Use "end the war" in a sentence

1. Both sides redoubled their efforts to end the war.

2. The people Adjured the king to end the war

3. The President had a clear mandate to end the war.

4. Eisenhower fulfilled his election pledge to end the war in Korea.

5. Any hope that the speech would end the war was short-lived.

6. We must take the initiative in the struggle to end the war.

7. The Russian masses, however, were resolute to end the war. At any cost.

8. Congress approved the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to end the war on February 18

9. It is announced that the capture of Field Marshal Tannenberg will end the war.

10. Scipio, now powerful enough, proposed to end the war by directly invading the Carthaginian homeland.

11. 🔊 If we are lucky, the enemies will come together during the Armistice and end the war

12. With the exception of the promise to end the war, Chamorro did not present a political platform.

13. The trouble with the first option, to simply end the war, was that Hanoi would not cooperate.

14. She inherited a hyperinflated, war-torn economy, but she was able to end the war and establish a lasting peace.

15. He switched his allegiance back to Nigeria during the war, and appealed to Ojukwu to end the war in pamphlets and interviews.

16. The Antiwar movement had initially given Nixon a chance to make good on his campaign promises to end the war in Vietnam

17. Fielding U.S., British and Polish forces, Operation Market Garden was meant to be the lightning stroke which would end the war that year."

18. Saudi Arabia presented a new peace initiative on Monday to end the war in Yemen, including a nationwide Ceasefire and the reopening of air …

19. If The Kaiser had not been a Bumbling incompetent jackass, just like his Russian counterpart; the eastern front would have been terminated, Russia would have been defeated quickly and decisively; and Germany would have had the necessary resources to end the war in the west front before America was pulled into the war, and millions of lives would have been saved.