Use "enumerated scalar type" in a sentence

1. This approach (Boolean is an enumerated type) was adopted by most later languages which had enumerated types, such as Modula, Ada, and Haskell.

2. If we view a set of Constants as members of an enumerated type, we can use an enum to define them

3. Nread = extend_read fh, scalar, Addlen=64

4. 6 A spokesperson enumerated the strikers'demands.

5. We follow through the six steps enumerated above.

6. 3.6 min), (c) trace type (hexagon traces vs. ring averages), and (d) amplitude definition (peak-trough analysis vs. scalar product) on RCV.

7. There were 107.5 million individuals enumerated this Census year

8. Kinetic energy is a scalar property of motion.

9. $\begingroup$ A Bilinear form is a generalized scalar product

10. 7 Scalar polynomial curvature singularities therefore can not occur.

11. Bucketing can also be used on strings or enumerated values

12. Scalar polynomial curvature singularities therefore can not occur.

13. Scalar formulas do carry over for these matrices.

14. It has six scalar and fermions in the adjoint representation ...

15. Scalar variable names always begin with a $ sign.

16. Bellman uses the ff and group crates to build circuits generically over a scalar field type, which is used as the "word" of a circuit

17. This module provides tools for manipulating Compositions and enumerated sets of Compositions

18. Super multiply add (super madd) instruction with three scalar terms

19. Aerobic bacteria can be enumerated on the Petrifilm Aerobic Count (AC) plates.

20. The most familiar class of singularities are the scalar curvature singularities.

21. [1:p1050]) where here R is the Ricci scalar Curvature …

22. Thus the Bifilar Coil is a powerful scalar wave delivery device

23. Most abnormal Cochleas featured a combination of modiolar deficiency, dysmorphism, and scalar asymmetry

24. We prove that a complete Contractible $3$-manifold with positive scalar

25. According to the report, the wage disparity is largely based on the factors enumerated below

26. Methods and apparatus for address map optimization on a multi-scalar extension

27. The Adjoint of a scalar multiplication is equal to the product of the scalar raised to n-1 and the Adjoint of the matrix, where n is the order of the matrix

28. In such cases variables are represented through vectors instead of simple scalar values.

29. 28 The most familiar class of singularities are the scalar curvature singularities.

30. The census enumerated eighty - six persons over one hundred years old in this mountain area.

31. You can also multiply the whole matrix by a number, called a scalar.

32. Advection¶ metpy.calc.Advection (scalar, u = None, v = None, w = None, *, dx = None, dy = None, dz = None, x_dim = - 1, y_dim = - 2, vertical_dim = - 3) [source] ¶ Calculate the Advection of a scalar field by the wind

33. 13 This clearly demonstrates the existence of a scalar curvature singularity on this hypersurface.

34. It is a multivariate generalization of the definition of Covariance between two scalar random variables.

35. State-level competences are enumerated in the Constitution, which attributes all other powers to the entities.

36. Any Antisymmetric matrix multiplied by a scalar also results in another Antisymmetric matrix

37. A matrix Commutes with every other matrix if and only if it is a scalar matrix, that is, a matrix of the form , where is the identity matrix, and is a scalar

38. Add to Favorites Lakhovsky MWO harmonisation machine with Bifilar Tesla coil, scalar wave antennae and …

39. In the alternative case of thick gravitational waves, they are non-scalar curvature singularities.

40. Dexel is a nodal value of a scalar or vector field on a meshed surface.

41. The problem of multiobjective optimization is simplified to that of scalar objective optimization by weighted Tchebycheff procedure.

42. Cultivable bacteria belonging to the following groups were enumerated: enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Clostridium, Bacteroides, and yeast

43. We also introduce and study weak versions of the Abscissas for scalar-valued Dirichlet series.

44. 26 In the alternative case of thick gravitational waves, they are non-scalar curvature singularities.

45. ’Population count’ is the aggregate obtained by the simple addition of individual records from the enumerated population base.

