Use "error rate" in a sentence

1. Aggregated adjusted error rate

2. Aggregated adjusted error rate (DG AGRI) in 2014 AAR

3. The table below tracks the overall error rate in recent years:

4. • Consistency tests must be met at an ALPHA error rate of 5%.

5. That would make the error rate enormous, and the time involved prohibitive.

6. • Consistency tests must be met at an ALPHA error rate of five percent.

7. Ex-post controls do not fully reflect the actual error rate in audited contracts.

8. In addition, an error rate for the data received over the link is monitored.

9. Methods and apparatus for burst toleran excessive bit error rate alarm detection and clearing

10. Residual error rate with regard to the accuracy of cost claims in FP6 contracts

11. The Commission has already put in place a response to the high error rate.

12. The Commission’s assurance work and reporting of residual error rate in its annual activity reports

13. 2.3 Clean Accounts and a continuing reduction in the most likely error rate for payments

14. Nevertheless, the overall error rate of agricultural expenditure as a whole is still above materiality.

15. Qualities of the digital link are monitored to determine whether a change in error rate occurs.

16. The Court’s estimate for the most likely error rate for payments underlying the accounts is 3,9 %.

17. It ensures that when a system makes a decision, the Word Error Rate (WER) is acceptably low.

18. Method and tester for determining the error rate of a mobile radio device with variable block allocation

19. A 20% error rate reduces the level of assurance concerning the financial accuracy of current loan balances.

20. Parameters monitored to determine the channel condition include the pilot strength, pilot code offset and error rate.

21. In order to maintain the integrity and accuracy of SAP information, this error rate needs to be improved.

22. -Residual error rate is the level of error after corrective measures have been implemented, expressed as a percentage.

23. In addition, the error rate was largely affected by a significant error stemming from one single university beneficiary.

24. Ad Exchange uses view rate and error rate to determine how well a video ad is being served.

25. The overall error rate is merely the scientifically dubious aggregation of spot checks, which, whilst interesting, are random.

26. Accordingly, the hologram data reproduction apparatus can accurately reproduce hologram data by minimizing the bit error rate (BER).

27. Bit error rate (218) and SNR (223) are monitored by receivers to develop a measure of signal quality (220).

28. And the adjustable or negative chirp parameter can decrease bit error rate of transmission system through reducing dispersion penalty.

29. The corrections at closure result from the analysis of winding-up declarations, or the extrapolation of the residual error rate.

30. The accumulator is also decremented (410) at a programmable rate (408) that is proportional to the maximum acceptable error rate.

31. For EAGF, the AAR reports that the aggregated adjusted error rate has fallen from 2,61 % in 2014 to 1,47 % in 2015.

32. For multi-annual programmes, the Commission monitors the resulting residual error rate after corrections, i.e. at the end of the control cycle.

33. Each transceiver monitors the quality of the channel by assessing the strength of the received signal, or the bit error rate, or both.

34. If signal strength and/or bit error rate are not within a predefined expected interval, an alarm is given in the base station controller.

35. (29) Annual Activity Report of DG AGRI states that the aggregated adjusted error rate has fallen from 2,61 % in 2014 to 1,47 % in 2015.

36. This data quality and integrity are being monitored systematically and corrective action is being taken in an attempt to reduce the error rate further.

37. Lane status is monitored real-time at the physical layer receiver, where link error rate, per lane error performance, and other channel metrics are known.

38. monitoring and supervision, notably the follow-up of external audits, verification missions, monitoring visits, and EuropeAid’s 2012 and 2013 residual error rate (RER) studies; and

39. Such a method generates a grouping error rate that is very low, and can be used in applications for monitoring road traffic or biometric comparison.

40. The effects of weak optical feedback (WOF) on the bit error rate (BER) of coherent optical differential phase shift key-controll (DPSK) systems are presented.

41. Simulation shows that the algorithm can effectively improve the bit error rate (BER) performance of the OFDM-DTTB receiver in presence of PAL co-channel interference.

42. An improved threshold adjustment(ITA) algorithm is proposed, it can precisely guarantee the predefined frame error rate(FER) for pilot-assisted adaptive modulation and coding(AMC).

43. Since 2012, the Commission has been addressing the issue of the high error rate by requesting national action plans from the Member States and monitoring their implementation.

44. Since 2012, the Commission has been addressing the issue of high error rate by requesting national action plans from the Member States (MS) and monitoring their implementation.

45. This paper proposes an improved adaptive interleaving scheme that not only achieves a better system performance, especially the frame error rate (FER), but also reduces the algorithm complexity.

46. The present invention discloses a method and system for determining an absolute maximum power PBO that may be tolerated and still meet bit error rate (BER) and/or other requirements.

47. Welcomes the fact that a residual error rate (RER) study was carried out for the fourth consecutive year and has become a key tool within the control, monitoring and auditing strategy;

48. Exact work instructions (lamination directions), precise cut-outs of the individual layers as well as a strict monitoring system (lay-up reports with counter signature) keep the error rate at zero.

49. In early 2017, Google Analytics began updating the calculation for the Users and Active Users metrics to more efficiently count users with high accuracy and low error rate (typically less than 2%).

50. The error rate is expected to drop due to the clarification of the applicable rules including SMART requirements, due to further reinforcement of contractual remedies and due to the increased alignment of interest.

51. The results show that the Bit Error Rate(BER) has the most important effect on the ratio, while the number of channels and network nodes are following, and the traffic of nodes has the least impact.

52. ‘The Approximations provide conservative control of the genome-wise type I error rate.’ ‘We can make this reasoning more precise with the Markov chain approximation.’ ‘The main question is how close this approximation is to the actual quasistationary distribution.’

53. It also teaches that handling of multi-path fading of Doppler effects implies that the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance as a function of Bit Energy/Noise (Eb/No) is close to the performance of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel.

54. The method of the present invention for manufacturing an optical retarder has great effect in reducing the error rate of an existing method and in reducing processing costs because optical alignment is possible by means of a single process using a mask in the optical alignment process.

55. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing an airtight food storage vessel which provides a better airtight characteristic than the existing airtight vessel, improves the airtight characteristic through a double injection molding, and can reduce manufacturing cost, error rate and failure rate by removing additional processes.