zarathustra's cosmogony and eschatology, a Bicephalous imperial

8. Eschatology is about ultimate things as well as "last" things.

9. The effervescent eschatology of sunshine and wealth had gone flat.

10. It's like for Paul the blessings of the eschaton, the eschatology,is still horizontal.

11. The question of eschatology in a biblical Pauline sense is always more than eschatological .

12. The starting point and end point of his Eschatology is human existence and value.

13. Tendency in church—to isolate the work of the Holy Spirit and Eschatology from one another.

14. But eschatology, Brooding in the background, soon put an end to this somewhat hectic social burst.

15. As other branches of theology, eschatology was explained according to the private, individual, and existential method.

16. We must not indulge in an over-realized eschatology which leads to the triumphalistic attitude that we have already arrived.

17. Christian eschatology , however, reveals that the issue of time in Spenser's poetry is far more complex than classical influence.

18. This is not only the best name in the long history of eschatology, it's the only name that should ever be used.

19. Ash˓Arite thinkers, following al-Mu˓tazila, dealt with the main theological issues of Islamic faith, including arguments for the existence of God, divine unity, revelation, prophecy, and eschatology

20. Environmentalists have their own eschatology —a vision of a world not consumed by holy fire but returned to ecological balance by the removal of the most disruptive species in history.

21. In the tradition of Seventh-day Adventist eschatology, which had been suppressed by Kuniaki Koiso during his wartime rule of Korea, Ahn further believed to be living in the end time and that the Second Coming was imminent.

22. In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist, or anti-Christ, is a person prophesied by the Bible to oppose Christ and substitute himself in Christ's place After the Second Coming.The term (including one plural form) is found five times in the New Testament, solely in the First and Second Epistle of John

23. Adventists (ăd`vĕn'tĭsts) [advent, Lat.,=coming], members of a group of related religious denominations whose distinctive doctrine centers in their belief concerning the imminent second coming of Jesus (see Judgment Day Judgment Day or Doomsday, central point of early Christian, Jewish, and Islamic eschatology, sometimes called the Day of the Lord