Use "epistle" in a sentence

1. Philippians, Epistle to

2. In the first Epistle of Peter.

3. Peter knows , while he is writing this Epistle.

4. Breviate: short letter, brief epistle (Archaic) Translations: 1 – 1 / 1

5. 4 Therefore he wrote an epistle, and sent it by the servant of Ammoron, the same who had brought an epistle to Moroni.

6. He wrote a lengthy epistle describing his college life.

7. He studied hard at the Epistle to the Hebrews.

8. Her mother sends her a long epistle every week.

9. First Epistle to the Corinthians; Second Epistle to the Corinthians; Third Epistle to the Corinthians (Orthodox); A demonym relating to the port of Corinth or the regional unit of Corinthia in Greece; Corinthian order, a classical order of ancient Greek and Roman architecture

10. I said from the very beginning of the semester, it was called the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistle to the Jews,and I said it's not really either.

11. Peter wrote this first epistle likely between A.D. 62 and 64.

12. He longed to put a little affection into his epistle.

13. Peter likely wrote his First Epistle between A.D. 62 and 64.

14. The Epistle to the Hebrews is letters that focus on Christology

15. I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.

16. That luminous epistle finishes me with the religious element among my constituents.

17. We are about to commence reading through the Epistle of James again.

18. Rom. 22 I, Tertius, who write this epistle, greet you in the Lord.

19. A biblical text sung between Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.

20. While it is taught plainly throughout the New Testament, one epistle seems to have been written to answer these questions. It is the first epistle of John from which our reading came today.

21. 16 The relationship between the Epistle to the Ephesians and I Peter is much closer.

22. The Epistle to the Galatians is one of the books of the New Testament.

23. Leapor's reference to the fly is a signal that she is arguing against Pope's epistle.

24. Until approximately A.D. 64, about the time when Peter wrote this epistle, the Roman government generally tolerated Christianity.

25. Synonyms for Billet doux include epistle, letter, missive, note, communication, dispatch, bulletin, correspondence, line and memo

26. The gospel and epistle are still read from the ambo in the Ambrosian rite at Milan.

27. While Paul was temporarily free from Roman imprisonment, he wrote the epistle to Titus, who was in Crete.

28. These brothers—including Demetrius, apparently the bearer of the epistle—were all strangers or unknown to Gaius formerly.

29. Later, Paul wrote the Epistle to the Ephesians while he was in prison in Rome (around 62 AD).

30. Settled rancour is the last and worst form of Contentiousness. THE EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE: THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS G

31. Can you keep one bookmark in the page for the gospel and turn to our epistle in 1 Corinthians

32. 1828, Robert Southey, Epistle to Allan Cunningham Leg, bladebone, Baldrib, griskin, chine, or chop Profess myself a a genuine Philopig

33. This epistle has the character of a strictly private letter, and is the only one of such epistles preserved to us.

34. Ambo, in the Christian liturgy, a raised stand formerly used for reading the Gospel or the Epistle, first used in early basilicas

35. Then you get to The Epistle to the Hebrews, or,in what a better translation would be, The Letter to the Jews.

36. 19 The reference to the Ephesians is missing in some manuscripts, and the epistle may have been a circular letter to several churches.

37. Later two Ambos were used, one for the Epistle reading, the other on the right side of the altar for the Gospel

38. Holberg asked Marie to take him across the water and he left a note about that meeting in his eighty-seventh Epistle.

39. This first epistle to the Corinthians deals with all kinds of subjects and touches very deeply on many of them, particularly personal holiness.

40. In fact, in his third epistle, he had strong words of censure for Diotrephes, who, he said, “likes to have the first place.”

41. William of saint thierry's encomium to the early Carthusian hermits, the Golden Epistle to the Carthusians of Mont-Dieu, testifies to the degree to

42. Perhaps Peter best summed up the Abrahamic covenant in his First Epistle, one addressed "to the strangers scattered throughout" the ancient world (1 Pet

43. We know how the Epistle to the Hebrews gathers up all its teaching in that wonderful promise, "the God of peace perfect you in every good work."

44. It is likely that Paul wrote the Epistle to Titus between his writing of 1 and 2 Timothy, around A.D. 64–65 (see Guide to the Scriptures, “Pauline Epistles,”

45. EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE: THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS JAMES DENNEY He simply took his model and abridged it, by throwing out all Argumentative, illustrative and amplificatory material

46. The writer of The Epistle of Polycarp refers to Tobit to give credence to the idea that the giving of alms has power to deliver the giver from death.

47. He divided the Pauline epistles (in which he included the Epistle to the Hebrews) into a series of texts on the theological points and wrote an introduction to each.

48. In the epistle to the Galatians, Paul's arguments for salvation through faith are based largely on the life, example and faith of Abraham, 400 years or more before the giving of the law.

49. 1654, George Fox, epistle LXXVI: And stand steadfast in the unchangeable life and seed of God, which was before changings and Alterings were; and which will remain when they all are gone.

