Use "entangle" in a sentence

1. 1 Bureaucracy can entangle ventures for months.

2. 6 Don't entangle the fishing lines.

3. 11 To entangle or catch ( a rope, for example ).

4. Craftiness: Jews, in Seeking to Entangle the Master

5. 5 This time i dare not to entangle you again.

6. Bolas are a thrown weapon designed to entangle an animal's legs

7. Bolas are a thrown weapon designed to entangle an animal's legs

8. 7 Entangle now interrupts channeling spells such as Starfall and Blizzard.

9. 4 Arrange a net to entangle game when it springs the trap.

10. 12 Youfu as well . Very soon, the two entangle and flop onto the ground.

11. 2 His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure.

12. 15 How did Alice manage to entangle her hair so badly in the brambles?

13. 13 How did Mary manage to entangle her hair so badly in the brambles?

14. 14 Could I but entangle your feet with my and hold them fast my breast!

15. Beset, trouble, plague, harass, badger, perplex, pester, entangle, bedevilbox Buffeted by social and political upheavals

16. The Pharisees, always Captious and controversial, sought to entangle the Savior in a discussion on the subject of divorce

17. 3 At best, they can entangle the nets of a fishing boat and kill the crew.

18. 17 Could I but entangle your feet with mt heart ang hold them fast to my breast!

19. 8 Could I but entangle your feet with my heart and hold them fast to my breast!

20. 16 This group of people entangle to dream of fetch of pilot a ship into a harbour.

21. 20 She sets a trap and sets off a series of events that entangle household, family and friends.

22. 18 Mining equipment of mineral products: Send, entangle and break to pieces, elute, press one,( improve compositions.

23. Cockleburs can entangle themselves so tightly in a dog’s hair that scissors have to be used to remove them

24. 19 If they creep slowly forward they will not hit the net with anything like the amount of impact required to entangle them.

25. A hunter’s snare often involves a noose that pulls tight around the neck or ropes that entangle the feet of an animal.

26. 10 Original will entangle the red new striae gravidarum in the puerperal period abdominal wall to turn the silver-white color gradually the old striae gravidarum.

27. While it's important to get information from the surface layers where fresh water accumulates, it's also risky, because moving ice can entangle instruments.

28. Due to the high aspect ratio, the long CNTs were inclined to entangle with each other Anfractuously, and van der Waals-force made them densely packed (Step 1)

29. 9 "They probably do not have the chance to entangle like a ' card-carrying ' polymer would do, " Jaeger said. "The molecules are anchored to the gold particles, but only on one end.

30. Bola definition, a weapon consisting of two or more heavy balls secured to the ends of one or more strong cords, hurled by the Indians and gauchos of southern South America to entangle the legs of cattle and other animals

31. * emacs++ * src/Arew/entangle: README++ * src/Arew/socket: varia - socket-accept4: replace socket-accept with socket-accept4 that accept a fourth flags argument that allows to specify that accepted file descriptor must be non-blocking; - make-socket-inet-address: create an internet socket for a given string IP and integer PORT