Use "eocene" in a sentence

1. Ambulocetus from the Eocene of Pakistan (~ 49 million years ago)

2. Ambulocetus was a removed build from the Eocene expansion

3. Andesites, alternating with the Eocene beds, are also seen.

4. Quick Basilosaurus Facts: - Lived during the Late Eocene Period

5. Ambulocetus is an early cetacean in the early eocene.

6. Ambulocetus is a early whale from the Eocene Period

7. Composed of the Balistid triggerfishes and their Eocene spinacanthid sister group

8. Andrewsarchus mongoliensis, was a mammal that lived during the Eocene epoch

9. A profound unconformity separates the Eocene from the Upper Cretaceous.

10. Ambulocetus natans lived from the early Eocene (50 to 48 million years ago)

11. Prothero, From Greenhouse to Icehouse: The Marine Eocene-Oligocene Transition: Accessory benthic foraminiferal events reported by Berggren and Miller (1989) to occur in the late Eocene are the migrations into the Bathyal

12. A preliminary note on Arsinoitherium zitteli, Beadn., from the Upper Eocene strata of Egypt.

13. Ambulocetus natans lived from the early Eocene (50 to 48 million years ago)

14. 9 Those correspond to Quaternary , Pliocene , Upper Miocene, Lower Miocene and Eocene respectively.

15. Andesite dike in volcanic debris flow conglomerates (Absaroka Volcanics Supergroup, Eocene, 48-50 Ma; Rt

16. Basilosaurus, extinct genus of primitive whales of the family Basilosauridae (suborder Archaeoceti) found in Middle and Late Eocene rocks in North America and northern Africa (the Eocene Epoch lasted from 55.8 million to 33.9 million years ago)

17. Ambulocetus lived in the Early Eocene (50 to 48 million years ago) of Pakistan

18. Ambulocetus lived in the Early Eocene (50 to 48 million years ago) of Pakistan

19. Mineralization consists of Eocene auriferous quartz–carbonate veins, which cut the regional metamorphic fabrics.

20. Basilosaurus was a prehistoric whale from the Late Eocene, about 40 to 35 million years ago

21. Necromantis adichaster: Discovered in the Quercy Phosphorites Formations of France; fossils found from the Eocene and Oligocene.

22. An extinct mammal, of genus Andrewsarchus, from the Eocene epoch··Andrewsarchus (prehistoric mammal)

23. Ambulocetus was a prehistoric mammal which lived approximately 50 million years ago during the Early Eocene Period

24. In Middle Albian the Estella Basin subsides rapidly, creating marine conditions through Upper Cretaceous and Eocene time.

25. Andrewsarchus was a mammal which lived approximately 48 to 41 million years ago during the Middle Eocene Period

26. The present dissertation is the first comprehensive revision of North American Eocene (Wasatchian - Duchesnean) Brontothere species in over

27. A large carnivorous amphibian (Ambulocetus natans, order Cetacea) of the Eocene epoch, an early ancestor of today's whales

28. A single actinomorphic flower has been found in the Horsefly Mine Top Section (Middle Eocene) of British Columbia.

29. Basilosaurus was a carnivorous, prehistoric cetacean that lived 40-35 million years ago in the Eocene epoch

30. Basilosaurus was a carnivorous, prehistoric cetacean that lived 40-35 million years ago in the Eocene epoch.

31. Andrewsarchus Andrewsarchus mongoliensis was a mammal that lived during the Eocene epoch, roughly between 45 and 36 million years ago

32. Basilosaurus isis was an enormous aquatic predator that lived during the Eocene Period, approximately 35 million years ago

33. Ambulocetus (am-byoo-low-see-tus) was a genus of terrestrial whale that is known from Eocene Pakistan

34. Titanotheres and Brontotheres, (giant elephant-like creatures) During the Eocene brontotheres represented the largest mammals found in North America and Asia

35. Basilosaurus ("King Lizard") is a genus of cetacean that lived 40 to 34 million years ago in the Late Eocene

36. Basilosaurus is a prehistoric whale which lived approximately 40 million to 34 million years ago during the Late Eocene Period

37. Machaeroides ("dagger-like") is a genus of sabre-toothed predatory mammal that lived during the Eocene (56 to 34 mya).

