Use "epigraphy" in a sentence

1. This part explores the influence of Epigraphy of Qing Dynasty on the practice of calligraphy.

2. Scholarly research include classical studies, history, thinkers science, Paleography , collation, bibliography, epigraphy, literature studies.

3. Historical researches on the epitaphs have attracted many specialists of epigraphy and historians.

4. One such is epigraphy, the comparison of letter forms between coins and dated inscriptions on stone.

5. Ouyang Xiu and Zhao Mingcheng have made great contribution to the foundation and development of epigraphy.

6. Three decades later, to concentrate on epigraphy caused by collection and study, a generation of master stone.

7. Depending on the special social conditions, Chinese classical learning developed so greatly that epigraphy would rise certainly.

8. Part IV. This part explores the influence of Epigraphy of Qing Dynasty on the practice of calligraphy.

9. "It's a special anniversary of creation, " said David Stuart, a specialist in Mayan epigraphy at the University of Texas at Austin.

10. But difficult life also forced him to study other research areas, such as epigraphy Military System and the Qing Dynasty.

11. Enterprises have a rich experience of professional and technical staff, we would like to letters, heartfelt Suozhi, epigraphy to open.

12. His lifelong efforts, the epigraphy of China has made outstanding contributions, won the admiration of experts and scholars at home and abroad.

13. The aim of Guihai Forest of Steles Museum established in 1984 is designed to protect, research, display and disseminate Guilin epigraphy .

14. Though tracing back to the discovering and using historical materials, the author discusses the cliff sculpture's value and status in epigraphy , plutonomy and calligraphy art.

15. In any case, it should be noted that epigraphy is an inexact science and that clever forgers have been able to replicate just about any style imaginable.

16. The text on parchment explained that the point on the Black Sea epigraphy on the beach, and thousands of and it looks exactly the same small stones mixed together, but the secret here.

17. Palenque's wealth of epigraphy (inscriptions) and recorded history has helped archaeologists to build the first time line of rulers of a Maya city—one that, while impressive, is still fuzzy in places.