Use "ensued" in a sentence

1. A fruitful discussion ensued.

2. A pleasant conversation ensued.

3. A fiery debate ensued.

4. After the discourse, a lively discussion ensued.

5. 26 Bitter arguments ensued from this misunderstanding.

6. A brief but embarrassing silence ensued.

7. Even more baffling was the conversation that ensued.

8. We can imagine the animated discussion that ensued.

9. There ensued a blinding light and then blackness.

10. Thus, endless discussions on phonetics and spelling ensued.

11. 22 The trouble ensued from this misunderstanding.

12. A minor skirmish ensued as people fought over supplies.

13. Because of Lucifer’s rebellion, a great spiritual conflict ensued.

14. A liberal attitude ensued, allowing for diverse opinions about God.

15. Yet another aerial attack ensued, this time by dive-bombers.

16. 🔊 First we heard gunshots, then a wild Commotion ensued

17. Then others opened up and a miniature battle ensued.

18. 7 A standoff ensued as hostages begged troops not to fire.

19. The fumes began seeping through the trains and stations, and pandemonium ensued.

20. Adam raised the issue of multimedia applications and much useful discussion ensued.

21. Military clashes between China and Portugal ensued and the Portuguese were expelled.

22. At that, “a sharp burst of anger” ensued, and they separated.

23. The battle ensued the next day, and a severe wind started to blow.

24. 21 The police were called in to quell the riot that ensued.

25. This new arrangement had Jehovah’s blessing, for an unparalleled time of Christian activity ensued.

26. The magnetosphere did not show a missing S Pole, and no significant quakes ensued.

27. 5 An auto-immune disease ensued,[] with destruction of nervous and vascular tissue.

28. Dissension ensued, and the people “began to depart,” reports Luke. —Acts 28:24, 25a.

29. Religious practices connected with fate were included in the cultural exchange that ensued.

30. Synonyms for Bechanced include betid, betided, befell, befallen, chanced, happened, occurred, transpired, ensued and supervened

31. A dialogue on exchange of views and feedback on challenges ensued between the two Organisations.

32. Synonyms for Betided include befell, befallen, chanced, happened, occurred, transpired, ensued, supervened, bechanced and happed

33. During economic downturns families required an additional wage earner - the "added worker" economic phenomenon ensued.

34. An economic rivalry between the two countries ensued after Kuwait increased its oil production by 40 percent.

35. A conversation ensued, and the man listened as she explained how God’s Kingdom will soon eliminate injustice.

36. After the patient had declined any follow-up during her pubertal years, advanced bilateral renal damage ensued.

37. Another ten minutes ensued while the agonising choice of wines was made, and the wine waiter departed.

38. 🔊 When the team won the championship the fans ran onto the court, and Bedlam ensued

39. In the complicated affair that ensued, D'Anthès married Natalia's sister, Yekaterina Goncharova, on 10 January 1837.

40. After it was extinguished by ground staff, a furious row then ensued between the referee and our lads.

41. A sophisticated cat and mouse game then ensued between North Vietnamese radar operators and the Wild Weasel pilots.

42. A race to the North Sea ensued between the two Belligerents, the objective being the channel ports

43. A minor diplomatic kerfuffle ensued as it turned out the cream was being illegally imported from Vietnam.

44. Smiling to herself, she listened to the hissed shushing that ensued as Mrs B. tried to impart her news.

45. Probably sterile, he had left no sons, and a struggle for succession promptly ensued at the palace in Hue.

46. The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.

47. Explosive intensification then ensued as a small, well-defined eye formed, with Walaka reaching major hurricane status early that morning.

48. The senior registrar contract arrived dated May 19 and a six month battle ensued to get it backdated to January 19

49. Maybe there was a run-in with a brother and a slight altercation ensued that was shortly thereafter regretted.

50. A violent firefight at close range ensued; the leading German battleships, including Posen, opened fire on several British warships.

51. Those that did turn up enjoyed the jovial atmosphere and frantic dancing ensued, except at the home-town concert in Middleton.

52. But the Bolsheviks were determined to frustrate them and immediately after October a bitter struggle ensued between the workers and the party.

53. 22 David remembers the day the letter arrived, and the ominously quiet discussion which ensued between his parents at Rhydoldog.

54. Once that was finished, the guards would kick and beat the poor sap's midsection until his stomach lining burst and and death ensued.

