Use "elections to the histadrut" in a sentence

1. Advisories to county elections officials regarding elections

2. The local elections were seen as a pointer to teh general elections.

3. Local elections Run-off local elections were held on March 1 and 8 following the February local elections.

4. The party is to boycott the June elections.

5. People acting Antagonistically in State elections cannot be brought to act harmoniously in National elections

6. Parliamentary elections met most international standards but shortcomings remain to be addressed in future elections.

7. Attention has now shifted to the presidential elections

8. After the elections opposition groups began to emerge.

9. The elections have been reduced to a farce.

10. Riots led to the postponement of local elections.


12. He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially.

13. Elections will be held to legitimize the current regime.

14. The Democratic Party romped to victory in the recent elections.

15. These elections, you could almost say, are a dress rehearsal for the real elections.

16. We have to finish before the elections next month.

17. Tension is mounting in the build-up to the elections.

18. The attacks are designed to disrupt plans for the elections.

19. They regained the vote when the Dominion Elections Act of 1920 superseded the War-time Elections Act.

20. To her embarrassment, she mistook the date of the elections.

21. The past two elections were inconclusive.

22. UN monitors will remain in the country to supervise the elections.

23. He quickly won his party's nomination to contest the elections.

24. Following the 1 December 2016 elections, the elections commission declared Adama Barrow the winner of the presidential election.

25. ECOWAS gave the interim government one year to hold elections.

26. She returned home in order to vote in the elections.

27. These elections are generally regarded as rigged, and the Western powers did not recognize the elections as legitimate.

28. Ten thousand foreign observers where expected to observe the elections.

29. Sunday's elections should be a pointer to the public mood.

30. This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections.

31. Congress works in two-year legislative sessions tied to the elections

32. He emerged victorious in the elections.

33. A proportional representation system is to apply to future elections.

34. It is your civic duty to vote in the local elections.

35. Cambridge Analytica and the end of elections

36. 13 Independent observers will monitor the elections.

37. The elections were for 30 municipal councils.

38. A dark horse candidate came from behind to win the elections.

39. Then elections were organized as a transition to democracy.

40. Blount, however, waited until 1793 to call for elections.

41. 11 This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections.

42. The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections.

43. You'll soon be old enough to vote in elections.

44. 2021 Elections Are 2022 Bellwethers

45. The Elections Department will mail Ballots on

46. Foreign observers were present at the elections.

47. The inclusion agenda doesn't come from elections.

48. Congress has adjourned for the November elections.

49. These are the country's first multiparty elections.

50. The elections were declared null and void.

51. The government elections will be next month.

52. Crimsoned in Human Gore: The 1860 Elections

53. The elections are scheduled for mid-June.

54. 28 This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections.

55. He agreed not only to free elections, but to the monitoring of the process.

56. 7 There was euphoria after the elections.

57. An effort to offer some sign of progress ramping up to the elections?

58. The Moldavian parliament has declared the elections unconstitutional.

59. The following elections occurred in the year 2006.

60. Elections are scheduled for November.

61. For the 2019 EU elections, Portugal has 21 seats to be filled.

62. The party was humiliated in the recent elections.

63. According to the American Constitution, presidential elections are held every four years.

64. These elections mark the end of an era.

65. The last three elections were all foregone conclusions.

66. Elections won are in bold.

67. At the political level, proportional representation was abolished for local elections in 1922 and for Stormont elections in 19

68. The socialists performed impressively in the legislative elections.

69. Afghans are anxiously waiting to hear anything regarding the results of the elections.

70. Both US and EU had cut aid to the Palestinians after the elections.

71. Reichstag Consequent upon the elections of 1903 and

72. Elections are necessary for the sustenance of democracy.

73. 4 The midterm elections brought huge Republican gains.

74. Elections are not seen as providing a pathway to power.

75. The elections were brought forward by three months.

76. It also urged the Cambodian parties to demobilise their military forces before the elections.

77. Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to vote in these elections.

78. He called for a boycott of the elections.

79. Opposition groups declared a boycott of the elections.

80. The craziest game to match the craziest hoopla of 200 the U.S. presidential elections!