Use "enshrined" in a sentence

1. These principles are enshrined in the country's constitution.

2. Jewel-enshrined uneasefulness contraposit wild-acting Allegrettos coping

3. These important rights are enshrined in the constitution.

4. These rights are enshrined in the country's constitution.

5. Memories of happier days were enshrined in my heart.

6. A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.

7. the tighter rules to be enshrined in countries ' constitutions

8. The smaller piece was enshrined at Wat Suan Dok.

9. Her love for him is enshrined forever in her poetry.

10. The right of free speech is enshrined in the Constitution.

11. The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed.

12. A lot of memories are enshrined in this photograph album.

13. The concept of individual liberty is enshrined in the constitution.

14. The memory of our friendship will be enshrined in my heart.

15. Fire, then, may well have been the first enshrined divinity of prehistoric man.

16. 3 A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.

17. Almost two and a half million war dead are enshrined at Yasukuni.

18. This staggering quantum mechanical phenomenon... is enshrined in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

19. The right of freedom of speech is enshrined in law/in the constitution.

20. Reiterating their adherence to the ideals and principles enshrined in the UN Charter;

21. Hunter will be enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame at a ceremony this week.

22. Tucker Carlson Blames George Floyd’s death for “enshrined open racism” against white people

23. Synonyms for Canonized include glorified, deified, enshrined, acclaimed, aggrandized, apotheosized, dignified, elevated, ennobled and enskied

24. It was subsequently placed in the inner oratory where it was enshrined beneath an altar.

25. 9 The right of freedom of speech is enshrined in law/in the constitution.

26. Auschwitz is enshrined in history in part because, as a work camp, there were survivors

27. He assured the Committee of his Government's absolute commitment to the principles enshrined in that instrument

28. He assured the Committee of his Government’s absolute commitment to the principles enshrined in that instrument.

29. It is built on an ancient burial site where the sacred earth goddess spirit was enshrined.

30. The Disabled Persons Act 1986 enshrined the new principles, though without providing funds for the advocacy arrangements desired.

31. This gap is also reflected in the transitional periods that are enshrined in the Accession Treaties.

32. Since 1995, both right of ownership and the right to pursue reindeer husbandry are enshrined in the Constitution.

33. On August 16 the relic was moved with great solemnity to this chapel, where it is still enshrined.

34. Governing bodies will still be subject to the local and national agreements enshrined in existing staff contracts.

35. The tutelary gods of Mazu and Wind - accompanying Ear are enshrined and worshiped in the temple gate.

36. Catherine of Siena enshrined in the artistic golden sarcophagus which has been admired by succeeding generations of her clients.

37. It’s enshrined in the President’s National Security Strategy, as well as the administration’s South Asia and Indo-Pacific strategies.

38. - sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific under the ACP-EC partnership enshrined in the Cotonou Agreement;

39. 9 The alliance, whether viewed as divine or malign, was formally enshrined in the School Certificate examination defined in 19

40. Traditional Japanese beliefs associate the Butsudan to be either a house of the Buddha, Bodhisattva as well as deceased relatives enshrined within it.

41. Moreover, the statement reaffirmed the importance of a federal democratic system while rejecting the unitary system enshrined in the 2008 Constitution.

42. It was argued that the civil and political status and rights of the citizen must be enshrined in a bill of rights.

43. National laws ban slavery, and its abolition is enshrined in international instruments—notably Article 4 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, cited above.

44. Freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to strike are fundamental rights enshrined in the Preamble to the 1946 Constitution, which is still valid.

45. Akin to the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Saint Lucia’s Constitution makes provision for the fundamental rights and freedoms of its people.

46. After centuries of religious persecution, injustice and disregard for human rights, the acceptance of human rights enshrined in law is one of the great Achievements of modern history.

47. Corresponding provisions authorizing the proscription of organizations which encourage or abet discrimination on the grounds of race or nationality are enshrined in the Voluntary Associations Act of # ay

48. This rate was enshrined into Qatari law by Royal Decree No.34 of 2001, signed by Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, on 9 July 2001.

49. More often than not, these cases are enshrined in popular culture by the movies and books about them that are avariciously devoured by a sensation-hungry public.

50. The legislative bodies should direct their respective executive heads to ensure that the head of the ethics office has informal access to the legislative bodies which is enshrined in writing.

51. Corresponding provisions authorizing the proscription of organizations which encourage or abet discrimination on the grounds of race or nationality are enshrined in the Voluntary Associations Act of 19 May 1995.

52. The chief of their village, Hajino Nakamoto, recognized the sanctity of the statue and enshrined it by remodeling his own house into a small temple in Asakusa so that the villagers could worship Kannon.

53. His work became enshrined in the English language, the verb "to Bowdlerise " now associating his name with the censorship not only of literature but also of movies and TV programmes

54. The goal, it suggested, was to weaken Sunni Arab states so as to realise "Safavid dreams" of Shia expansion, a reference to the 16th-century dynasty that enshrined Shiism as Iran's state religion.

55. The “anti-profiteering” measures enshrined in the GST law provide an institutional mechanism to ensure that the full benefits of input tax credits and reduced GST rates on supply of goods or services flow to the consumers.