38. A New Brontothere (Brontotheriidae, Perissodactyla, Mammalia) from the Eocene of the Ily Basin of Kazakstan and a Phylogeny of Asian “Horned” Brontotheres

39. Basilosaurus, sometimes known by its scientific synonym Zeuglodon, is a genus of ancient cetaceans that lived during the late Eocene, they are thought to have died out 33 million years ago, this was during the time the Eocene epoch ended and the Oligocene started.These primitive marine mammals look nothing like …

40. Natica Ambulacrum eocene bartonien barton barton beds united kingdom 3 cm send in pouch watch other sales and subscribe 27.

41. 4 Any of various extinct ungulate mammals of the Eocene to Pleistocene epochs, having distinctive three-clawed, three-toed feet.

42. K-Ar ages of Biotites from tuffs in Eocene rocks of the Green River, Washakie, and Uinta basins, Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado R

43. Basilosaurus ("king lizard") is a genus of early whale that lived 40 to 34 million years ago in the late Eocene

44. Basilosaurus ("king lizard") is a genus of early whale that lived 40 to 34 million years ago in the Late Eocene

45. Ambulocetus natans lived in the Early Eocene (50 to 48 million years ago) of Pakistan.When the animal was alive, Pakistan was a

46. It resembled the fossils of Creodonts, a wolf like carnivore that lived between 60 and 37 million years ago in the early Eocene epoch

47. Ambulocetus (name meaning "Walking Whale") is a genus of cetacean that originated during the Early Eocene epoch in what is now Europe

48. Coaly shales of Late Cretaceous through Eocene age are the source rocks for oil and gas that accumulated predominantly in anticlinal traps.

49. Type Region of the Ione Formation (Eocene), Central California: Stratigraphy, Paleogeography, and Relation to Auriferous Gravels By Scott Creely and Eric R

50. These metamorphic conditions are related to the underthrusting of the thinned European margin into the continental accretionary prism during late Eocene time.

51. Often compared to rhinoceroses, later Brontotheres are far larger than heterospecific rhinoceroses like the browsing Subhyracodon that co-existed with them during the late Eocene.

52. An old order dating to early Eocene: bats: suborder MegaChiroptera (fruit bats); suborder MicroChiroptera (insectivorous bats) Familiarity information: Chiroptera used as a noun is very rare.

53. Kingri-Shikar-Tor Shah Coalfields (Early Eocene coal) is found in Toi Formation exposed in the vicinity of metalled road from Kingri to Kot Khan Mohd-Musakhel

54. Often compared to rhinoceroses, later Brontotheres are far larger than heterospecific rhinoceroses like the browsing Subhyracodon that co-existed with them during the late Eocene.

55. Andrewsarchus mongoliensis ("bone cruncher") was the largest carnivorous land mammal that lived during the Eocene epoch between 32 to 60 million years ago

56. However, Pygaeus, a very basal fossil from the mid- to late Eocene of Europe, dates from around the Bartonian 40-37 million years ago (Mya).

57. The Paleocene/Eocene boundary interval is also marked by enhanced aggradation and degradation inParacosta species, possibly resulting from lowered oxygen and/or enhanced food levels.

58. The Artiodactyls can be traced back to a probable descent from a group of early generalized mammals called condylarths and were certainly distinct by the Eocene

59. Microscopic fossilized shells are helping geologists reconstruct Earth's climate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a period of Abrupt global warming and ocean acidification that

60. ‘The early Eocene is important for another reason: many orders of fossil mammals (especially primates, perissodactyls, Artiodactyls, rabbits, whales, and bats) make their first appearances in the fossil record.’

