Use "erythema" in a sentence

1. Erythema, the third item, is graded two points for red Arytenoids and four points for diffuse laryngeal erythema

2. Stevens Johnson syndrome*, toxic epidermal necrolysis*, erythema multiforme*

3. The first stage of Clubbing is a periungual erythema

4. Descriptive Statement Grade OECD Nos. 404, 405 Draize Test Effect: erythema and eschar formation (where erythema means "abnormal redness of the skin due to capillary congestion (as in inflammation)" and eschar means "a scab formed especially after a burn") no erythema

5. Cellulitis is characterized by localized pain, swelling, tenderness, erythema, and warmth.

6. 11 Why on my body often ineffable the erythema since its second?

7. 9 How can polymorphous erythema just effect a radical cure? Be agog ! ! !

8. The subsequent acute inflammatory response leads to erythema, abscesses, fistulas, sinus tracts and scarring.

9. Erythema ab igne is caused by prolonged exposure to a heat or infrared source .

10. Annular erythema may occur at any time throughout life, from infancy to old age

11. Erythema dyschromicum perstans is also called Ashy dermatosis (of Ramirez), because of its colour

12. " Laptop Computer-Induced Erythema ab Igne in a Child and Review of the Literature "

13. Cellulitis usually presents with the four cardinal signs of infection: Erythema – redness of the skin

14. Periorbital oedema, dermatitis/eczema/rash Pruritus, face oedema, dry skin, erythema, alopecia, night sweats, photosensitivity reaction

15. Very rare: erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis and hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis and angioedema (see section

16. Several dermatoses may present with urticarial lesions, including erythema multiforme minor, Bullous pemphigoid, and dermatitis herpetiformis.

17. The skin rashes may be due to infections as well as pyoderma gangrenosum or erythema nodosum.

18. One third of these animals developed accelerated skin-reactions with intense inflammatory erythema (reaction type 2).

19. In peripheral paralyses the early stages of hemiplegia show an increased tendency to erythema and to wealing.

20. Pseudofolliculitis barbae, alopecia, stinging skin*, burning skin*, dry skin, pruritus, erythema*, tingling skin*, irritated skin, rash*, folliculitis

21. It is characterized by one or more large, tender boggy masses with erythema, pustules, crusting, and alopecia.

22. A vascular malformation characterized pathologically by ectasia of superficial dermal capillaries, and clinically by persistent macular erythema.

23. The most common and best-known acute effect of overexposure to the sun is sunburn, or erythema.

24. 13 The clinical manifestations mainly were fever and blotchy erythema, Koplik's spots appeared only in 8 cases.

25. Erythema, scaling, and painful fissuring and cracking on palms and soles, especially involving the fingers and the toes.

26. Hair colour changes Rash Dry skin Alopecia Dermatitis Periorbital oedema Skin Reaction Erythema Eczema Pruritus Skin hyperpigmentation

27. We report a case of acute generalized pustular Bacterid (AGPB) concomitant with erythema nodosum (EN), polyarthritis, and Achilles tendinitis

28. Affected lymph nodes are painless or minimally painful, nonfluctuant, and nonsuppurative; erythema of the neighboring skin may occur.

29. Ashy dermatosis also called erythema dyschromicum perstans, dermatosis cinecienta or erythema chronicum figuratum melanodermicum, is a form of acquired dermal macular hyperpigmentation characterized by well-circumscribed round to oval or irregular patches on the face, neck and trunk that are grey in color 1).

30. Hand-foot syndrome (also known as hand-foot skin reaction or palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia or chemotherapy induced acral erythema

31. Classic variants of cutaneous borreliosis are erythema chronicum migrans (ECM), lymphadenosis benigna cutis (LBC) and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (ACA).

32. Reactions occurring in 10% to 40% of patients included ptosis, lid erythema, lid edema, chemosis, itching, punctate keratitis, corneal edema, Browache…

33. The classical dermatological symptoms of Lyme borreliosis, erythema migrans, borrelia lymphocytoma and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans respond to oral antibiotic treatment.