56. Golden Chariot Airport, has briefly examined the 'Doctrine of Election' and the common law doctrine of prohibiting 'approbation' and 'reprobation' as enshrined in the latin maxim qui approbat non reprobat (one who Approbates cannot reprobate)

57. Pre-colonial Bahutu and Batutsi identities, that were mostly based on status, occupation or wealth, were replaced by racialised categories and enshrined in a colonial ‘master narrative’ that was internalised by both colonisers and colonised (Jefremovas 1997, 96f.; Pels 1997, 174).

58. Enshrined and multiplied; here were the votive statuettes and busts presented by Condolent friends, assiduous place-seekers, scared men who had once had words with the dead; commissioned by the best artists found at short notice, to comfort Alexander's grief

59. They expressed their support for formulation of universally recognized international rules of responsible state behavior in information space within the UN framework and advancement of the reform of the international Internet governance mechanism as enshrined in the Tunis Agenda.

60. In September 140 B.C.E., an important decree was issued in Jerusalem, enshrined on bronze tablets in Greek style: “King Demetrius [the Greek Seleucid ruler] confirmed him [Simon] in the high priesthood, made him one of his Friends, and paid him high honors. . . .

61. ‘The rolling hills of deciduous forest gave way to Cragginess, with bare outcrops, rocky islands, and a boreal forest of spruce.’ ‘One cannot fail to be thrilled by the Cragginess and gaunt loftiness of such a reading that is enshrined in the history of recordings.’

62. An honest commitment to the principles enshrined in this declaration today will have to begin with an acknowledgment of the rising dangers posed by these forces of extremism and terrorism to the future of Afghanistan and the wider world as Afghanistan approaches critical transitions.

63. We support the efforts of the Afghan Government to reintegrate those individuals who are willing to abjure violence, do not have ties with terrorist groups, and are willing to abide by the values of democracy, pluralism and human rights, as enshrined in the Afghan Constitution.

64. India supports the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan to reintegrate those individuals who abjure violence, give up armed struggle, do not have links with terrorist groups and are willing to abide by the values of democracy, pluralism and human rights as enshrined in the Afghan Constitution.

65. This volume of one hundred poems appropriately entitled " Offering " was dedicated by the author to his venerable eighty - three year old fatherin grateful acknowledgement of his debt to him , for the spiritual and moral wealth enshrined in its pages was in a sense the Maharshi ' s gift to him .

66. This model of education provides freedom for students and faculty from the constraints of politics and immigration restrictions that are serious Affronts to the freedom of thought that are counter to a vision of global peace and wisdom that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has enshrined for all citizens.

67. The Symbolic Birth Cabin The symbolic birth cabin is enshrined within a Neo-Classical Memorial Building on the traditional site of the Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln The Sinking Spring - a Karst Window The Sinking Spring was the water source for the Lincoln family and the feature from which the farm received its name

68. Anne Bonny, née Anne Cormac, (born 1698?, near Cork, Ireland—died April 25, 1782?, Charles Towne [now Charleston], South Carolina, U.S.), Irish American pirate whose brief period of marauding the Caribbean during the 18th century enshrined her in legend as one of the few to have defied the proscription against female pirates.

69. That provision of the Statute, a provision enshrined in primary law and therefore ranking above the Rules of Procedure, would be rendered meaningless if, without further ado, it were to be ascribed the same content as the requirement of an ‘interest in the appeal being allowed or dismissed’, which — in accordance with Article 172 of the Rules of Procedure — already applies in any case.

70. And I don't think deconstruction is the only answer to modernity or Contemporaneity.: Among all the Contemporaneity we catch a momentary glimpse of old Devon, as it was fondly enshrined in Trollope's memory.: The treatment gives it a Contemporaneity, for, we live in a time that is marked by women's empowerment of every kind.: In retrospect, the decision seems to have been a gratuitous gesture

71. The traditional view, still enshrined in much of the way that we think about creativity -- in organizations, in government -- is that creativity is about special people: wear baseball caps the wrong way round, come to conferences like this, in special places, elite universities, R&D labs in the forests, water, maybe special rooms in companies painted funny colors, you know, bean bags, maybe the odd table-football table.

72. Draws attention to the need for China to allow the free expression and practice of religion and thought; affirms the need, particularly in the light of the discussions among Chinese officials about the definition of religion and especially legal religion, for a comprehensive law on religion meeting international standards and guaranteeing genuine religious freedom; deplores the contradiction between the constitutional freedom of belief (enshrined in Article # of the Chinese Constitution) and the ongoing interference of the state in the affairs of religious communities, in particular as regards the training, selection, appointment and political indoctrination of ministers of religion

73. In the Golak Nath case , the Supreme Court by a 6 : 5 majority reversed its earlier decisions and held that the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution were transcendental and immutable , that article 368 of the Constitution laid down only the procedure for amendment and did not give to Parliament any substantive power to amend the Constitution or any constituent power distinct or separate from its ordinary legislative power , that a Constitution Amendment Act was also law within the meaning of article 13 and as such Parliament could not take away or abridge the fundamental rights even through a Constitution Amendment Act passed under article 368 .

74. State of Rajasthan and In GolakNath ' s case , the Supreme Court by a 6 : 5 majority reversed its earlier decisions and held that the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution were transcendental and immutable , that Art . 368 of the Constitution laid down only the procedure for amendment and did not give to Parliament any substantive power to amend the Constitution or any constituent power distinct or separate from its ordinary legislative power , that a Constitution Amendment Act was also law within the meaning of Art . 13 and as such Parliament could not take away or abridge the fundamental rights even through a Constitution Amendment Act passed under Art . 368 .