Use "envelopment" in a sentence

1. In contrast to prior untreated infections, however, secondary envelopment of Capsids was not seen

2. 31: Huge German successes around Kharkov, with envelopment of several Red Army armies.

3. Like a suffocating “envelopment” —a blanket— sin and death have weighed heavily on mankind.

4. Combined with the Union force facing Fredericksburg, Hooker planned a double envelopment, attacking Lee from both his front and rear.

5. Complete envelopment of the leakage-prone anastomosis is thus achieved. The distal end of the jejunal segment is anastomosed to the duodenum end-to-end.

6. Assistum Knowledge Editor Personal Editi Do you need to systemize things you know about different Assistum The corporate decision - making framework encapsulated by XlDEA Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a powerful method widely Visit [email protected] …