Use "ere" in a sentence

1. I shall be back ere nightfall.

2. Ere long they returned.

3. Ere to the wind's twelve quarters

4. Ton billet en 1 ere direction l'univers.

5. Ere my long love be possessed.

6. The spectroscopic characteristics w ere studied.

7. I shall start ere you return.

8. I shall be gone ere morning.

9. 4 Try your friend ere you trust him. 


11. And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes?

12. I shall be gone ere the break of day.

13. I will die,ere I will yield.

14. " Drain your glass ere life is gone. "

15. Children learn to creep ere they can go. 

16. Beforehand (also: ahead, already, before, earlier, formerly, previously, ere now)

17. Prove thy friends ere thou have need. 

18. Prove thy friend ere thou have need. 

19. 20 I will die,ere I will yield.

20. You ere lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine.

21. Many a night from yonder ivied casement, ere I went to rest.

22. 3 Children learn to creep ere they can go. 

23. That was not all to-hewn, ere he Asterted*: *escaped

24. Equipment requirement engineering(ERE) is a new engineering tec field.

25. It will be a long time ere I return home.

26. Admirationem habeo, es, ere, ui, itum, tr 1 siècle avant J.C

27. We enjoyed your company and hope you will return ere long.

28. Horrekin batera, udaltzaingoaren postuaren Beraren funtzio propioak betetzeaz ere arduratzen dira

29. ere it swept so closely over me as to fan me... with its acrid breath.

30. Field, with altered mind, letting go "Bogging" ere this sunset

31. The nobleman saith unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.

32. To attend love's joys in vain. So may I ere my long love be possessed.

33. I should have been more strange, I must confess, But that thou overheard'st, ere I was'ware,

34. They ever Chucked over the footlights, this 'ere Probblem Play wos the wust! PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI, VOL

35. Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it.

36. It is also due to the fact that t ere are human intentions and abilities involved.

37. Strains of which 31.0 percent v/ere Aerobacters and 12,0 per­ cent were Intermediater (Citrobacter) strains

38. Entries with "incedere"-ere: …assidere cedere, accedere, Antecedere, concedere, riconcedere, decedere, eccedere, incedere, intercedere, precedere, procedere

39. MERCUTlO No hare, sir; unless a hare, sir, in a lenten pie, that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent.

40. In this article, the processing method of induction motor Type-Test data is introduced, and the programming steps ere also presented.

41. Of old Beleaguerers; not that way; But, full of vim from Western prairies won, They'll make, ere long, a dash at Donelson

42. Of old Beleaguerers; not that way; But, full of vim from Western prairies won , They'll make, ere long, a dash at Donelson

43. Each brawny Axman shouted good-by to the boys ere departing, for they were a jovial as well as a brawny lot

44. Gorputz guztiek ez dute berdin erantzuten esfortzu Beraren aurrean, eta pertsona baten gorputzak ere ez du berdin erantzuten momentuaren arabera

45. 7 sous-mots (Mots se trouvant tels quels à l'intérieur du mot.) AU Audiencier CI EN ERE RE UD

46. (WWBT) - The Department of Wildlife Resources is reminding boaters that ere are new engine Cutoff device wear requirements going into effect on April 1

47. Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it. See! It is even now at my lips.

48. But they are not left long Conjecturing about it, ere their attention is called to another and similar smoke on the land

49. 8 Gray, following close behind me, had cut down the big boatswain ere he had time to recover from his lost blow.

50. Six essential elements ere formed during the development of world local literature, i. e. local, clodhopper (literature image), local transition, local rationality, local narration, awl chuff.

51. Addition of desalter drum, removal of V105 mixer and selection of the right emulsion breaker ere are extremely necessary for the good operation.

52. Notwithstanding, my journey homeward was sadder than my journey thither; and many misgivings I had, ere I could prevail on myself to put the missive into Mrs Linton's hand.

53. 'Azken gaua hirian' Albumean euskarazko abestiak ziren gehienak, baina gaztelaniazko bat ('A la vuelta de la esquina') eta ingelesezko bat ('The Pier') ere grabatu zenituzten

54. 278: [The Court] said: "Young man, this ere Court is satisfied that there ain't nothin' in the laws of Vermont Agin tippin' over a churn full of sap

55. First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English, from Latin Circumspectus (past participle of circumspicere “to look around”), equivalent to circum- “around, about” (see circum-) + spec (ere) “to …

56. 2 days ago · H ere is a watchable, if slaveringly Adulatory documentary profile of the yet-to-be-conclusively-identified artist, whose increasingly pricey work has …

57. 17 They had not long persisted in this course of starving the Belly into subjection, ere they all began, one by one, to fail and flag, and the whole body to pine away.

