Use "enthalpy" in a sentence

1. These data are combined with published values of the high-temperature enthalpy of crystalline Anorthite and the enthalpy of vitrification of Anorthite to obtain the enthalpy of fusion of Anorthite

2. The enthalpy is constant in the throttling process.

3. Another commonly advected quantity is energy or enthalpy.

4. The energetic (reaction enthalpy) and kinetic data (reaction order, enthalpy and entropy of activation) of this reaction were determined by means of differential scanning calorimetry.

5. The standard heat capacity, entropy, sublimation enthalpy of graphite.

6. Only differences in enthalpy are of practical engineering interest.

7. Enthalpy of Atomization is denoted by the symbol ΔH a.

8. An excess enthalpy equation is established based on this thermodynamic model.

9. Possible reasons for these enthalpy and entropy changes are discussed.

10. Above and below Tc the enthalpy of association was practically zero.

11. The general corresponding-states equation of specific enthalpy of saturated liquid wasobtained.

12. However, it is possible to measure changes in enthalpy (ΔH) by measuring temperature changes, which represent heat being lost or gained.To measure enthalpy changes, we use what is called Calorimetry.

13. Total energy (enthalpy) of activation for flow through paste, and entropy, were evaluated.

14. A change in enthalpy also takes place when a change of phase occurs.

15. A Calorimeter is used to measure the enthalpy, the heat energy, of a reaction

16. Condensers increase the enthalpy drops and turbine work by lowering the turbine outlet pressure

17. Enthalpy of Atomization is the amount of enthalpy change when a compound's bonds are broken and the component e lements are reduced to individual atoms.Enthalpy of Atomization is always a positive value and never a negative number

18. Introduces and analyses the calculating software of steam parameters and enthalpy drop of adiabatic expansion.

19. Its high melting enthalpy results in bigger crystal size lower super - cooling and poor spinnability.

20. It is reasonable to suppose that the analogous thermochemical stabilization enthalpy of 1,3-Butadiyne would be

21. The reaction constants as well as the activation enthalpy and entropy of the hydrolysis reaction were determined.

22. New of Excess Enthalpy is developed by combining the corresponding state principle and local components concept.

23. New correlations of Excess Enthalpy is developed by combining the corresponding state principle and local components concept.

24. Covalent molecular compounds usually have a low enthalpy of fusion and vaporization due to the same reason

25. From the temperature dependence of the equilibrium position, values of the enthalpy and entropy of hydration were calculated.

26. 20 Values of the solubility parameter for simple liquids can be readily calculated from the enthalpy of vaporization.

27. On the treatment of the latent heat of solidification, the temperature compensation method and enthalpy method are used.

28. Values of the solubility parameter for simple liquids can be readily calculated from the enthalpy of vaporization.

29. The rate constants were determined and the enthalpy and the entropy of activation were calculated for both reactions.

30. Values found for the enthalpy, entropy, and free energy of activation were 22, 0.05, and 7.5 kcal, respectively.

31. Enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy differences of vitreous and crystalline forms have been deduced for this alloy.

32. Keywords: cavity formation, enthalpy and entropy of cavity formation, Corresponding States Principle, alkanes, intermolecular interactions, acentric factor, solvent effect.

33. The equivalent enthalpy drop method ( EEDM ) is equivalent to the habitual thermal balance method ( HTBM ) on the thermodynamic principle.

34. The relaxation data have been used to estimate the free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of activation for the relaxation mechanism.

35. The contribution of enthalpy of activation (ΔH*) and entropy of activation (ΔS*) to ΔG* differed considerably for the two enzymes.

36. Method for operating a sorption air conditioning system with enthalpy heat exchanger for the cyclic humidification and dehumidification of indoor air

37. A primary hydration number for the actinide series was determined by fitting the model to existing experimental enthalpy data for Pu3+.

38. Moreover, for a given activation enthalpy, the preexponential factor τo and the activation entropy ΔS are characteristic of matrix filler interface.

39. We saw earlier in this chapter that the enthalpy change of formation was a measure of the stability of a compound.

40. The enthalpy of formation of Anorthite was measured by Pb 2 B 2 O 5 melt solution calorimetry at 1000 K

41. The result shows that both the protonation of the ligands and the formation of metal complexes are controlled by the change of enthalpy.

42. In the ultra low-temperature geothermal power cycle, refrigeration and heating are provided by adiabatic isentropic compression of high-enthalpy, moist air.

43. The reaction enthalpy of the alcoholysis with primary alcohols is from −150 to −170 kJ mole−1 in tetrahydrofuran/toluene as solvent.

