Use "eminently" in a sentence

1. Sounds eminently feasible.

2. It's an eminently listenable CD.

3. His decision was eminently fair.

4. It was an eminently respectable boarding school.

5. She seems eminently suitable for the job.

6. Woods is eminently suitable for the job.

7. He is eminently qualified for the job.

8. His books on diplomatic history were eminently readable.

9. They're eminently qualified to make flat- screen TVs.

10. 1 It was an eminently respectable boarding school.

11. There was just something eminently likeable about him.

12. They're eminently qualified to make flat-screen TVs.

13. Everyone present admitted that the judge's decision was eminently fair.

14. A cheerful man is pre-eminently a useful man.

15. A few years mellowing, this wine becomes eminently drinkable.

16. This eminently reasonable development cut their sales by half.

17. Among themselves, ecclesiastics have become eminently sophisticated and erudite.

18. He thought I would be eminently suitable as a wife.

19. The arts festival is pre-eminently a festival of theatre.

20. The cavern was eminently suitable for the work intended for it.

21. There were no eulogies, only mourners eminently qualified to have given them.

22. The outcome of the Tunisian Compaign was of course eminently satisfactory.

23. The party was pre-eminently the party of the landed interest.

24. Some of the reforms are eminently sensible and have been introduced.

25. Her breeding and background made her eminently acceptable in royal circles.

26. The process by which legal principles are established is pre-eminently political.

27. After all, he was an eminently eligible man, attractive and immensely wealthy.

28. From the flute is eminently suited to quiet melodic work, florid or otherwise.

29. After Pentecost, the activity is now pre-eminently the work of the Holy Spirit.

30. The letter was long and well thought out, and her request was eminently reasonable.

31. We had a story to tell, and the story seemed eminently worth the telling.

32. Synonyms for Astoundingly include singularly, extremely, particularly, very, awfully, eminently, especially, exceptionally, extraordinarily and incredibly

33. Breeding in captivity is eminently possible, although distinguishing features between the sexes are limited.

34. Sir Ian provides an eminently readable and always scholarly account of these very diverse matters.

35. Synonyms for Awfully include extremely, very, immensely, terribly, exceedingly, really, dreadfully, eminently, exceptionally and frightfully

36. 5 The letter was long and well thought out, and her request was eminently reasonable.

37. These suppositions may strike those of us who are attracted by empiricism as eminently reasonable.

38. Clapping the hands remains one of the most ancient gestures, bringing into play those eminently effective mechanisms.

39. As Figure 3 shows, those who study history are eminently trainable for a wide variety of occupations.

40. This seems eminently sensible, and indeed studies indicate that this approach can work best for some people.

41. At a glance this seems eminently reasonable - not least if it protects us from Family videos.

42. After Pentecost(sentencedict .com), the activity is now pre-eminently the work of the Holy Spirit.

43. The Princess has been pre-eminently successful in the creation of an independent role for herself.

44. 17 Dolly at least is alive and well and her first lamb, Bonnie, seems eminently healthy and normal.

45. 19 In its usage of the real or referent as signifier, surrealism eminently illustrated de-differentiated signification.

46. In music, the first thirty years of the nineteenth century were pre-eminently an age of romanticism.

47. Observing behaviour Observing behaviour is easy because behaviour, verbal and nonverbal, is always overt and therefore eminently observable.

48. The acetic acid esters are eminently suitable as replacements for the solvants used in the long-known processes.

49. It is eminently reasonable for an individual to choose the treatment that is likely to generate the most QALYs.

50. In scaffolds, pinnacles, and structures Cantilevers are generally found in development, eminently in cantilever extensions and overhangs (see corbel)

51. This pre-eminently is an occasion when we would expect the conventional wisdom to lose touch with the reality.

52. The north, moreover, was not only united but united behind the king since Gloucester was pre-eminently the king's man.

