Use "entrails" in a sentence

1. Elbow deep in human entrails?

2. What do the entrails say?

3. 6 Trenching your gushing entrails bright .

4. 7 Winston's entrails seemed to grow cold.

5. 8 He cut out the steaming entrails.

6. Trenching your gushing entrails bright Like onie ditch

7. 2 Guilty of assault with bison entrails Billings, Mont.

8. Guilty of assault with bison entrails Billings, Mont.

9. Bowels definition: innards; entrails Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

10. I'll pull your entrails out and jump rope with them!

11. 9 Winston's entrails seemed to have turned into ice.

12. 19 I'll pull your entrails out and jump rope with them!

13. 15 The doctor examine the entrails of the patient for parasite.

14. 21 Saad, whose mighty voice had welled up from his entrails.

15. 10 The dish is make from the entrails of a sheep.

16. 17 The entrails, however, and the legs he shall wash with water.

17. 16 Fresh, without skin, head, paws bone and entrails,[] well frozen.

18. 11 Westerners don't eat animal entrails, but Chinese eat them with relish.

19. 1 The dish was made from the entrails of a sheep.

20. The thing's entrails writhed around him like the tentacles of a daemonic octopus.

21. 13 The invisible rays sliced and diced my entrails in search of metal.

22. Fish offal may consist of flesh, skin, bones, entrails, shells or stickwater.

23. Augurers: augurs, priests who read the omens, especially the entrails of animals

24. 28 Their blood will be poured out like dust and their entrails like filth.

25. 22 Several chairs lay on the bare floorboards, their legs broken, their entrails sprung.

26. 4 The thing's entrails writhed around him like the tentacles of a daemonic octopus.

27. 10 The more the worms writhe , the more I crush out their entrails!

28. 30 The javelin penetrated the serpent's scales and pierced through to his entrails.

29. 26 The more the worms writhe , the more I crush out their entrails!

30. 14 There was another spasm in his entrails, the heavy boots were approaching.

31. Her entrails, removed as part of the embalming process, were buried secretly within Fotheringhay Castle.

32. 29 The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!

33. 12 The more the worms writhe,[] the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!

34. 23 Over the next few weeks it will slowly grow itself a new set of entrails.

35. 5 Hot liquid and entrails spilled over him, and he scrambled out from under the thing.

36. Her heart was buried in the Cordeliers Convent and her entrails in the Couvent des Célestins.

37. If the entrails Augured well, the august personages declared an august occasion and conducted an inaugural

38. It often includes zampone or cotechino (a meal made with pig's trotters or entrails), and lentils.

39. Caesar decides to leave it to the “Augurers,” his priests who divine the future from animal entrails

40. Aruspices, a priest in ancient Rome who practiced divination by the inspection of the entrails of animals

41. Caesar decides to leave it to the “Augurers,” his priests who divine the future from animal entrails.

42. 24 Conrad Burns by throwing a five-gallon bucket of bison entrails on them during a public meeting.

43. 3 She feels as if she is negotiating the entrails of the city in the slow, peristaltic procession.

44. 27 Objective To explore the relation between meridians cohering on the organism and channel and point - entrails effect.

45. 20 Within me I feel dreadful ghosts and crimes locked within my bones, knotted into my very entrails.

46. 12 The measured entrails include heart, liver, spleen, esophagus, glandular stomach, gizzard, intestine, pancreas, trachea and cholecyst.

47. Aruspex definition: (in ancient Rome) a priest who practised divination , esp by examining the entrails of Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

48. HAruspex definition is - a diviner in ancient Rome basing his predictions on inspection of the entrails of sacrificial animals

49. 25 Dougal could read meaning into the meaningless, like a priest finding omens in the steaming entrails of a sacrificed animal.

50. Aruspices definition: (in ancient Rome) a priest who practised divination , esp by examining the entrails of Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

51. After removing his entrails, his body was temporarily buried in Baghsar Fort and was later moved to Lahore, where it was buried in Shahdara Bagh

52. Aruspices 释义: (in ancient Rome) a priest who practised divination , esp by examining the entrails of 意思、发音、翻译及示例

53. Stripped of his command, he was paraded through the streets draped in sheep's entrails while seated backwards on a jackass before suffering 500 Bastinadoes

54. HAruspex definition, (in ancient Rome) one of a class of minor priests who practiced divination, especially from the entrails of animals killed in sacrifice

55. 18 With the fish entrails as raw material, the effects of different process such as cooking time, drying condition, deodorizing treatment on the quality of the extracting fish oil were studied.

56. But in the bad old days people who wanted an accurate picture of the days to come would consult a soothsayer who poked through chicken entrails, or looked to the stars.

57. He hath at once as exact a view of the most hidden things, the very entrails of the soul, as if they had been with never so great curiosity Anatomised before him

58. Richard's heart was buried at Rouen in Normandy, his entrails in Châlus (where he died), and the rest of his body at the feet of his father at Fontevraud Abbey in Anjou.

59. HAruspices, ancient Etruscan diviners, “entrail observers” whose art consisted primarily in deducing the will of the gods from the appearance presented by the entrails of the sacrificial animal, especially the liver and gallbladder of sheep

60. Definitions for Aruspex (n.) One of the class of diviners among the Etruscans and Romans, who foretold events by the inspection of the entrails of victims offered on the altars of the gods.

61. Skaði tells Loki that he is "light-hearted" and that Loki will not be "playing with tail wagging free" for much longer, for soon the gods will bind Loki to a sharp rock with the ice-cold entrails of his son.

62. The Aruspices (priests who inspected the entrails of birds, etc., to draw omens of the gods’ will or temper from their appearance), being consulted, answered that the public ceremonies had been neglected, the holy places profaned, and frightful calamities decreed in consequence

63. Bowels npl plural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (entrails) entrañas nfpl nombre femenino plural: Sustantivo femenino que se usa únicamente en plural, con los artículos las o unas

64. Fish Chum, also called Stink Bait, Bunker, Burley, Groundbait, or Ground Bait, is fish entrails and other delightful morsels that you put in the water that has a fishy enticing aroma which will attract fish to YOU!Bunker is a fish appetizer, teaser, and fish attractant

65. You can go to the performing ensemble's website, The Bowed Piano Ensemble, and view some videos of them performing: it is a fascinating ballet, like a throng of ritual-funeral spinsters (they are all donned in black) weaving strings into the entrails of the piano-beast.

66. Blood bathed lips of a reptilian beings drag Basilidan stones spreading the dust from her ribcages to make another opening in her entrails (the presence of unnecessary practice – peremptory expulsion) the jaws of the clitoris are pried open by hideous animals (ecstasy excludes the worker) inundated with hair.

67. In the religion of ancient Rome, a haruspex (plural hAruspices; also called aruspex) was a person trained to practise a form of divination called haruspicy (haruspicina), the inspection of the entrails (exta—hence also extispicy (extispicium)) of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep and poultry.The reading of omens specifically from the liver is also known by the