50. 1654, George Fox, epistle LXXVI: And stand steadfast in the unchangeable life and seed of God, which was before Changings and alterings were; and which will remain when they all are gone.

51. EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE: THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS JAMES DENNEY Then they could have said that in that in which they boasted—Apostolic dignity—they were precisely on a level with him.

52. The Epistle to the Ephesians by George Gillanders Findlay (1892) "Both epistles are marked by those unfinished sentences and Anacolutha, the grammatical inconsequence associated with close continuity of thought, " Other Resources:

53. 1790, William Paley, Horae Paulinae, or the Truth of the Scripture History of St Paul: This mention of alms and offerings certainly brings the narrative in the Acts nearer to an Accordancy with the epistle

54. Epistle 20, "On the Quiddity of Nature," is an exposition of Aristotelian doctrines, as well as of those of Neoplatonic origin; it opens the Angelologic tradition, whose main representatives in Islamic philosophy were Ibn Sina (d

55. Present participle of alter··alteration 1654, George Fox, epistle LXXVI: And stand steadfast in the unchangeable life and seed of God, which was before changings and Alterings were; and which will remain when they all are gone.

56. There is no special allusion in the word "Bitterness" to disturbance of "peace" by dissensions; for this is not the idea in the original passage, nor is it carried out in the following verses of the Epistle

57. An Ambo is an elevated desk or pulpit from which in the early churches and basilicas the Gospel and Epistle were chanted or read, and all kinds of communications were made to the congregation; and sometimes the bishop preached from it, as in the case of St

58. Definition of Ambo : a large pulpit or reading desk in early churches and in contemporary Greek and Balkan churches standing on the gospel side of the nave and often having its counterpart on the epistle side First Known Use of Ambo 1641, in the meaning defined above

59. Pugh's ‘Bathonensium et Aquisgranensium Comparatio, rebus Adjunctis illustratis,’ 1676, 8vo, was written ‘by way of epistle to his patron, Palmer.’ During the ‘popish plot’ panic of 1678 Pugh was committed to Newgate, ‘having been betrayed by a treacherous miscreant when paying a visit of charity to the catholic gentry confined in

60. An Ambo is an elevated desk or pulpit from which in the early churches and basilicas the Gospel and Epistle were chanted or read, and all kinds of communications were made to the congregation; and sometimes the bishop preached from it, as in the case of St

61. Customarily low-level language capitare (vb.) sacro shoutaijou Epistle of St Jude (in New Testament) Ormazda, the Sun God of the Zoroastrians and Manicheans, the Sun God rowan bass verkennbare futsuu angle of stall basket bespredmetno pagkagising German Federation, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Germany usuale rasa scomporre hora kasangkapan sa

62. In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist, or anti-Christ, is a person prophesied by the Bible to oppose Christ and substitute himself in Christ's place After the Second Coming.The term (including one plural form) is found five times in the New Testament, solely in the First and Second Epistle of John

63. Antiphon: 1 n a verse or song to be chanted or sung in response Synonyms: Antiphony Types: gradual (Roman Catholic Church) an Antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass Type of: church music , religious music genre of music composed for performance as part of religious ceremonies

64. Antiphony: 1 n a verse or song to be chanted or sung in response Synonyms: antiphon Types: gradual (Roman Catholic Church) an antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass Type of: church music , religious music genre of music composed for performance as part of religious ceremonies n alternate (responsive)

65. Read who that listeth the epistle of the Petilian, which saint Augustine Confuteth, he shall see, how many complaints he made for the persecution of his brethren: how he calleth the Catholic Priests bloody butchers, which made means to the Emperors, to deal so cruelly with his innocent lambs, whom he glorieth to buy and purchase heaven with

66. Some early Ambones are found in Ravenna, and in the south of Italy are many fine examples; the epistle ambo in the cathedral at Ravello (1130), which is perhaps the earliest, shows a Scandinavian influence in the design of its mosaic inlay, an influence which is found in Sicilian work and may be a …

67. And he called unto him two centurions, saying, Make ready two hundred soldiers to go to Caesarea, and horsemen threescore and ten, and spearmen two hundred, at the third hour of the night; Acts 23:33 View whole chapter See verse in context Who, when they came to Caesarea, and delivered the epistle to the governor, presented Paul also before

68. The epistle presents a dilemma to many conservative Bibliolaters who believe doctrine should come straight out of the book and not "tradition" because in 2 Tim 2:2 Paul specifically orders Timothy: "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."

69. Collect, the name now used only for the short prayers before the Epistle in the Mass, which occur again at Lauds, Terce, Sext, None, and Vespers.The word Collecta corresponds to the Greek GK cn vaEts.It is a noun, a late form for Collectio (so missa for missio, oblata for oblatio, ascensa, in the Gelasian Sacramentary, for ascensio, etc.).The original meaning seems to have been this: it was