Use "energy efficiency" in a sentence

1. [image] Energy efficiency class:

2. Energy efficiency and renewable energy go hand in hand.

3. Advisory services relating to energy efficiency

4. Improving energy efficiency in adsorptive separation

5. Cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation

6. ENERGY STAR® - The International Symbol for Energy-efficiency 9.

7. Chilled Beams Improve Comfort and Energy Efficiency

8. Energy efficiency, industrial processes, environmental objectives, sustainable development, alternative energy, climate change

9. Energy efficiency classes and airborne acoustical emission classes

10. Energy efficiency Ratio (EER), Coefficient of Performance (COP)

11. 23, as amended Energy Efficiency Act 1992, c.

12. Energy efficiency in the developing world is abysmal.

13. They recommend a focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy that is decentralized.

14. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency covers 478 industrial units in six sectors mandated to achieve specific benchmarks in terms of energy efficiency.

15. In the meantime, it must conserve energy and increase efficiency in energy-intensive sectors.

16. monitoring, measuring and verifying actual energy savings, including auditing the results of energy-efficiency projects;

17. This would raise revenue, penalise consumption and encourage energy efficiency.

18. Energy efficiency in industrial processes has become a higher priority.

19. Increasing energy efficiency can lead to reducing energy requirement for the same level of economic output.

20. Bractlet provides an energy analytics platform that lowers the barrier to energy efficiency through better data

21. publication of energy savings achieved (each year) under the energy efficiency obligation scheme and alternative measures;

22. Group training on strategic planning and management of energy resources, energy efficiency, advanced fossil fuel technology and renewable energy development

23. To benefit Arctic communities by identifying and addressing critical renewable energy and energy efficiency research needs

24. Calculation of the seasonal space heating energy efficiency in active mode

25. Inclusive and innovative energy efficiency measures, access to energy in rural communities and diversification of the energy matrix, designed and implemented

26. Advisory services relating to energy efficiency, environment protection and waste management

27. Balcke-Dürr produces components for improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions in the energy industry

28. 8 p.m. Enabling CDM in Asia and Pacific: ADB’s renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate change programme

29. Technical cooperation project on strategic planning and management of energy resources, energy efficiency, advanced fossil fuel technology and renewable energy development

30. We discuss the relationship among energy efficiency, thermoelectric effects, and nanotechnology.

31. Rather than encouraging energy efficiency, the exemption mechanism actually reduces it.

32. Air handling unit for all fresh air with high energy efficiency.

33. - Invest in energy efficiency, wide-base tyres to increase rolling resistance, and more aerodynamic design to improve fuel efficiency;

34. Energy efficiency in housing: the Action Plan for Energy-efficient Housing in the UNECE Region (agenda item 12)

35. * enhance research and development on clean and renewable energy to increase access, efficiency and affordability of clean energy.

36. - Regions and cities should accelerate investments in renewable energies and energy efficiency, according to their local energy potential.

37. — Seasonal space heating and water heating energy efficiency class of combination heater:

38. I don't mention the high energy efficiency of these LED light bulbs.

39. In addition, homes may qualify for energy efficiency grants from central government.

40. Energy efficiency classes for air conditioners, except double ducts and single ducts

41. Environmentalists celebrate Earth Day, to encourage energy efficiency and deplore ecological waste.

42. For the addition of aerodynamic devices (rear flaps) to improve energy efficiency;

43. * Set individual goals and formulate action plans voluntarily for improving energy efficiency;

44. Energy Efficiency Since February 1989 we have operated an energy conservation programme through our own management team and contractors.

45. The efficiency with which energy or biomass is transferred from one trophic level to the next is called the ecological efficiency.

46. Our universities, labs and firms are working together for next generation advanced bio fuels, solar energy and energy efficiency.

47. 2.2. Cooling-only air conditioners classified in energy efficiency classes A+ to F

48. The £400 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources.

49. 2.3. Cooling-only air conditioners classified in energy efficiency classes A++ to E

50. "Actually, a building's mechanical requirements and operational costs decrease as energy efficiency increases."

51. Benchmarks for currently available fan types with high energy efficiency should be identified.

52. Plus, Convection cooking is known for reduced cooking time and improved energy efficiency

53. the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) and/or seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP);

54. Energy efficiency gains almost equivalent to Russia's natural gas production could be reached.

55. These courses included areas such as diplomacy, renewable energy and energy efficiency, public administration, computer sciences, English proficiency, auditing etc.

56. An Energy Efficiency Code for Buildings has been released for new commercial buildings and energy audit is being actively promoted.

57. The answer is simple - make energy efficiency a number one global priority and speed up the development of renewable energy technologies.

58. In addition, Bullfrog Spas is the leader in energy efficiency and long-term reliability

59. Label 1 for hot water storage tanks in energy efficiency classes A to G

60. Energy efficiency - studies to assess the contribution of alternative propulsion systems and hull designs

61. Fire protection, acoustic insulation, energy efficiency and a natural, attractive look all-in one.

62. Nationally we have taken several steps to improve energy efficiency and ensure sustainable growth.

63. As a result, we have raised energy efficiency in all the major energy intensive sectors – steel, aluminium, fertilizer, paper and cement.

64. Bera provides clear, professional and useful reports for commercial and residential Energy Efficiency assessments

65. It also means including energy efficiency measures in all your renovation and repair activities.

66. 13 How reduce coefficient of friction and the exaltation energy efficiency with maximum limit?

67. 5.1. Reversible single duct air conditioners classified in energy efficiency classes A+++ to D

68. Furthermore, energy efficiency considerations should be sufficiently accommodated in spatial and land use planning.

69. High efficiency washing machines accommodate large loads and use less energy than traditional machines.

70. Targeted interventions have raised energy efficiency in all the major energy intensive sectors – steel, aluminum, fertilizer, paper and cement – to world levels.

71. Cellular, or honeycomb, shades provide great insulation and energy efficiency while enhancing your windows' appearance

72. The key to compare energy efficiency in buildings is the heat consumption per square meter.

73. The energy efficiency of existing buildings is improved through retrofits, maintenance activities and educational campaigns.

74. Canadians take into account energy efficiency/conservation considerations in their purchase, use and lifestyle decisions.

75. US Brick is committed to manufacturing products that provide exceptional energy efficiency, durability, and recyclability


77. Seasonal space cooling energy efficiency of comfort chillers and air conditioners using internal combustion engine:

78. Energy efficiency criteria must be imposed in all spheres, including the allocation of public funds.

79. ‘Patented Blunderings’, efficiency awareness, and self-sustainability claims in the pyrolysis energy from waste sector

80. Antitheistical Gabe reading the linked application will not shame us? Lowering your energy efficiency guidance