Use "endemic disease" in a sentence

1. The chest disease is endemic among miners in this area.

2. The disease is endemic among British sheep/to many British flocks.

3. To study 20 years disease control effect of endemic cretinism in Guangze County.

4. Ankylostomiasis is known to exist as an endemic disease in warm countries all over the world

5. These small parasitic insects are the cause of an endemic disease in the Near East known as Chigoe Fever

6. Schistosomiasis (sometimes called Bilharziasis), an endemic parasitic tropical disease found especially in sub-Saharan Africa, causes substantial morbidity and mortality

7. Now an insult, 'Cretin' was the medical term for a debilitating disease endemic in the Alps until the early 20th century.

8. Their continued prevalence among causes of an acute abdomen indicates an unrealistic allocation of priorities in the mass control of endemic disease.

9. In short, the “Cretins of the Alps”, far from being a malicious insult, was an endemic disease caused by a nutritional problem

10. Long-term insufficient iodine intake, such as endemic goiter and endemic cretinism, can cause iodine deficiency disorders.

11. Botanists consider Arkansas Alumroot an endemic

12. Corruption is endemic in the system.

13. The shocking, forgotten history of Cretinism Now an insult, 'cretin' was the medical term for a debilitating disease endemic in the Alps until the early 20th century.

14. Ipomoea Abrupta is endemic to Western Australia

15. Before the reform and open policy the partial infectious diseases, endemic disease which controls was started to resurge, the new health, the healthy question also unceasingly appear.

16. These issues are endemic in most societies.

17. There are 11 endemic fish species and 14 endemic species of decapod crustaceans in the rivers and lakes of New Caledonia.

18. 22 Before the reform and open policy the partial infectious diseases, endemic disease which controls was started to resurge, the new health, the healthy question also unceasingly appear.

19. Malaria is endemic in many hot countries.

20. The Crested Bellbird is endemic to mainland Australia

21. Malaria is endemic in / to many hot countries.

22. Anoa is an endangered endemic species in Sulawesi

23. Five species are endemic to areas outside Australia.

24. Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities.

25. Polio was then endemic among children my age.

26. Chancroid was once endemic in many areas of the world, but social awareness of the disease and subsequent changes in characteristics of commercial sexual networks, along with improved diag

27. He said that racism is endemic in this country.

28. Plasma selenium, serum copper, zinc, T T and TSH were determined in endemic cretins from Qinghai and Xinjiang myxedematous type endemic cretinism areas.

29. Violent crime is now endemic in parts of Chicago.

30. Yellowstone sand verbena are endemic to the Yellowstone's lakeshores.

31. Blastomycosis (sometimes referred to as North American Blastomycosis) is a chronic granulomatous and suppurative disease caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis, a dimorphic fungus endemic to the south-central and Midwestern United States

32. Bontebok, damaliscus dorcas, endemic species of fynbos vegetation, southern cape

33. Summary: Bloodborne is an action RPG in which you hunt for answers in the ancient city of Yharnam, now cursed with a strange endemic illness spreading through the streets like a disease

34. Bonteboks, damaliscus dorcas, endemic species of fynbos vegetation, southern cape

35. In the case of the Netherlands, anti-Catholicism is endemic.

36. 5 He said that racism is endemic in this country.

37. If you live in a land where malaria is endemic . . .

38. Bonteboks, damaliscus dorcas, endemic species of fynbos vegetation, southern cape

39. Sixty percent of these are endemic to just these islands.

40. 20 Violent crime is now endemic in parts of Chicago.

41. Iberian warfare was endemic and based on intertribal raiding and pillaging.

42. Norfolk Island has 174 native plants; 51 of them are endemic.

43. It is endemic to the rainforests of Sumatra and possibly Borneo.

44. Bombora Medewi Wave Lodge is located on Bali's endemic west coast

45. This referral to morality, Dworkin argues, is endemic to all law.

46. Simple ( endemic ) goitre , the most common, is due to low iodine intake.

47. Endemic Cretinism is the most severe manifestation of dietary iodine deficiency

48. The Blesbok or blesbuck is an antelope endemic to South Africa

49. Endemic Bulbuls on Madagascar, the Seychelles (Hypsipetes crassirostris), Réunion (H

50. In Russia, the report added, the disease was 'on its way to becoming endemic in Tver oblast' (about 106 km north of Moscow—and about 500 km east of Russia's littoral neighbours on the Baltic.

51. This species is endemic to the limestone region of Tokushima-ken, Japan.

52. Malaria is endemic in many of the hotter regions of the world.

53. Barbodes lindog is a small cyprinid endemic to Lake Lanao in the Philippines

54. More specifically, Babirusas are an endemic species found only on several Indonesian islands

55. The Blesbok or blesbuck is an antelope endemic to South Africa and Eswatini

56. It is one of two species of the genus Melithreptus endemic to Tasmania.

57. In northwestern China, there is no evidence for endemic domestication of any animals.

58. Simple (endemic) goitre, the MOST common, is due to low iodine intake.

59. There is endemic racism/poverty/violence in many of the country's cities.

60. Range Description: Barbodes carnaticus is endemic to the Western Ghats (Dahanukar et al

61. Blaming individuals for failings endemic to the organization was a necessary survival strategy.

62. Bilineated beauty Melanophidium bilineatum, an endemic species of shieldtail that is rarely photographed

63. The legacy of the Duvalierist years included endemic corruption and vast ecological damage.

64. 2404 thyroid glands from an endemic goiter region were examined for psammoma bodies.

65. D. copei is endemic to the Pacific Northwestern portion of the United States.

66. Ixalodectes flectocercus is a species of insect in family Tettigoniidae endemic to Australia.

67. Background: Multinodular goiter is the highest indication for thyroid surgery in an endemic region.

68. He also reported that racial discrimination was endemic in the schools of employees' children.

69. Montane mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forests is endemic forest vegetation type of China.

70. The disease resembles amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

71. Habitat: Bayberry is endemic to the coastal areas of eastern and southern North America

72. Cirrhaea is a genus of orchids, comprising 7 recognized species, all endemic to Brazil.

73. Some of the latter, such as the Nepenthes peltata, are endemic to the area.

74. Blesbok The Blesbok or blesbuck (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi) is an antelope endemic to South Africa

75. There are 6 known species of Bandy-Bandy, all of which are endemic to Australia.

76. It is a canopy tree, to 40 m in height, and endemic to Borneo.

77. Mexico is just one of more than 100 countries where dengue is now endemic.

78. This plant variety is endemic to Australia with the exception of one Banksias dentata species.

79. Objective: To investigate the effect of trace element lithium on the occurrence of endemic gaiter.

80. Coccidioidomycosis in a State Where It Is Not Known To Be Endemic - Missouri, 2004-2013