Use "emptied" in a sentence

1. He emptied out the ashtray.

2. 15 We emptied the bottle.

3. 28 The water slowly emptied .

4. How regularly are the litterbins emptied?

5. Cesspits need to be emptied regularly.

6. The water emptied with a gurgle.

7. 18 Have you emptied the rubbish?

8. Jack emptied his revolver into Mary's breast.

9. 12 At 30 the restaurant emptied out .

10. The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish.

11. He emptied his pockets of their contents.

12. 24 The crowd emptied into the street.

13. 23 The room was emptied very quickly.

14. 6 She emptied the slops into the gutter.

15. 20 He emptied his glass at one draught.

16. 10 The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish.

17. He emptied the biscuits onto the plate.

18. He emptied his glass at one draught.

19. 11 How regularly are the litterbins emptied?

20. 2 The water emptied with a gurgle.

21. I emptied the sweet wrappers from the ashtray.

22. The drawer had been emptied of its contents.

23. The stadium can be emptied in four minutes.

24. The Careening docks were emptied using pumps, an …

25. The cesspits of Dol Guldur have been emptied.

26. She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin.

27. 22 She emptied the slops into the gutter.

28. 4 He emptied his pockets of their contents.

29. The Autoload-scripts/Logs directory must be periodically emptied

30. 8 The stadium can be emptied in four minutes.

31. 15 She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin.

32. 25 The drawer had been emptied of its contents.

33. 6 The stadium can be emptied in four minutes.

34. 3 The dustbins clashed as the men emptied them.

35. He emptied several bags of rice into a bin.

36. The police emptied her bag and examined the contents.

37. 8 The cupboards had all been completely emptied.

38. 7 He emptied the biscuits onto the plate.

39. This liberality soon emptied the treasury of its wealth.

40. Your brother emptied his pockets to buy this house!

41. He emptied his glass and asked for a refill.

42. * (Deuteronomy 28:68) Judea is virtually emptied of Jews.

43. 23 The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.

44. The contents are emptied into color-coded buckets.sentencedict .com

45. The constant turmoil virtually emptied the city of Babylon.

46. 29 Matt emptied the loose change from his pockets.

47. 26 I emptied the sweet wrappers from the ashtray.

48. 27 She emptied her mind of all thoughts of home.

49. 1 The police emptied her bag and examined the contents.

50. 9 He emptied several bags of rice into a bin.

51. Nevertheless, he emptied himself and became a lowly human.

52. 21 Many factories emptied their waste into the river.

53. 5 The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.

54. No waste or garbage is to be emptied on highways.

55. 27 The baby cried loudly when he emptied his bottle.

56. 30 The rubbish from the cart emptied onto the street.

57. Banks closed, and cash machines emptied or went off-line.”

58. There was a shuffle of feet as the room emptied.

59. 19 The baby cried loudly when he emptied his bottle.

60. 17 He emptied his glass and asked for a refill.

61. 11 To lighten it, a water tank had to be emptied.

62. His father emptied sacks of stale rye bread into the vat.

63. 14 She emptied the contents of her bag on the floor.

64. After the abdominal cavity had been emptied, it was washed thoroughly.

65. She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle.

66. The castle had a deep moat which emptied into the lake.

67. 13 They emptied three bottles of beer within half an hour.

68. 29 The plane emptied its fuel tanks as it started losing altitude.

69. Men who had emptied their slop buckets were returning to their cells.

70. We put our wheelie bin out to be emptied every Thursday morning.

71. End of June 1990, the department stores were emptied our socialist Fatherland.

72. The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics.

73. The barf had broken and emptied its content out along the road.

74. • Allow a 15-second drain each time the prover is emptied.

75. Aurangzeb ' s wars of conquest in the Deccan emptied the treasury .

76. I led her into the bedroom, emptied drawers, and stripped hangers.

77. 25 Frank emptied a handful of loose change on the table.

78. The Careening docks were emptied using pumps, an exhausting - practically lethal - task

79. 10 The fields and woods were shut in under it, emptied and subdued.

80. He had half emptied Woolacombe's decanter, and yet his head was scarcely touched.