Use "enquiry" in a sentence

1. Assigns A Torturous Enquiry - Investigation A Torturous Enquiry - Identification A Torturous Enquiry - Confrontation A Torturous Enquiry - Resolution It's Only Goodbye Thunderheart Features in Tarada Bay's Secret Tony Bleurgh is a reference to Tony Blair.

2. A murder enquiry can become big trouble.

3. Police have launched a murder enquiry.

4. A government enquiry has been launched.

5. Enquiry methods often seemed too time-consuming ....

6. The enquiry investigated whether officers had Behaved correctly

7. The enquiry investigated whether officers had behaved correctly.

8. The enquiry generated a mountain of paperwork.

9. The enquiry must be independently conducted.

10. 18 The governor announced an enquiry into the events.

11. These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.

12. No new evidence emerged during the enquiry.

13. To email someone using the Business Enquiry Email:

14. The governor announced an enquiry into the events.

15. He made a solicitous enquiry after her health.

16. They've passed the enquiry over to the police.

17. The subjects on the curriculum encourage intellectual enquiry.

18. The enquiry was formally initiated last month.

19. We will carry out the enquiry expeditiously as possible.

20. Baculum -- is an interesting aspect of evolutionary enquiry

21. The results of the police enquiry were equivocal.

22. Methods of enquiry vary from subject to subject.

23. The police are following several lines of enquiry.

24. 12 Beefwood Street Bohle Plains Send enquiry Name * Mobile

25. He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry.

26. The police are following several different lines of enquiry.

27. Procedures following a request for accommodation Enquiry by letter

28. I want to make an enquiry about train times.

29. Container Number * Container Enquiry * Indicates a required field: Container Number *

30. You are requested to complete an enquiry form.

31. The enquiry recommended the building of a tunnel.

32. Children are born with a spirit of enquiry.

33. 16 The enquiry generated a mountain of paperwork.

34. The official enquiry was a long-drawn-out process.

35. The committee has the power to order an enquiry.

36. Enquiry is made by letter or fax and immediate response given.

37. 29 With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet.

38. 25 The police are pursuing a new line of enquiry / inquiry .

39. I was referred to the manager/the enquiry office.

40. The governor announced an enquiry into the events.

41. Claudia raised the bottle of shampoo in mute enquiry.

42. 9 . For general advice please contact our general enquiry service

43. [ + to] She has taken my enquiry as a personal Affront

44. It's with regard to your enquiry for a semidetached house.

45. The enquiry cleared him of any taint of suspicion/dishonesty.

46. The minister will face the enquiry with his reputation at stake.

47. 18 The enquiry heard this week that the crash was unavoidable.

48. Advice and enquiry services relating to the provision of credit

49. The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private.

50. With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet.

51. We will carry out the enquiry as expeditiously as possible.

52. Salmonella O Antiserum Group B Factors 1, 4, 12, 27 - BD: 3 ML: Enquiry: 229481: Salmonella O Antiserum Group B Factors 1, 4, 5, 12 - Difco: 3 ML: Enquiry: 229491: Salmonella O Antiserum Group C1 Factors 6, 7 - Difco: 3 ML: Enquiry: 229511: Salmonella O Antiserum Group D1 Factors 1, 9, 12 - Difco: 3 ML: Enquiry: 230171: Salmonella O Antiserum

53. A request for information can lead to the performance of an administrative enquiry.

54. Dimitri's enquiry didn't seem in the least strange or macabre to me.

55. An enquiry found that the vintage plane was in good working order.

56. 4 Who would be the best person to preside at/over the public enquiry?

57. A major enquiry is underway after the death of a union official.

58. And in all this the enquirer's subjectivity is an integral element of the enquiry.

59. Would you please refer that enquiry to my opposite number in our Pairs office.

60. A judicial enquiry was ordered, but witnesses were threatened and none would testify.

61. The extent to which ideas and values actually shape policy change requires careful empirical enquiry.

62. The enquiry dug deeper into the alleged financial misdeeds of his government.

63. They do not consider the case serious enough to warrant a government enquiry.

64. 28 The government gave assurances that the enquiry would be pursued with vigour.

65. He would have steered well clear of the wilder shores of analytic enquiry.

66. 4 The principal focus of the Commission's enquiry relates to the provision of financial services.

67. But if you run into problems, make friends with the helpful staff at the enquiry desks.

68. An example would be an ad hoe public enquiry into a serious railway accident.

69. 26 He would have steered well clear of the wilder shores of analytic enquiry.

70. Following the findings of the enquiry concerning the aftermath of Operation Blue Jay.

71. 2 Judge Langdale is to preside over the official enquiry into the case.

72. We thank you for your enquiry of Aug, 23 rd for groundnut kernels.

73. Phenomenology is the method of enquiry developed by the philosophers Brentano and, later, Husserl.

74. The preliminary enquiry of a seller as to what other persons occupy the property is one precaution.

75. Later, new departments of logical enquiry arose, and new logical and semantic notions were developed.

76. Adjournment definition: An Adjournment is a temporary stopping of a trial , enquiry, or other meeting

77. Many of the cases are responsa, in which the jurist is answering a legal enquiry.

78. Convenient Both students and practitioners need to have a Convenient means of pursuing other areas of enquiry

79. Africanizing Anthropology is a meticulous, innovative contribution to the intellectual history of Africa and to anthropological enquiry

80. Synonyms for Assize include examination, enquiry, inquiry, assembly, court, decree, enactment, hearing, inquest and measure