Use "elicited" in a sentence

1. Phone calls elicited no further information.

2. In interviews, Frobisher elicited the students' reasoning.

3. 24 We found that crying babies elicited accelerated rates on all three measures, while a comfortable baby elicited a deceleration.

4. Her tears elicited great sympathy from her audience.

5. The police elicited a confession from him.

6. At last we've elicited the truth from him.

7. At that time, behavior is elicited by stimulation.

8. In one hour he had elicited the truth.

9. Calls to dozens of independent agents elicited similar responses.

10. Clonus is commonly elicited in gastrocnemius (ankle Clonus). Other sites where Clonus can be elicited are quadriceps (patellar Clonus), finger flexors and jaw

11. Threats to reinstate the tax elicited jeer from the Opposition.

12. Slightly tentative, it warmed her eyes and elicited response.

13. "The Court's judgment Admittedly elicited some criticism"

14. 20 Result:Under the mismatch condition, N270 could be elicited.

15. The report elicited a formal reply from the minister.

16. The circus act elicited "oohs" and "ahs" from the crowd.

17. The comment elicited a peal of laughter from her classmates.

18. The comedian's joke elicited applause and laughter from the audience.

19. The Apology elicited a wide range of emotions amongst those affected.

20. Ankle Clonus: This is elicited by rapidly dorsiflexing the foot

21. When that elicited no response she opened it and peeped in.

22. The unflattering portraits elicited strong protests from some of the campaigns.

23. The specifications required to meet these can be readily elicited and catalogued.

24. Plural references are less likely to be elicited by mixed description-types.

25. I felt a little stupid but at least it elicited a gentle smile.

26. Chemically elicited Ameboidism, formulating this way the "Neurotropic theory" (Cajal, 1892)

27. The accompanying story was tweeted out Monday, but quickly elicited Cringes across the internet

28. When her knock elicited no response , she opened the door and peeped in.

29. This elicited some concern from another participant, related to the patients' ability to pay.

30. He elicited the truth at last by questioning all the boys in the school.

31. Furthermore, allergological diagnostics are necessary without delay to identify what has elicited the reaction.

32. Elicited responses were coded and sorted into one of 10 possible categories (Table 8-A).

33. This series of articles elicited the greatest reader response in the history of our journals.

34. Reports of thinking and imagery were also elicited from subjects woken from light, Stage 2 sleep.

35. In other words, Brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target

36. Broder's fishboard (fiskbräda) is what elicited the comparison between Scandinavian and Japanese cuisine

37. The exceptionally poor health of the Aboriginal community has elicited cross party support for action.

38. Objective : To analyze the gender difference of cue - elicited heroin craving in abstinent heroin addicts.

39. Questions about their politics elicited answers which were, generally, conservative and not in favour of progressive ideas.

40. DHA elicited prominent chemopreventive effects on its own, and Appreciably augmented those of CP as well

41. Arrests were made which promised elucidation, yet nothing was elicited which could implicate the parties suspected.

42. Her youth and beauty elicited a predictable reaction from my father, who set his sights on her at once.

43. Drug dealers elicited sympathy from secondary school pupils, who laughed at the suggestion of reporting them to the police.

44. The recent tabloid sting involving the Duchess of York has elicited plenty of schadenfreude in the British press.

45. Strong Anamnestic humoral and CMI responses were elicited by 1 additional dose, without further increases after a second additional dose

46. 8 It is also filled with unintentional clunkers that elicited inappropriate but inevitable laughs in this reviewer's living room.

47. This elicited squeals, laughter and elaborate pay-back schemes, all tolerated only as long as the work continued smoothly.

48. It was difficult to distinguish these reports from those which were elicited from subjects roused from deeper levels of sleep.

49. On the EEG slight irregular alpha activity was recorded (alpha coma) and external stimuli elicited theta-delta waves (paradox activation).

50. A great deal of language can be elicited by having the students themselves explain what they think happened in the demonstration.

51. In free running bees turns through an arbitrary angle were elicited by switching the light sources, which attracted the insects.

52. The 89-second fight elicited criticism that Tyson's management lined up "tomato cans" to ensure easy victories for his return.

53. Pain elicited in Bicipital groove when patient attempts to forward elevate shoulder against examiner resistance while elbow extended and forearm supinated

54. Their occurrence is strongly related to the evocation and to the time course of the afterdischarges elicited by the stimulation.