46. In the case of x and p, their Commutator is a scalar and it therefore holds

47. Finally, the quantum distribution of scalar massless particles in the accelerated frame of reference is computed.

48. The primary methods for visualizing two-dimensional (2D) scalar fields are color mapping and drawing contour lines.

49. Namely providing marketing and business consulting services to independent agents engaged in direct sales of advance scalar energy

50. There have been some additional elements today which I enumerated, for example the Rs.25 crore for the earthquake relief.

51. Scalar numeric Coercions—If you manipulate different numeric types, LabVIEW coerces the data types to match

52. A couple of sets of Scalar strings, courtesy of Selectron, will be winging their way to you soon!

53. This clearly indicates that, in these cases, the singularity in this region is a non-scalar curvature singularity.

54. (5) Among other reasons, Avitaminosis, allergy, hormonal imbalance, carcinogenic drugs and IgA-mediated immune mechanisms can be enumerated

55. The major groups of micro-organisms were enumerated by aerobic plate count procedures, using universal and selective media.

56. For this purpose in addition to the floating-point arithmetic only a precise scalar product (cf. [2]) is required.

57. Also realize that Link Aggregation is a general wired network upgrade, and well worth exploring for the reasons enumerated above

58. The structure of these compact objects was investigated using different theories of gravity, the scalar tensor theories.

59. Usually this will be a scalar polynomial curvature singularity, but a large class of significant exceptions occurs.

60. Those waste alloys that are considered as hazardous waste are specifically enumerated in this list and marked with an asterisk (*).

61. Such activities may be compared with “the detestable customs” that Jehovah hates, as enumerated in the Mosaic code at Leviticus chapter 18.

62. Besides a number of America's finest cantours, the artists here enumerated comprise in part the distinguished Coadjutors in the organiza- tion's presentations

63. Note: This vector is not normalized by default, so it is a scalar multiple of the unit Binormal …

64. The Ceil of the scalar x is the smallest integer i, such that i >= x.It is often denoted as .

65. 16 Usually this will be a scalar polynomial curvature singularity,( but a large class of significant exceptions occurs.

66. The frondose techniques of heat transfer enhancement were comparatively amply introduced, and the relevant new structures to enhance heat transfer were enumerated.

67. The contractive mapping is preferably achieved with an affine map contracting scheme which is preferably implemented by a scalar multiplication.

68. Like Olympians showing off their medal collections, many proudly enumerated the Brandishings unleashed on them by the likes of Dr Lewis and Mr Murugasu

69. Numerous variable and heuristic techniques are utilized to implement the click filtration systems, which will not be enumerated here to protect their security.

70. Version 1 (1984) featured conditional replenishment, differential pulse-code modulation, scalar quantization, variable-length coding and a switch for sampling.

71. Type I; Type II; Type III; Osage Ambulances

72. King Records profiles Type-A Type-B Type-C Type-D Theater Edition

73. Then the matching feasibility of 2-D scalar field achieved by the above algorithm is testified with Mean Square Difference (MSD) criterion.

74. The Ninth Amendment (Amendment IX) to the United States Constitution addresses rights, retained by the people, that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

75. Structural type system Abstract type Type system Pierce, Benjamin C. (2002).

76. A - type granites keep abreast of i-type and S - type granitites, and are animportant genetic type.

77. Scalar and vector interfaces for Cubature and Cuba routines are provided; the vector interfaces are highly recommended as demonstrated in the package vignette.

78. In this article, we are interested in the question whether any complete Contractible $3$-manifold of positive scalar curvature is homeomorphic to $\\mathbb{R}^{3}$

79. The 'Complex projective contact manifolds' (Contact manifolds) project is working to classify complex projective contact Fano manifolds and quaternion-Kähler manifolds with positive scalar curvature.

80. This database contains the names, birthdates, street addresses and occupations of 22,167 Jews, enumerated in a 1939 census of the city of Będzin (Bendin), Poland