Use "elliptic" in a sentence

1. Pluto has an elliptic orbit.

2. Elliptic curves are examples for abelian varieties.

3. Analog circuit arrangement for creating elliptic functions

4. The rotation in the elliptic is retrograde.

5. Buttonbush leaves are elliptic, tapering to pointed tips

6. They are simple, membranous, orbicular to elliptic and acuminate.

7. Elliptic differential equations can be discretized with bilinear finite elements.

8. The cells of the leaf blade are elliptic and with spiny papillas.

9. Examples of abelian varieties are elliptic curves, Jacobian varieties and K3 surfaces.

10. Also, its leaflets are clearly broadly elliptic, with more and Blunter teeth.

11. If the orbit were more elliptic, we would suffer unbearable extremes of temperature.

12. More in particular, the Abelian Variety has a dimension one through being an elliptic curve.

13. Both of their security are based on the intractability of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.

14. The half-elliptic spring on both axles are controlled by hydraulic shock-absorbers.

15. He provided also detailed studies of elliptic fibrations of surfaces over a curve, or in other language elliptic curves over algebraic function fields, a theory whose arithmetic analogue proved important soon afterwards.

16. Then the strong Uhlenbeck Compactness theorem E is a consequence of elliptic estimates for the connections.

17. Secondary stems are flat, elliptic-acuminate, up through 30 cm x 10–12 cm.

18. The index of an elliptic differential operator obviously vanishes if the operator is self adjoint.

19. The major axis of an elliptic orbit is referred to as the line of Apsides.

20. Linear elliptic partial differential equations can be characterized as those whose principal symbol is nowhere zero.

21. All-pass filter phase linearization of elliptic filters in signal decimation and interpolation for an audio codec

22. We consider the first boundary value problem of the second order elliptic equation and serendipity rectangular elements.

23. A method is presented which discretizes elliptic differential equations on curvilinear bounded domains with adaptive sparse grids.

24. A method for reliable computation of point additions and point multiplications in an elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) system.

25. Subroutine PLTMG is a Fortran program for solving self-adjoint elliptic boundary value problems in general regions ofR2.

26. 6) Restriction of scalars on abelian varieties (e.g. elliptic curves) yields abelian varieties, if L is separable over k.

27. Coerciveness inequality An inequality providing a lower bound for a certain bilinear form, or providing an upper bound for the norm of a solution of a certain elliptic boundary value problem, in terms of the coefficients of the elliptic equation and of the boundary data.

28. This species has elliptic green leaves and large, bright golden yellow inflorescences or flower spikes, appearing in summer and autumn.

29. With the computer simulation, the elliptic section cylinder lenses have been designed and used to collimate the semi-conductor laser beam .

30. One elliptic equation is for the electric potential, and three parabolic equations are for the electron concentration, hole concentration and temperature.

31. Elliptic orbit: An orbit with an eccentricity greater than 0 and less than 1 whose orbit traces the path of an ellipse.

32. Asymmetric data key pair — An RSA or elliptic curve (ECC) key pair that consists of a public key and a private key

33. The notch filter may be implemented using various techniques, e.g., an L-C combination having adjustable capacitance, and/or elliptic or Chebyshev filters.

34. The geometry of the characteristic networks is studied and two families of analytic solutions are obtained, expressed in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions.

35. A bilinear functional on a normed space is called Coercive (or sometimes elliptic) if there exists a positive constant such that for all

36. In his doctoral dissertation, submitted in 1904 to the Sorbonne, Bernstein solved Hilbert's nineteenth problem on the analytic solution of elliptic differential equations.

37. This result is an anlogue of a theorem first proved on elliptic curves and then extended to abelian varieties by Masser and Wüstholz.

38. (geometry) A solid formed by the revolution of a conic section about its axis. A parabolic Conoid is a paraboloid; an elliptic Conoid is an ellipsoid.

39. Formally, an elliptic curve is a smooth, projective, algebraic curve of genus one, on which there is a specified point O. An elliptic curve is an abelian variety – that is, it has a multiplication defined algebraically, with respect to which it is an abelian group – and O serves as the identity element.

40. The leaflets are rather large, 7 x 3.5 to 11 x 5.5 cm and ovate to elliptic in shape, with a pronounced Acuminate tip

41. The flow past an elliptic cylinder is taken as a typical example and the solution determined for all aspect ratios and all angles of incidence.

42. He also works on algebraic curves over finite fields and their automorphism groups, translation planes, finite Möbius planes, finite Minkowski planes, and elliptic curve cryptography.

43. When weather is sunny, sunshine is aspersed on the wall brick of clean beige, asperse on elliptic Tieyi mirror, sweet smell of the home arises spontaneously.

44. When weather is sunny, sunshine is Aspersed on the wall brick of clean beige, asperse on elliptic Tieyi mirror, sweet smell of the home arises spontaneously

45. There are other cases that reflect that A may not be a simple abelian variety (it might be a cartesian product of elliptic curves, for example).

46. Incredibly cold-hardy, Vaccinium 'Chippewa' (Highbush Blueberry) is a compact upright deciduous shrub, with elliptic, medium green leaves turning attractive shades of golden-orange in the fall

47. He studies, among other things, étale homotopy theory, elliptic surfaces, computer-based algebraic geometry (such as Gröbner basis), Torelli sets and toric varieties, and history of mathematics.

48. The sori are borne on the abaxial surface of the pinnule, arranged in two rows parallel to the midvein, elliptic, and composed of 4-10 round sporangia.