55. A dummy Bell Vireo elicited both Agonistic and epigamic behavior from nesting pairs, depending on the phase of the nesting cycle.

56. One such condition is Byssinosis, a collection of respiratory symptoms elicited by exposure to raw non-synthetic textiles during their manufacturing process

57. Theophylline abolished net Na absorption and elicited net Cl secretion, which quantitatively accounted for the increase in short-circuit current (Isc) observed.

58. Each view of the world can be described using personal constructs which can be elicited by the use of a Repertory Grid.

59. The changes of the impedance slopes very slowly when the acoustic reflex is elicited with tone-bursts and not with continuous sinusoidal stimulation.

60. The position of the 4 spot stimulus pattern was adjusted within the RF-center, as each light-spot elicited approximately the same neuronal activation.

61. Global demand for fuel efficiency, environmental quality and energy security have elicited global attention towards liquid biofuels, such as Bioethanol and biodiesel

62. One group was lying rostrally within the inferior limb of the arcuate sulcus, from which microstimulation elicited movements of fingers and hand.

63. Astringency is an everyday sensory experience best described as a dry mouthfeel typically elicited by phenol-rich alimentary products like tea and wine

64. Cognitions can be subjectively elicited on questioning or experimentally measured using reaction times, psychophysical responses, or real-time neuroimaging techniques to infer internal processing

65. These selective effects consisted of a greater depression in the amplitude of responses elicited by stimuli of wavelengths close to that of the adapting field.

66. It featured the crossover hit single "Parents Just Don't Understand" and scads of clever, gangsta-free lyrics that elicited knowing chuckles from middle-American teenagers.

67. The reflex can be elicited either by direct neuronal connections from visceral afferent fibers, especially those from the gastrointestinal tract, or from humoral factors.

68. “Patients with adhesive capsulitis were clinically evaluated to establish whether pain elicited by pressure on the Coracoid area may be considered a pathognomonic sign of this condition

69. Patients with adhesive capsulitis were clinically evaluated to establish whether pain elicited by pressure on the Coracoid area may be considered a pathognomonic sign of this condition

70. CONCLUSIONS: K(ATP) channel opener-induced membrane hyperpolarization and K(ATP) channel blocker-elicited membrane depolarization are blunted in smooth muscle cells in intact cirrhotic Aortae.

71. The reflex tachycardia elicited by nitroprusside-induced hypotension was lower in Aestivated toads (9.3 +/- 0.9 beats/min) when compared to active toads (19.9 +/- 1.0), indicating a reduced sympathetic reactivity

72. In patients suffering from sciatic syndrome and polyneuropathia, myotatic reflexes could not be elicited neither mechanically nor electrically, and muscle spindle afferents of the soleus muscle could not be recorded.

73. When pure stapedial otosclerosis is present, the most prominent Audiologic signs are elicited in response to the use of low-frequency stimuli, reflecting the effect that increased stiffness has on …

74. When the acoustic reflex is elicited with continuous sinusoidal stimulation with frequency range between 1500 and 8000 cps, the changes in the acoustic impedance slopes down fast after onset of stimulation.

75. Brailling and physical guidance both coupled with explanation were studied to determine whether or not they helped in increasing self-efficacy in goal ball skills and which one elicited a greater improvement

76. It is discussed that the effect is due to an isolated augmentation of vagal tone on the heart which is elicited from stretch receptors of the right heart and the pulmonary trunk.

77. When the acoustic reflex is elicited by continuous sinusoidal Stimulation with frequency range between 1,500 and 8,000 cps the changes in the acoustic impedance slops down fast after onset of stimulation.

78. The Bureau-Barrière syndrome is described as an acral ulcer with mutilating osteolysis of the limbs that is nonfamiliar, non-sex-specific, induced by many factors, and elicited by sensory-trophic polyneuropathy.

79. Biomimetics is the field of science in which inspirations are elicited from nature to design practical materials and systems that can imitate structure and function of native biological systems (Sarikaya et al., 2003)

80. The corneal reflex, also known as the blink reflex, is an involuntary Blinking of the eyelids elicited by stimulation of the cornea (such as by touching or by a foreign body), though could result from any peripheral stimulus