Use "enc" in a sentence

1. Acridine (ru-tech-enc).png 769 × 652; 14 KB

2. We have no idea what you'll enc ounter when you arrive.

3. (6)The revised technical specifications for the Inland ENC should take due account of the work carried out by the Inland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG), which is comprised of representatives from government, industry and academia.

4. English - England Mar 18, 2008 #2 I would say xxxx (document) is Attached or enclosed; alternatively, right at the end of the letters you can put: enc [for …

5. "Ever more clearly there emerges the strict connection which, at the level of mentality, exists between the practice of contraception and that of abortion. This is demonstrated in an alarming way also by the development of chemical preparations, intrauterine devices and injections which, distributed with the same ease as contraceptives, in reality act as abortifacients in the initial stages of development of the new human being" (John Paul II, Enc.