34. Reactions occurring in 10% to 40% of patients included ptosis, lid erythema, lid edema, chemosis, itching, punctate keratitis, corneal edema, Browache…

35. In psoriatic erythroderma, the skin is almost totally involved, with deep erythema, exfoliation, and associated abnormalities of temperature and cardiovascular regulation.

36. A new active substance, the alpha-2-adrenoreceptor agonist brimonidine, will be approved soon for the topical treatment of erythema in rosacea.

37. Bier spots are a benign vascular anomaly characterized by white spots on the skin surrounded by a pale halo of erythema (redness)

38. 15 Few number case of illness has haemorrhage sex bleb, be like polymorphous erythema or toxic sex skin necrotic pine understands disease.

39. Arytenoid The vocal processes of the Arytenoid cartilages showed changes ranging from mucosal erythema to erosion, involving an area of35 mm in diameter

40. Reactions occurring in 10% to 40% of patients included ptosis, lid erythema, lid edema, chemosis, itching, punctate keratitis, corneal edema, Browache, photophobia and headaches

41. The various pathologies are classified as early forms (erythema migrans, borrelia lymphocytom, early neuroborreliosis, carditis) or late forms (arthritis, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, chronic neuroborreliosis).

42. 8 The disease since erythema of polymorphous and oozy sex is urgent, see more at young, with erosion scab of haemorrhage, blood is its feature.

43. The terms Blushing and flushing mean the same thing, although flushing tends to be used for more severe cases (known as idiopathic cranio-facial erythema).

44. Laryngoscopy revealed erythema of the Arytenoids, the interarytenoid area and the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis, along with mild edema of the true vocal cords

45. 17 Sex of visible still Yu Man dish shape is lupus erythematosus, compressed the debaucjed of liver mosses tinea, erythema of polymorphous and oozy sex.

46. Atopic dermatitis (Figure 1) and Atopic eczema 1 are interchangeable terms for an inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by erythema, pruritus, scaling, lichenification, and papulovesicles

47. Clinical judgement alone (resolution of the present dermatologic lesion, prevention of later major or minor sequelae) is not sufficient in erythema migrans and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans.

48. Its steadily increasing clinical spectrum now includes erythema migrans, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, lymphadenosis beniga cutis, arthritis, myocarditis, progressive meningoencephalitis, myositis, and various ocular and skin disorders.

49. The composition for lipolysis of the present invention, comprising phosphatidylcholine, an oily solvent and water, is effective for decomposing fat without causing edema, erythema, tissue necrosis and inflammation.

50. Ashy dermatosis is also known as erythema dyschromicum perstans; it is a benign skin discoloration of blue/grey patches usually located in the face, neck, arms, and trunk

51. Secondary syphilis and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans regularly show a lichenoid infiltrate with interface dermatitis, whereas epidermal involvement is typically absent in erythema migrans, virus exanthema and bacillary angiomatosis.

52. Patients with Lyme Carditis usually have other symptoms such as fever and body aches, and they may have more specific symptoms of Lyme disease, such as the erythema migrans rash

53. The first stage of Clubbing is a periungual erythema and a softening of the nail bed; this is followed by an increase in the Lovibond's angle (the angle between the

54. The use of Collimation generally increases the entrance air kerma rate, which is a very important consideration if there is any possibility of inducing deterministic effects such as epilation and erythema

55. Acute generalized pustular Bacterid was first described by Andrews et al2 and the concept was supported by Tan.1 AGPB is char-acterized by sterile pustules with a red halo but not scaly erythema

56. The most common sign of infection is an expanding area of redness on the skin, known as erythema migrans, that appears at the site of the tick bite about a week after it occurred.

57. Erythrokeratolysis hiemalis, keratolytic winter erythema or Oudtshoorn skin has been reported from the South African district of Oudtshoorn as a dominantly inherited dermatosis beginning in early childhood, in some cases with circinar scaling erythemas.

58. They most often affect the skin, nervous system, joints and heart. Cutaneous pseudolymphomas, erythema chronicum migrans of Afzelius, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans of Pick-Herxheimer, meningo-radiculitis and various arthropathies are the most commonly encountered diseases.