55. A five-minute running gun duel ensued between the two groups of destroyers before Alden and her sister ships checked fire and laid smoke.

56. Then, much drinking ensued, and Chicago Rich was good enough to put up with my drunken Blackguarding of Modernism, which technically began while cold

57. A divorce ensued, and the child (who was told his mother had died) was raised in a series of boarding schools and orphanages in America.

58. The Askaris drove to Kisumu Central Police Station where the injured woman was later released after a scuffle ensued between the Askaris and the angry mob

59. A rather acrimonious debate ensued between the CSC, the Board, and the staff associations. This produced an extremely frustrating situation for both the CSC and the associations.

60. Explosive intensification ensued, and later that day, Maria became a super typhoon and the first Category 5-equivalent storm of this basin since Nock-ten in 2016.

61. We all know the dialogue that ensued: “And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us?

62. A civil war between the Finnish Red Guards and the White Guard ensued a few months later, with the Whites gaining the upper hand during the springtime of 1918.

63. The Bairns toured Scotland heavily in support, but personnel shifts ensued in short order -- Cuffe left to join Ossian, while Jack was replaced by ex-Chorda fiddler Derek Hoy

64. The Bairns toured Scotland heavily in support, but personnel shifts ensued in short order -- Cuffe left to join Ossian, while Jack was replaced by ex-Chorda fiddler Derek Hoy

65. A six-hour firefight ensued, in which over 1,000 machine gun rounds were fired by both sides; the North Korean crew were said to have wielded shoulder-held rocket launchers.

66. Indeed, the underlying cause of the problems in red ascension went unperceived , and what ensued was a period of great darkness in which such entities became the secret governance over earth.

67. (Matthew 20:22, King James Version) As predicted at Revelation 11:3, the 1,260-day period that ensued was a mournful time for the anointed—it was as if they were prophesying in sackcloth.

68. During the five years of civil war that ensued, from 1207 to 1212, Dominic and his followers continued in their mission of converting the Albigenses by example and persuasion rather than force, concentrating on the cities of

69. ‘There are jobs Aplenty and even the commodity prices are looking up.’ ‘Mind you, she has practice Aplenty in detecting odd behaviour.’ ‘A brief grapple ensued, pushing and shoving Aplenty all round, and I duly broke free, uninjured and unrobbed.’

70. ‘There are jobs Aplenty and even the commodity prices are looking up.’ ‘Mind you, she has practice Aplenty in detecting odd behaviour.’ ‘A brief grapple ensued, pushing and shoving Aplenty all round, and I duly broke free, uninjured and unrobbed.’

71. Terrible Bloodshed ensued after the storming of the palace UN aims to avert Bloodshed in Haiti elections it had been a quiet night - no Bloodshed, no robbery, no theft we want the country to return to democracy without further Bloodshed

72. Chaos ensued, leading to a year of brutal civil war known as the Year of the Four Emperors, during which the four most influential generals in the Roman Empire—Galba, Otho, Vitellius and Vespasian—successively vied for the imperial power.

73. Unlocking the Confusion Around Chokeholds March 5, 2019 • by Michael Schlosser As a result of the death of Eric Garner in 2014 during an encounter with police officers, and the scrutiny that ensued, there has been significant controversy over police officers using Chokeholds …

74. Pair Conceals Over $1,000 Worth Of Items From West Marine and Leaves Store March 23, 2021; Woman Arrested After Asking for Drugs to be Returned March 23, 2021; Local Rap Artist Drawing Larger Crowds & Working Hard To Elevate His Career March 23, 2021; Shamrocks and Shenanigans Ensued at Balmoral Resort Florida March 23, 2021

75. Wasteful competition ensued until in 1857 an agreement was made between the companies to restrict their services to separate localities, and the Gas Light & Coke Company, by Amalgamating other companies, then gradually acquired all the gas-lighting north of the Thames, while a considerable area in the south was provided for by another great gas company, the South Metropolitan.

76. The Greek Government maintains that Article 18 of the basic regulation introduces a presumption designed to assist the EU institutions in the conduct of the anti-circumvention investigation, to the effect that, in the absence of cooperation from the parties concerned, the EU institutions may classify the change in the pattern of trade which ensued immediately after the anti-dumping duty was imposed as circumvention, unless the interested parties adduce proof to the contrary.