44. The rateconstants (K · 10−5 sec−1), the period of halfdecay,Q10, the energy, the enthalpy and entropy of activation have been calculated.

45. This invention is also directed to an ammonia absorption refrigeration process powered by an enthalpy to source from or near a paraxylene recovery unit.

46. 19 Main control methods for intermediate-point superheat degree include water-fuel ratio control, enthalpy control, first-stage superheater spray correction, feedwater mild correction.

47. Enthalpy effects originating from the crystallization of amorphous parts into the anatase modification and from the phase transition of anatase into rutile were investigated.

48. 4 These modified starch, low dextrinize enthalpy value, low crystallinity and extremely disarrangement of structure, have a better effect of lowering blood sugar value.

49. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of gaseous di-Borane ({eq}B_2H_6 {/eq}) using the following thermochemical information: {eq}B_2H_6 (g) + 3O_2(g) \to B_2O

50. The dissociation enthalpy of the dimer is estimated at 65.0–66.0 kJ/mol, and the dissociation entropy at 154–157 J mol−1 K−1.

51. Thermodynamic parameters, such as activation energyEa* enthalpy change ΔH and entropy change ΔS, for the dehydration and sublimation of the complexes were evaluated using some standard methods.

52. From the frequency dependence of the glass transition temperature on enthalpy and entropy of activation is determined. These qualities are used for the discussion of the results.

53. Calorimetry, particularly differential scanning Calorimetry (DSC), is an effective analytical tool to characterize melting, crystallization, and mesomorphic transitions and to determine the corresponding enthalpy and entropy changes

54. Subsequently, the model was applied to the trivalent actinide ions with a view to predicting values for the free energy and enthalpy of hydration for this series.

55. Calorimetry, particularly differential scanning Calorimetry (DSC), is an effective analytical tool to characterize melting, crystallization, and mesomorphic transitions, and to determine the corresponding enthalpy and entropy changes.

56. By applying the theory of absolute reaction rate, various thermodynamic parameters, namely, enthalpy of activation ΔH≠, energy of activation ΔF≠, and entropy of activation ΔS≠ were evaluated.

57. The dependences of the layer thickness, activation energy, enthalpy and entropy of the bonded watervs. the amount of TDACl previously deposited on the marble surface were determined.

58. Conclusions about the solution's structure can be obtained from the activation energy, enthalpy and entropy of the flow and their dependence on the concentration and the shear stress.

59. Applying Eyring’s transition state theory, the Eyring functions of activation for the viscous flow of binary mixtures, i.e. the molar Gibbs free energy, entropy, and enthalpy were estimated.

60. The activation energy,Ea, the entropy change, ΔS°, the enthalpy change, ΔH° and Gibbs free energy, ΔG° are calculated by applying the rate theory of the first-order reaction.

61. The relation between the activation energy, the enthalpy and the entropy of the bonded water and the amount of TDAHCl previously deposited on the bare mineral surfaces was determined.

62. The kinetic parameters, the activation energyE and the preexponential factorA, and the thermodynamic parameters, the entropy, enthalpy and free energy of activation were evaluated for the dehydration and decomposition reactions.

63. Using enthalpy to deal with latent heat of solidification the numerical model is solved by finite element method, and a steady temperature field can be obtained under a certain condition.

64. Based on the physical principles and the bilinear fit functions of the enthalpy and density of superheated steam, a lumped parameter model of a section of super-heater was developed.

65. The reaction enthalpy, the rate constant and the equilibrium constant are evaluated with good precision by a method of analysis using thermal data and a dynamic model based on physical properties.

66. Enthalpy and entropy show a strong negative relation to the moisture content, the absolute desorption values always being higher than the adsorption ones, but with no clear trend between and within the species.

67. 16 The enthalpy-change coating consists of some matters as a base material causing endothermic reaction at a certain temperature range, which acts as iron chill when placed on a mold or core surface.

68. In contrast to 1,3-butadiene, the textbook example of “conjugation stabilization”, G3(MP2) calculations yielding the enthalpy of hydrogenation ΔhydH298 of 1,3-Butadiyne indicate that it is not stabilized by the conjugated configuration of its triple bonds

69. The strain energy of a Cycloalkane is the theoretical increase in energy caused by the compound's geometry, and is calculated by comparing the experimental standard enthalpy change of combustion of the Cycloalkane with the value calculated using average bond energies.

70. Calorimetry describes a set of techniques employed to measure enthalpy changes in chemical processes using devices called calorimeters. To have any meaning, the quantity that is actually measured in a calorimetric experiment, the change in the temperature of the device, must be related to the heat evolved or consumed in a chemical reaction.