59. Erythema dyschromicum perstans, also known as Ashy dermatosis or dermatosis cenicienta, is an acquired, chronic pigmentary disorder characterized by slowly progressive, Ashy gray-colored macules/patches distributed symmetrically on the trunk and proximal extremities [1].

60. INTRODUCTION — Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, pruritic, inflammatory skin disease that occurs most frequently in children but also affects many adults [].Clinical features of Atopic dermatitis include skin dryness, erythema, oozing and crusting, and lichenification

61. Discussion: For diagnosis of borreliosis the most frequently observed dermatological manifestations like erythema migrans, lymphocytosis cutis and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans Herxheimer, as well as associated dermatosis like lichen sclerosis et atrophicus, granuloma anulare and morphea are reviewed.

62. The common initial symptoms of infection – such as, sudden onset of cervicofacial pain, swelling, erythema, edema and suppuration – can be absent. Infection due to actinomyces is a well-known mimic of malignancy is clinical, radiological and pathological findings.

63. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was therefore performed from pretreatment biopsy specimens from lesional skin of 36 erythema migrans patients (m:f=15:21, mean age 49 years) and seven acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans patients (m:f=0:7, mean age 59 years), respectively.

64. In the acute phase of the disease, changes in the peripheral extremities can include erythema of the palms and soles, which is often striking with sharp demarcation and often accompanied by painful, brawny edema of the dorsa of the hands or feet.

65. Typical morphological signs in hypothermia are frost erythema, hemorrhagic gastric erosions, lipid accumulation in epithelial cells of renal proximal tubules, and pancreatic hemorrhage, which are—although unspecific as single findings—diagnostic regarding the circumstances of the case, especially when they are found together.

66. Contrast with a Vascular Skin Reaction (Erythema Multiforme, Urticaria) which does blanch; Compare with Purpura or Ecchymosis which like a Contusion does not blanch; Color (unreliable as an indicator of injury timing) Days 0-2: Swelling and tenderness; Days 2-5: Red, blue or purple coloration

67. No fluctuance, no Bogginess, no maceration, no warmth, no redness, no induration or swollen tissue Unstable-Consider having specialist remove • Drainage • Edges peeling or lifting up • Eschar does not cover the entire wound • Peri-wound may have erythema, fluctuance, Bogginess, temperature or color changes, maceration, warmth or redness,

68. Significantly elevated antibody titers against ixodid tick spirochetes were observed in 45% of 44 cases with erythema migrans disease, in 72% of 29 cases of lymphocytic meningoradiculitis, in all of nine patients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans and in all of four investigated patients with lymphocytoma (lymphadenosis benigna cutis).

69. Bilateral symmetrical reactions of vasomotoric origin, related to dermatoma, are observed in cases of reflex-erythema, cerebral disease (intoxication, brain tumor, injury of the brain-stem, encephalitis), in a great number of allergic skin reactions (drug rush, eczema, peliosis rheumatica, purpura, measles, scarlatina), in leukemia, liver cirrhosis, virus infections, etc.

70. Endocervical discharge detected AND at least one of the following factors present: ▪ edema or erythema in an area of ectopy ▪ induced mucosal bleeding (signs of uterine or adnexal tenderness are an indication for treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease, see section on PID) OR ▪ the patient is from a high-risk group (see section on Screening)

71. Besides the typical lupus forms, nonspecific skin lesions are also observed such as dermal mucinosis, acneiform skin lesions, different variants of livedo, necrotizing vasculitis with ulcers, purpura, urticaria vasculitis, neutrophilic dermatosis, hyperpigmentation, hair and nail changes as well as overlap syndromes with erythema multiforme, scleroderma, Sjögren syndrome, Raynaud phenomenon, lichen planus, bullous pemphigoid und psoriasis.

72. The proposal is for a novel, simple, reversible actinometer for measuring the solar radiation in the erythema-active u/v-B range between 280 and 320 nm based on the combination of a phototropic material (glass or plastic) with a filter which is transparent in the u/v-B and visible spectra but selectively masks out the intermediate u/v-A range which thus does not affect the indication.