Use "emotional distress" in a sentence

1. Did he ever intentionally inflict emotional distress?

2. Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress.

3. For some people, it can Cause emotional distress and feelings of self-consciousness

4. If they are overeating as a result of emotional distress, there are cures.

5. Insecure Attachment styles are associated with emotional distress, interpersonal issues, and drug and alcohol abuse

6. In medicine, Anemone is used as a treatment for cramps, menstrual problems and emotional distress.

7. Health problems, financial woes, emotional distress, and other obstacles can make each passing day a trial.

8. Cameron did not satisfy the state law requirements to support a claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress.

9. George Flesh describes it this way: “My first abortions, as an intern and resident, caused me no emotional distress. . . .

10. But debilitating illness, the death of a marriage mate, or another very trying situation could bring on emotional distress.

11. (2 Corinthians 12:7) This could have been the mental and emotional distress caused by opposers and “false brothers.”

12. (Galatians 6:7, 8) Thus, a promiscuous life-style may lead to emotional distress, unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases.

13. A woman as passive and yet responsive as she was could well suffer emotional distress which she would not overtly express.

14. Conversion disorder is a broad term for when mental or emotional distress causes physical symptoms without the existence of an actual physical condition.

15. Anguish is often referred to as emotional distress, and can encompass a number of different emotions, such as trauma, grief, sorrow, fear, and anxiety

16. Being – Mental Health Consumers is the independent, NSW peak organisation speaking with and for people with lived/living experience of mental health issues and emotional distress

17. Alopecia Areata (patchy hair loss) Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes patches of hair loss to occur and can lead to significant emotional distress

18. Under common law, there are seven types of intentional torts: assault, battery, false imprisonment, trespass to land, trespass to Chattels, conversion, and intentional infliction of emotional distress

19. Coping skills help us get through difficult times - they can give us an important break from mental and emotional distress, and sometimes they are literally life-saving

20. Donovan Eckhardt, who Costarred with Alison Victoria on HGTV’s reality hit Windy City Rehab, has filed a lawsuit claiming defamation and emotional distress based on his portrayal in …

21. Alcoholism Definition: What Is Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder? Alcoholism is when one can no longer control their use of alcohol, compulsively abuse alcohol, despite its negative ramifications, and/or experience emotional distress when they are not drinking

22. ‘Withdrawn children also exhibit signs of emotional distress such as Anxiousness, and display less positive expressions.’ ‘James lounged outside the cafeteria, waiting for his potential accomplice with a strange mixture of dread and Anxiousness.’ ‘After a small stretch of career-related Anxiousness I feel like good things are

23. Courts to allow nonmarried Cohabitational partners to recover.31 Part H discusses the expansion of tort recovery for nonmarried cohabita-tional partners." The related tort action for negligent infliction of emotional distress, which in several states has been found to include Cohabitational partners, is explored as a useful model for extending

24. The Court found that “depriving a woman of her right to decide when and where she will undergo the procedure of a therapeutic abortion threatens the woman in a physical sense and that the agony caused by not knowing whether an abortion will be performed in time is bound to inflict emotional distress and serious psychological harm upon her.”