61. 28 Dating from the Eocene Epoch, the crater is likely less than 50 million years old, but the impact bored into Proterozoic sandstones well over 500 million years old.

62. Also known as Pseudocreodi or "archaic carnivores," Creodonts are a group of extinct carnivorous mammals that thrived during the Eocene and Oligocene in North Fig

63. Embolotherium (meaning "battering ram beast", or "wedge beast") is an extinct genus of Brontothere that lived in Mongolia during the late Eocene period

64. Andrewsarchus (/ˌændruːˈsɑːrkəs/) is an extinct genus of mammal that lived during the middle Eocene epoch in what is now Inner Mongolia, China.Only one species is usually recognized, A

65. These fault-bounded Basins formed between basement-cored mountain ranges during the Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene Laramide orogeny (~80–55 Ma), and are found from northern Mexico …

66. Hammond (1979) argues that the Coast Range (believed to be seamounts that had previously accreted to the continent) were rifted away from the continent starting about 50 Ma ago (mid-Eocene).

67. ‘The early Eocene is important for another reason: many orders of fossil mammals (especially primates, perissodactyls, Artiodactyls, rabbits, whales, and bats) make their first appearances in the fossil record.’

68. The Western Ligurian Flysch Units represent an Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene accretionary prism overthrust onto the paleo-European continental margin during the collisional stages of the Alpine orogeny (Eocene).

69. 16 It indicated that during the midterm Eocene epoch or before the wild buffalo,[] david deer and Chinese alligator originated from the middle lower reaches of Yellow River.

70. Serial seismic reflection profiles off Tunisia and between Sardinia and Tunisia are presented. Interpretation is given which includes paleozoïc basement and its autochtonous (Eocene and plioquaternary) and allochtonous (Numidian nappe) cover.

71. The discovery of remains of a new family of Eocene primates in Asia, the Eosimiidae (12, 13), has prompted interest in the possibility that eosimiids were ancient primitive Anthropoids

72. MacPhee and Iturralde provide an alternate hypothesis that the initiators of land mammal clades arrived on the Proto-Antilles by the mid-Tertiary period, approximately at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary.

73. Overlaying these deposits are Cenozoic volcanic rocks, including the thick, Eocene-aged Ohanapecosh Formation, comprised by chemically altered basalt and andesite lava flows and bedded andesite and dacite volcaniclastic rock.

74. Chiroptera, order Chiroptera - an old order dating to early Eocene: bats: suborder MegaChiroptera (fruit bats); suborder MicroChiroptera (insectivorous bats) fruit bat , megabat - large Old World bat of warm and tropical regions that feeds on fruit

75. Basilosaurus (name meaning "King Lizard"), often nicknamed the "Big Blue Killer Whale", is a genus of large serpentine-like archaeocete that originated during the Late Eocene epoch in what is now Africa

76. Up to 10% cash back  · A new genus and species of primitive selenodont Artiodactyl, Zhailimeryx jingweni, occurs in the late middle Eocene Zhaili Member of the Heti Formation, Yuanqu Basin, Shanxi Province, China

77. Basilosaurus definition is - a genus (the type of the family Basilosauridae) of large slender-bodied Eocene whales that are found most abundantly in Alabamian and Floridian rocks and that have serrated posterior teeth with two roots.

78. Artiodactyla date from the Eocene period, when they appear to have been less numerous than the Perissodactyla, although at the present day they are immeasurably ahead of that group, and form indeed the dominant ungulates.

79. 1 Description 2 Wildlife Park 3 Wildlife Park 2 3.1 Statistics 4 Gallery 5 Trivia Basilosaurus (King Lizard) is a large primitive whale that lived during the late Eocene, with fossils found in North America and Northern Africa

80. Often contrasted with autochthonous ‘The fossils of the westernmost exposures of the Hoko River Formation are Allochthonous, preserved in reworked concretions within conglomerates that were deposited as part of a submarine fan system during late Eocene time.’