Use "enlightened" in a sentence

1. Have you been enlightened?

2. Yet the Enlightened shall survive.

3. 4 Buddha was an enlightened being.

4. He's tolerant, enlightened, engaged with the West.

5. 2 He enlightened me on this subject.

6. Upon hearing this, the zealot was enlightened.

7. Do you think you enlightened the Administrator?

8. Africa can only be transformed by enlightened leaders.

9. 13 Apple promotes itself as an enlightened, progressive company.

10. 16 Enlightened stuff - and fully supported by Morrissey.

11. It's a Buddhist expression meaning you have been enlightened.

12. 'Empowerment' is the new buzz-word in enlightened management circles.

13. 8 Baldwin enlightened her as to the nature of the experiment.

14. Classically Equine ~ Helping you and your horse with Enlightened Equitation

15. When you become enlightened you'll receive great power from it

16. With the correct formula, any human being can become enlightened.

17. 15 Certain information is desired for enlightened national self-interest.

18. 5 Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened.

19. Catherine the Great thought she governed in an enlightened manner.

20. The king was regarded as having been a enlightened despot.

21. 3 The king was regarded as having been a enlightened despot.

22. 1 'Empowerment' is the new buzz-word in enlightened management circles.

23. [Skt.,=the enlightened One], usual title given to the founder of Buddhism

24. 11 These days she's much more enlightened in her views on education.

25. 5 And whoso is enlightened by the aSpirit shall obtain benefit therefrom;

26. 28 The child thought the world was flat until I enlightened him!

27. 9 The school has an enlightened policy of teaching boys to cook.

28. 7 An enlightened government should permit the free expression of political opinion.

29. 11 synonyms for Advised: calculated, considered, studied, studious, acquainted, educated, enlightened

30. He transformed the monarchy along Western lines of an "enlightened ruler".

31. 16 As a disciple, one must regard one's guru as an enlightened being.

32. 29 In company such as this, the Garotter's Act must almost seem enlightened.

33. 26 The boy thought the world was flat until I enlightened him!

34. The King's Harmonica Quintet enlightened the opening ceremony with a musical performance.

35. Enlightened authorities know that they have nothing to fear from Witnesses of Jehovah.

36. Enlightened companies include its human resources in their estimation of the firm's worth.

37. Maybe people are more enlightened and accepting than you give them credit for.

38. 27 We don't actually know,[] but I can make an enlightened guess.

39. The chief difference is the ' enlightened way ' is Achievable by one's own

40. 6 His election campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice.

41. Let us be thankful we live in more enlightened times, don't you agree, doctor...?

42. He writes, "Cynicism is a paradox of an enlightened false consciousness,"…

43. 22 The King's Harmonica Quintet enlightened the opening ceremony with a musical performance.

44. The holist is enlightened by an account of the factors constraining people's actions.

45. From the very beginning Biologism was a product of Bourgeois thought and implicit enlightened

46. 14 Human is a suffered mind but an enlightened soul. Santosh Kalwar 

47. With the advent of PEG tubes and a more enlightened attitude, hopefully Bridlers are extinct

48. Synonyms for Acculturated include civilised, civilized, cultivated, assimilated, sophisticated, improved, humanized, enlightened, socialized and bettered

49. [Sanskrit Buddha-, enlightened, past participle of bodhati, he awakes; see bheudh- in Indo-European roots

50. Although free of the cycle of birth and death, an Arhat is not fully enlightened

51. 10 Enlightened companies include its human resources in their estimation of the firm's worth.

52. These enlightened people took an active part in the movement and contributed to its success .

53. Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful ,[Sentence dictionary] and the good general full of caution.

54. These were put down ferociously but were followed by the application of a more enlightened policy.

55. Synonyms for Clued in include enlightened, informed, told, advised, apprised, briefed, instructed, notified, updated and acquainted

56. Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who postpone their own salvation in order to help all sentient beings

57. The Two Brewers pub is indeed an enlightened establishment, encouraging such a highclass canine clientele.

58. But think: Is it harder or easier to develop a close, enlightened relationship with a nameless person?

59. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, enlightened despotism, secularism, nationalism and liberalism had all fanned the flames.

60. 30 He attacked intramural burial, the Mendicant Orders, and bullfights - all characteristic policies of enlightened statesmen.

61. It was looked as enlightened autarchy on the surface, but in fact it had democratic grounding.

62. 25 A day or two later we were enlightened - Dagbladdet is the name of the daily paper.

63. Antonyms for Benighted include educated, enlightened, knowledgeable, lettered, literate, schooled, well-informed, well-read, learned and cultured

64. 23 Conservation groups hailed the decision as enlightened, and there was little criticism from the fishing industry.

65. However limited its immediate effects, the ideology of Enlightened Despotism was important in the long term.

66. Cultured definition, having or characterized by culture; refined; enlightened: civilized and Cultured peoples; music and other Cultured pursuits

67. Because the pernicious opposition by Satan continues, the continuous enlightened guidance of the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential.

68. Livorno became an enlightened European city and one of the most important ports of the entire Mediterranean Basin.

69. It was the enlightened afrancesados who were to confuse political issues by their peculiar relation to liberalism.

70. Many other arguments were advanced to show that Liberia’s position ran counter to the principles of enlightened government.

71. 21 It was the enlightened afrancesados who were to confuse political issues by their peculiar relation to liberalism.

72. 27 Now enlightened farmers are fencing off and replanting areas which can he selectively utilised for animal feeding.

73. The Count, father-in-law of the Marquis, is the very embodiment of an eighteenth century enlightened nobleman.

74. 19 Mikhail Gorbachev's Soviet Union had once seemed the enlightened exception, but now only proves the bloody rule.

75. Intel finally conceded that its stampede of product announcements confounded at least as many people as it enlightened.

76. Bilocation is a normal event for any Enlightened individual whose brain and Mind work together as one

77. 18 However limited its immediate effects, the ideology of Enlightened Despotism was important in the long term.

78. What does Bodhisattva mean? An enlightened being who, out of compassion, forgoes nirvana in order to save others

79. An Arhat is a enlightened Buddhist who has found insight into existence, also known as having achieved Nirvana

80. Autocratic style is not liked by the people who are enlightened and want to participate in decision making