Use "environmentalists" in a sentence

1. The court's decision angered environmentalists.

2. Most environmentalists are vehemently anti-nuclear.

3. Environmentalists are prejudiced against the dam.

4. Environmentalists have criticized the plan as naive.

5. Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.

6. Some environmentalists take a more pessimistic view.

7. Their tactics smear environmentalists as extremist crazies.

8. 12 Their tactics smear environmentalists as extremist crazies.

9. Some environmentalists argue that the concept of Assimilative

10. The damage to the marsh has alarmed environmentalists.

11. Why are environmentalists so concerned about acid rain ?

12. Their priorities are Antithetical to those of environmentalists

13. Environmentalists claimed governments were fiddling while Rome burned.

14. The government has tried to forge alliances with environmentalists.

15. Environmentalists are alarmed by the dramatic increase in pollution.

16. 1 Their priorities are antithetical to those of environmentalists.

17. Dubai's megaprojects have become a favourite cause of environmentalists.

18. Viewpoints such as these are strongly challenged by environmentalists.

19. Environmentalists accuse it of trying to sidetrack the issue.

20. Environmentalists argue that more goods should be transported by rail.

21. 1 Environmentalists claim there is no reason to cull seals.

22. 9 Environmentalists are alarmed by the dramatic increase in pollution.

23. Environmentalists are campaigning to save the white rhinoceros from extinction.

24. Disputes between environmentalists and loggers have been festering for decades.

25. Environmentalists fear the gasoline additive prematurely ages the human brain.

26. Environmentalists are complaining that the amusement park is ugly and obtrusive.

27. They face opposition from local residents as well as from environmentalists.

28. The proposal to build 135 new homes has raised environmentalists' hackles.

29. ‘For the environmentalists, there was no getting around this difficult Conundrum.’

30. The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.

31. 16 The expansion plans will face fierce opposition/resistance from environmentalists.

32. Otherwise, say environmentalists, the long - term costs could be far graver.

33. Environmentalists called for an end to the trade in tropical hardwoods.

34. How can Apprenticeships help the next generation of environmentalists? Reviews & consultation

35. But solar power remained a tantalizing lure to both environmentalists and entrepreneurs.

36. Environmentalists celebrate Earth Day, to encourage energy efficiency and deplore ecological waste.

37. Environmentalists have begun a vigorous campaign to oppose nuclear dumping in the area.

38. Environmentalists say there is a high risk of pollution from the landfill site.

39. The company came under furious attack from environmentalists for tearing up the forests.

40. So many people are self-proclaimed environmentalists that it doesn't mean much anymore.

41. It requires a degree of unification which environmentalists can rarely achieve with dignity.

42. Environmentalists feel saving the pygmy owl requires re-establishing flourishing desert riparian areas.

43. Environmentalists claim the highly saline water discharged from desalination plants could harm marine life.

44. Environmentalists blame Israel, Jordan and Syria for extensive damage to the Jordan River ecosystem.

45. The company's expansion plans could put it in a head-on clash with environmentalists.

46. These figures, she thinks, have allowed environmentalists to protect Belize's threatened mangrove forests better.

47. 4 Environmentalists feel saving the pygmy owl requires re-establishing flourishing desert riparian areas.

48. The group, he said, owed its origins to direct action by environmentalists in Britain.

49. The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.

50. Environmentalists argue that the organization fails to address the needs of third world farmers.

51. Environmentalists have also criticised the dense smoke from buses which pollute the town centre.

52. 27 They were discovered by environmentalists doing a survey of the region's flora and fauna.

53. Environmentalists have also urged governments to pass laws to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases.

54. Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to minimize the impact of the oil spill.

55. The resolution of the many conflicts between farmers and environmentalists remains a hit-and-miss affair.

56. 940 dams, Barrages built on Ganga restricting its flow: Environmentalists 24 Nov, 2018, 04.27 PM IST

57. Environmentalists warn that deforestation of this critical watershed area could have disastrous consequences for downstream regions.

58. 6 Environmentalists have a knee-jerk reaction against any sort of development, however "green" it might be.

59. Finally, the environmental argument is fascinating, because the environmentalists turned on a dime about 10 years ago.

60. Environmentalists, feminists, and others of that ilk regularly try to drive shows like this off the air.

61. Media coverage continued to suggest that the dangers of dioxin had all been exaggerated by emotional environmentalists.

62. Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?

63. The appeal of those unregulated arrangements combines an environmentalists’ aesthetic joy with an off-the-grid seafarer’s Curmudgeonliness

64. Hotel construction near Kazakhstan’s sugar castles Appalls eco-activists Official promises to meet environmentalists halfway have proven disappointing

65. Some 175 protected sites, including 50 Sites of Special Scientific Interest, are threatened by road schemes, environmentalists say.

66. 1 But it was opposed by the Senate's Environment Committee, industry, local authority refuse collection agencies and environmentalists.

67. Environmentalists keep quiet because concern over radon in houses would divert attention from the campaign against nuclear power.

68. Environmentalists argue that large - scale sand - dredging can deplete fish stocks and cause erosion, risking landslides and flooding.

69. Such an option would be far more acceptable to environmentalists than launching even an inert reactor from Earth.

70. Environmentalists have warned that dioxins accumulate in fat and milk and will work their way through the food chain.

71. They included dope smugglers, priests and nuns, Acidheads, gays, groupies, environmentalists, and a group who claimed to be from Venus.”

72. Environmentalists Convincedly can argue that in the long run a real tree is better for our planet than an artificial one

73. ‘Environmentalists tended to characterise Aboriginal Australians as icons of true belonging, role models, holders of superior spiritual knowledge, the real Autochthons.’

74. Environmentalists say that Congress is trying to roll back clean-air and water laws and to dismantle the Endangered Species Act.

75. Nobutoshi Akao takes office at a time when the country is increasingly coming under fire from environmentalists for ignoring global priorities.

76. 22 It is likely that the report will provide added ammunition to environmentalists who have for long opposed the blanket afforestation of uplands.

77. Movies, dining on grounded planes: Singaporeans’ Counterproposals to SIA’s ‘flights to nowhere’ Environmentalists in Singapore, concerned about carbon emissions, seek ideas from the public

78. Environmentalists hope that the DMZ will be conserved as a wildlife refuge, with a well-developed set of objective and management plans vetted and in place.

79. Environmentalists might wonder why plastic manufacturers don't use peptide bonds to build polymers rather than carbon-carbon bonds, so that they'll Biodegrade rather than lasting forever in a

80. Civil rights Activists protesting the segregation of African Americans, environmentalists fighting to save the planet and feminists working to secure women's rights all have one goal in common -