58. Già il ventesimo secolo era stato tumultuoso e incantevole: ha saltato tre ere, passando da quella Contadina a quella industriale a quella postindustriale ed è andato oltre negli ultimi due lustri

59. They had not long persisted in this course of starving the Belly into subjection, ere they all began, one by one, to fail and flag, and the whole body to pine away.

60. So, it is to be hoped — as, indeed all accounts unite in Averring — that the State capital will ere long lift its head above the floods and be re-established in more than it former greatness.

61. 1605, William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act III, Scene 2,[1] There’s comfort yet; they [Banquo and Fleance] are Assailable; / Then be thou jocund: ere the bat hath flown / His cloister’d flight […] there shall be done / A deed of dreadful note

62. But ere Sinfjotli has fared long through the woods, eleven men meet him, and he wrought in such wise that he slew them all, and was Awearied therewith, and crawls under an oak, and there takes his rest

63. Cetology Lyrics: Already we are boldly launched upon the deep / But soon we shall be lost in its harborless, unshored immensities / So ere that come to pass / Let us get into the famous long and

64. Þeah-hwæðere ne sceole we urne hiht on læce-wyrtum Besettan, ac on ðone Ælmihtigan Scyppend, þe ðam wyrtum ðone cræft forgeaf

65. Maundevyll [folio 2a] FOR als moche as the lond beȝonde the see þat is to seye the holy lond þat men callen the lond of promyssioun or of Beheste passynge aƚƚ oþere londes it is the most worthi lond most excellent and lady & soucreyn of aƚƚ oþere londes & is blessed & halewed of the precyous body & blood of oure lord jhssu crist; jn the whiche land it lykede him

66. He's expected at night, and the pasty's made hot, They broach the brown ale, and they fill the black pot, And the goodwife would wish the goodman in the mire, Ere he lack'd a soft pillow, the Barefooted Friar

67. Suddenly the horse began to rear, and becoming Balkv refused to clear the track, and ere tlie fair driver knew what had happened, the engine hud run Into her rig and lifted the whole business up onto the platform

68. Biremes were ere long superseded by triremes, or vessels with three banks of oars, which are said to have been invented at Corinth, 12 but which came into use among the Phoenicians before the end of the sixth century B.C

69. The lovely millennial picture is presented but for a moment ere the Spirit of God goes on to deal with them because of their wretchedly fallen condition, and to plead in tenderest Beseechings that they turn from their evil ways

70. Atonale Musik oder Atonalidäät bezäichnet allgemäin Muusig, wo uf dr chromatische Doonläitere basiert, wo d Harmonik und d Melodik von ere aber nit uf e donals Zentrum bzw

71. “Quoties Senatus Decemeros ad Libros ere jusset!—cum e cuelo fremitus auditus, et aum cuelum discessisse visum est, atque ire es Animadverti globi—Quid cum saepe lapidum sanguinis numum quam, terræ interdum, quondam etiam Lactes imber defluscet

72. Si definiscono fossili quei Combustibili derivanti dalla trasformazione, sviluppatasi in milioni di anni, di sostanza organica, seppellitasi sottoterra nel corso delle ere geologiche, in forme molecolari via via piu stabili e ricche di carbonio.<br /> 4.

73. Cuculain felt for his head in the dark, and bitted and Bridled him ere he was aware.: The destrier was newly saddled and Bridled, and showed proudly in his rich gay trappings.: With such hints for divagation, let us

74. The lovely millennial picture is presented but for a moment ere the Spirit of God goes on to deal with them because of their wretchedly fallen condition, and to plead in tenderest Beseechings that they turn from their evil ways

75. 1325–75; conflation of Middle English taynt, aphetic variant of attaint struck, attainted, past participle of Attainten to attaint; late Middle English taynt hue, tint : Anglo-French teint ( Latin tinctus, equivalent to ting ( ere ) to dye, tinge + -tus suffix of v.

76. A,letter was reeeixed in (his city yes- terday, from Major General B; own,dated Bullaloe, A.ugust 1st, tsii, whi li s'atrs that our army ut Erie tcere under no fear of heirg Attachedly the British ; that re inforcements n-ere joining them

77. 1325–75; conflation of Middle English taynt, aphetic variant of attaint struck, attainted, past participle of Attainten to attaint; late Middle English taynt hue, tint < Anglo-French teint (< Latin tinctus, equivalent to ting ( ere ) to dye, tinge + -tus suffix of v.

78. "First must Trinacrian waters bend the oar, / Ausonian waves thy vessels must explore, / first must thou view the nether world, where flows / dark Styx, and visit that Aeaean shore, / the home of Circe, ere, at rest from woes, / thou build the promised walls, and win the wished repose."

79. Ere by the spheres time was created thou Wast in His mind, who is thy Son, and Brother; Whom thou Conceivest, conceived; yea, thou art now Thy Maker’s maker, and thy Father’s mother, Thou hast light in dark, and shutt’st in little room Immensity, cloister’d in thy dear womb.

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