49. For abelian varieties, such as elliptic curves, this notion can also be formulated as follows: Let E1 and E2 be abelian varieties of the same dimension over a field k.

50. In algebraic geometry, the twisted Edwards curves are plane models of elliptic curves, a generalisation of Edwards curves introduced by Bernstein, Birkner, Joye, Lange and Peters in 2008.

51. In order to do so, preferably standard analog modules, such as adders, integrators, multipliers, and differential amplifiers, are interconnected so as to reproduce elliptic time functions in a circuitry-related manner.

52. Given the condition of the intractability of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, the proposed scheme was proved secure against forged user attack, impersonation attack and replay attack.

53. During 1858 he solved the equation of the fifth degree by elliptic functions; and during 1873 he proved e, the base of the natural system of logarithms, to be transcendental.

54. Howson received her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Cambridge in 1998 with thesis title Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves for ρ-Adic Lie Extensions under the supervision of John H. Coates.

55. To construct such varieties in the same style as for elliptic curves, starting with a lattice Λ in Cd, one must take into account the Riemann relations of abelian variety theory.

56. Leaves 1" x ½", Yellow Green Group 147A, elliptic, apiculate, cuneate, slightly Bullate with prominent veins, under surface moderately brown scaly, new leaves with slight reddish edge, retained 2 years

57. Elliptic geometry was developed later in the 19th century by the German mathematician Bernhard Riemann; here no parallel can be found and the angles in a triangle add up to more than 180°.

58. This paper is concerned with the application of preconditioning techniques to the well known Jacobi iterative method for solving the finite difference equations derived from the discretization of self-adjoint elliptic partial differential equations.

59. Crenulate Entire Hairs Present: No Leaf Length: 1-3 inches Leaf Description: Leaves are alternate, simple, evergreen to semi-evergreen, elliptic to lanceolate, acute, cuneate, Crenulate-serrulate to entire, and up to an 1.5" long

60. For instance, the classifications of hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptic points correspond to whether a point has 2, 1, or 0 Binormal vectors (actually 4, 2, or 0, since if n is a Binormal vector, then so is -n).

61. Anisogeny(de ned over F q) between elliptic curves E;E0=F q is a rational map ’: E! E0 (x;y) 7! (f(x);yg(x)) for some f;g2F q(x), which is also a group homomorphism

62. In March 2016, Wiles was awarded the Norwegian government's Abel prize worth €600,000 for "his stunning proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem by way of the modularity conjecture for semistable elliptic curves, opening a new era in number theory."

63. With Fred Diamond, Richard Taylor and Brian Conrad in 1999, he proved the Taniyama–Shimura conjecture, which previously had only been proved for semistable elliptic curves by Andrew Wiles and Taylor in their proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.

64. Female flowers: pedicels to 30 mm long, bracteoles 2, positioned directly below the ovary, elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, 1–1.5 × 0.5 mm, apex rounded, glabrous, margin entire, Aciliate, translucent, white; pedicels of female flowers 20–35 mm long, glabrous; tepals 5, …

65. In this paper, using Weil restrictions of elliptic curves, we give the construction, for any prime number p > 2, of an abelian variety A of dimension p endowed with an isogeny (with kernel μp) whose coboundary map is surjective.

66. Leaves thick, coriaceous, dark green above, pale green beneath, oval or elliptic, 5-15 cm long, broadest near the middle, rounded, obtuse or subacute at both ends, sometimes subcordate at the base, abruptly pointed at apex, glabrous on both sides, Aciliate, midribs sparingly hirsutulous.

67. The Bangalow Gym is an open space 2 story fitness centre, full of state of the art techno gym equipment, massive amounts of free weights, functional training equipment and cardio equipment such as running machines, bikes, elliptic runners and low impact cardio equipment to suit all your training needs.

68. Rosen is known for his textbooks, especially for the book with co-author Kenneth Ireland on number theory, which was inspired by ideas of André Weil; this book, A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory gives an introduction to zeta functions of algebraic curves, the Weil conjectures, and the arithmetic of elliptic curves.

69. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules 0.5 cm long, ovate, pubescent, caducous and leaving annular scar; petioles 1-3 cm long, canaliculate, pubescent when young; lamina 5- 12.7 x 1.2-6.4 cm, ovate or elliptic, apex caudate-acuminate to caudate with blunt tip, base cuneate-acute, margin entire, Coriaceous, shining above; midrib raised above

70. Slender, slightly pubescent when young, soon glabrescent; Leaf blade ovate or sub-rounded to elliptic, 2-5 (7)x 1.502.5 cm, young pubescent, soon Abaxially pubescent along midvein, base broadly cuneate to sub-rounded, margin obtusely serrate, serrulate, cuneate, crenate, rarely entire, apex acute or shortly acuminate, lustrous green above and light green below.

71. It is noted for its ovate to elliptic, Crenate to serrulate, glossy, spineless, evergreen, deep green leaves (to 1 1/4" long) which are attractive all year, 4 petaled white flowers which bloom in 3-7 flowered cymes in late spring (May-June), and black rounded somewhat inconspicuous fruits (drupes to 1/4” diameter) which mature in fall on

72. Leaves 12 to 14 in number, suberect-recurved, forming a broadly crateriform rosette; sheaths broadly elliptic, 19-25 x 17-20 cm, subdensely pale-brown lepidote on both sides, greenish or sometimes reddish near the apex; blades linear, not narrowed toward the base, 30-44 x 11-14 cm, glabrescent abaxially, inconspicuously and sparsely white lepidote Adaxially, rose-red throughout, more so