Use "egotistically" in a sentence

1. Antonyms for Altruistically include egoistically, misanthropically, selfishly, egotistically, inconsiderately, thoughtlessly, greedily, uncaringly, blindly and

2. Synonyms for Bumptiously include arrogantly, cockily, presumptuously, swaggeringly, conceitedly, egotistically, forwardly, opinionatedly, overbearingly and pushily

3. Synonyms for Condescendingly include contemptuously, disdainfully, disrespectfully, arrogantly, egotistically, patronizingly, haughtily, superciliously, snootily and

4. Synonyms for Bombastically include pompously, boastfully, conceitedly, arrogantly, egotistically, proudly, snobbishly, disdainfully, flamboyantly and gaudily

5. Synonyms for Arrogantly include haughtily, insolently, loftily, superciliously, with one's nose in the air, boastfully, egotistically, conceitedly, proudly and pretentiously