Use "electrum" in a sentence

1. Ezekiel specified electrum, an alloy of silver and gold.

2. But that human form is enveloped in glory, so that it glows like electrum, a shining alloy of silver and gold.

3. The papyrus indicates that the statue was made of two essences of painted wood and clay, showing pharaoh wearing a golden loincloth, a crown of lapis-lazuli and precious stones, a uraeus of gold and sandals of electrum.

4. Biblical Archaeology Review notes that Amenophis III of Egypt “honored the great god Amun with a temple at Thebes that was ‘plated with gold throughout, its floor adorned with silver, [and] all its portals with electrum’”—an alloy of gold and silver.

5. Argentiferous gold, electrum, argentian gold, elektrum, electron, elektron, auriferous native silver; electre, elector [ obsolete] [ A natural deep-yellow to pale-yellow alloy of gold and silver, sometimes employed in the decorations of ancient temples and palaces] ● Elektrum n, Goldsilber n, Silbergold n, silberhaltiges Gold, güldisches Gediegensilber, Weißgold der Gallier, silberhaltiges (Frei)Gold

6. Argentiferous gold, electrum, argentian gold, elektrum, electron, elektron, auriferous native silver; electre, elector [obsolete] [A natural deep-yellow to pale-yellow alloy of gold and silver, sometimes employed in the decorations of ancient temples and palaces] Elektrum n, Goldsilber n, Silbergold n, silberhaltiges Gold, güldisches Gediegensilber, Weißgold der Gallier, silberhaltiges (Frei