Use "elisha" in a sentence

1. Elisha multiplies bread (42-44)

2. What miracle did Elisha perform in Shunem?

3. Elijah humbly appointed Elisha as his successor

4. Naaman healed of leprosy by Elisha (1-19)

5. 24 The double anointing did fall upon Elisha.

6. Go and appoint Elisha as prophet in your place.’

7. A prominent Israelite woman in Shunem showed Elisha exceptional hospitality.

8. Elisha desired to serve with Elijah as long as possible

9. However, Elisha was not the only spiritual son of Elijah.

10. The Elijah-Elisha saga made a further deep impression on me.

11. 9 But that was not the final startling event involving Elisha.

12. Elisha dies a natural death in the time of Jehu’s grandson.

13. 8 There by the body at the house in Shunem, Elisha prayed.

14. In advance, Jehovah’s prophet Elisha also informed Jehoram of Syrian military maneuvers.

15. So Elisha says: ‘This is no time to accept money and clothes!’

16. 2 Kings 6:8-23 New Living Translation (NLT) Elisha Traps the Arameans

17. However, the anointing of Jehu remained for Elijah’s successor Elisha actually to perform.

18. Seeking a cure for his leprosy, he went to see Jehovah’s prophet Elisha.

19. In what way did the woman in Shunem ‘restrict herself’ in behalf of Elisha?

20. The children recognized Elisha as Jehovah’s representative and simply did not want him around.

21. The prophet Elisha had complete confidence that Jehovah would protect him from an enemy army.

22. (Exodus 31:1-11) God’s spirit came upon Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, David, Elijah, Elisha, and others.

23. She and her husband agreed to provide Elisha lodging in a roof chamber in their home.

24. * Elisha picked up Elijah’s official garment and walked back to the shore of the Jordan River.

25. (2 Kings 2:10) And, indeed, Jehovah allowed Elisha to see Elijah ascend in a windstorm.

26. Elijah is taken up in a windstorm, and his assistant, Elisha, succeeds him as a prophet.

27. (Isaiah 26:19) Long before that, Elijah and Elisha were empowered by Jehovah to perform actual resurrections.

28. The Aggadah identifies Abishag as the Shunammite who gave hospitality to Elisha the prophet (PdRE 33)

29. But Elisha was dead and “conscious of nothing at all” at the time of the miracle.

30. Jehovah actually performed the miraculous healing, and Elisha refuses to take any credit by accepting a gift.

31. (Verse 11) Elijah and Elisha were conversing until the very last moment of Elijah’s ministry in Israel.

32. While he was working in the field, Elisha received an unexpected visit from Elijah, Israel’s foremost prophet.

33. By thus receiving advance warning from Elisha, the Israelites were able repeatedly to avoid traps prepared for them.

34. Concerned over the apparent fate of Israel at the hands of Syria, Jehoash came weeping to Elisha.

35. What he saw when Elijah ascended in the windstorm undoubtedly made a very great impression on Elisha.

36. Elisha had a gentle and affectionate disposition, without that fiery zeal by which his master, Elijah, was distinguished.

37. Akiba and Elisha ben Abuyah (Aher) seems clear, in that they are Antitypes in Rabbinical literature; Akiba is the quintessential sage of Talmudic tradition, whereas Elisha ben Abuyah is the quintessential heretic who abandoned Judaism to pursue Greek philosophy later in life.

38. The modern skyscraper had been made possible by the addition of the electric motor to Elisha Otis's earlier elevator.

39. Determined not to profit materially from God-given powers, Elisha came out to meet Naaman but would not accept any gifts.

40. In his search for a cure, he traveled to Samaria thinking that he would get a personal audience with Elisha.

41. He found out that Elisha was in the city of Dothan, and he sent the Syrian army there to capture him.

42. Elisha asked for “two parts” of Elijah’s spirit—that is, the double portion that would normally be due a firstborn son.

43. However, just as young Ruth centuries earlier had firmly refused to leave Naomi, so Elisha refused to leave the older prophet.

44. (1 Kings 17:21-23) His successor Elisha raised the only son of a prominent, hospitable woman at Shunem, in the northern part of Israel.

45. FOR a young farmer named Elisha, what began as a routine day of plowing turned out to be the most significant day in his life.

46. Both words, ‘anachronism’ and ‘Antichronism’, were used in the 17th century (the first more than the second) and can be found, for example, in An English Dictionary of Elisha Coles (1676)

47. Elisha Traps the Arameans - When the king of Aram was at war with Israel, he would confer with his officers and say, “We will mobilize our forces at such and such a place.” But immediately Elisha, the man of God, would warn the king of Israel, “Do not go near that place, for the Arameans are planning to mobilize their troops there.” So the king of Israel would send word to the place

48. 20 When Elijah’s public ministry ended, his attendant Elisha took the official garment that had fallen from Elijah, went to the Jordan, struck the water, and asked: “Where is Jehovah the God of Elijah, even He?”

49. Additional argument adduced for this identification has been that Elijah, after leaving Horeb, stopped at Abel-meholah to anoint Elisha and had the further commission to travel to “the wilderness of Damascus” to anoint Hazael as king over Syria.

50. (1 Samuel 1:19, 20, 24; 2:11) A Hebrew girl of tender age showed implicit faith in Jehovah when she suggested that the Syrian army chief Naaman go to the prophet Elisha in order to be healed of leprosy.

51. "Goshen-Gottstein's book is a masterful analysis of the texts and traditions regarding Elisha ben Abuya and Eleazar ben Arach, and offers great insight not only into the texts relating to these two rabbinic figures, but into the very nature of rabbinic stories and historiography."Hebrew Studies

52. 2; 2014 ISSN 1927-0909 E-ISSN 1927-0917 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education Sorption of Heavy Metals by Ferralic-Arenosol and Vertic-Luvisol: A Comparative Isothermal Study Tlou Mosekiemang1, Oagile Dikinya2 & Elisha Toteng2 1 Department of Chemistry, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana 2 Department of …

53. Plus Gilad Halpern speaks on the UAE Israel deal; Rabbi Leah Jordan talks about the life and times of Elisha ben Abuyah in Talmud for Schmeryls; and this episode's Broigus asks "Why should young Jews care about Israel?", featuring Labour Councillor Joshua Garfield, Esther Craven from Yachad and Robin Moss from UJIA.

54. 8 When the king of Aram was at war with Israel, he would confer with his officers and say, “We will mobilize our forces at such and such a place.” 9 But immediately Elisha, the man of God, would warn the king of Israel, “Do not go near that place, for the Arameans are planning to mobilize their troops there.” 10 So