53. The astrologer, therefore, considers the planet Mercury as pre-eminently influencing the intellect, with all its splendour, trickeries and Basenesses

54. Side-by-side with the political philosophers was the work of the sociologists, represented in Britain most eminently by Ralf Dahrendorf.

55. This seems to me to be an eminently sensible arrangement, and I think this sort of structure could also work here.

56. Therefor it is pre-eminently fit for a shared experience in which the senses are focused and the imagination will be challenged.

57. 30 She hadn't been the only one to be quietly expelled from the eminently respectable boarding school after being caught smoking cannabis.

58. Experiments over the centuries resulted in the predominance of the Cheviot breed with a fleece eminently suitable for finer grades of cloth.

59. ‘Vecchi composed some excellent church music, but his fame rests on his light madrigals and Canzonettas, written in an eminently singable and attractive style.’

60. ‘Vecchi composed some excellent church music, but his fame rests on his light madrigals and Canzonettas, written in an eminently singable and attractive style.’

61. Call it rock with a New Wave edge or New Wave with a rock edge, the Bravery's music is darkly danceable and eminently catchy

62. Since then, Bangladesh has held in succession three general elections that have been acclaimed by all impartial observers, both local and foreign, as being eminently free and fair.

63. I'm acutely conscious of how dependent I am on those who built and sustained the NHS – including, pre-eminently, generations of labour movement activists and socialists.

64. Prevention Many developing countries the world over are evolving programmes for the prevention of rheumatic heart disease as it is an eminently preventable condition , if well organised .

65. Letter In Wall Light and Pendant versions, the Ascension is of the highest standard and is eminently suited to Architecturally led projects including prestigious office, hotel, restaurant and

66. Our ears may not be the most acute or most sensitive among ears, but they are eminently suited to fulfill one of our greatest needs —the need to communicate.

67. Biden sees Burns as eminently qualified to reinvigorate diplomacy as a critical tool of national power while Charioting the intelligence community to devote more attention to its mission of complementing diplomacy.

68. But this peripheral disquiet is eminently Abidable, with ample room to stop and to breathe and to listen and, yes, to forgive yourself for having the need to do so

69. With all due respect to the labor leaders, who are not to be blamed for volubly Asseverating otherwise, terrorism is a well-defined and eminently successful policy of the labor unions.

70. To Circumnavigate means to travel all the way around something – usually an island, a continent, the entire planet Earth, or in this case, your neck :) A loop is an eminently practical piece

71. Ambivalence is eminently suitable for capturing this duality as it enables us to take into account the dynamics peculiar to age(ing) and move beyond those conventional rigid distinctions which fail to grasp key nuances.

72. ‘The Bibliopoles of Conduit Street have been eminently happy in the selection of such a biographer to open their undertaking; and the popularity of this volume must be such as favourably to attract the attention of the public.’

73. ‘the Chilled atmosphere makes this a great way to enjoy some typical French cuisine’ ‘The album is Chilled, but ultimately uplifting.’ ‘They have concocted a breezy soundscape that is eminently Chilled without the lack of personality the term "chill-out" implies.’

74. The wise and faithful, yet sonsie - that is, open, jolly, engaging look - is admirably descriptive; and the Bawsint face - that is, with the bold white blaze down it, like a badger ; and the gawcie, or large abundant swirling tail, are eminently characteristic of the breed

75. Especially noteworthy was that: (i) similar Aliphatics were extracted from the three clays, (ii) the compounds identified were typical of components of natural waxes, which appear to be present in the organic matter in fine‐clay fractions, and (iii) the soft ionization mass spectrometric methods employed were found to be eminently suitable

76. ‘‘They are in the market,’ grumbled one Bibliopole, as agents for wealthy clients pushed prices to new highs.’ ‘The Bibliopoles of Conduit Street have been eminently happy in the selection of such a biographer to open their undertaking; and the popularity of this volume must be such as favourably to attract the attention of the public.’