Use "egalitarian" in a sentence

1. More egalitarian.

2. Ford is no egalitarian.

3. The party's principles are basically egalitarian.

4. For more egalitarian-leaning Atheistic Satanists

5. Clearly the egalitarian society remains a dream.

6. 3 The party's principles are basically egalitarian.

7. Humanist psychology's familiarity to egalitarian feminist psychologists makes the division between humanist egalitarian, and woman-centred, theories difficult to draw.

8. People have long dreamt of an egalitarian society.

9. I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society.

10. What happens in a modern(, relatively egalitarian society?

11. Acephalous society is also known as egalitarian or non-stratified society.

12. Education in Romania is based on a free-tuition, egalitarian system.

13. They seem in the main to have been relatively egalitarian communities.

14. But egalitarian feminists tend to play down the value of biological explanations.

15. It is a network for the elite, yet it is very egalitarian.

16. By nature the education investments of democratic governments tend to be egalitarian.

17. Archaeologists believe that the Peiligang culture was egalitarian, with little political organization.

18. Egalitarian Rousseau lived out his life as the spoilt plaything of eccentric aristocrats.

19. Bioregionalism is both a deep ecological philosophy and an apolitical, decentralized, volunteer egalitarian movement

20. It was total, undivided submission that would permit the building of an egalitarian community.

21. It's perfectly possible to create these social pressures which lead to more egalitarian societies.

22. Egalitarian feminist psychologists draw on both feminist and psychological criticisms of gender imbalance among psychologists.

23. In its earliest impulses celibacy was egalitarian and even subversive of patriarchal family relationships.

24. Humanist psychology's caution about change can add to egalitarian feminist psychology's existing theoretical timidity.

25. 17 It was total, undivided submission that would permit the building of an egalitarian community.

26. Jeans a powerful egalitarian message, but are far more likely to a sartorial deathtrap for politicians.

27. Finally, she was asked to spell egalitarian, used to describe a belief in human equality.

28. This chapter examines the gender imbalances among psychologists, and analyses egalitarian attempts to rectify them.

29. These innumerable scraps of land were the beginning of egalitarian ownership on a Lilliputian scale.

30. Despite the city plan’s egalitarian intentions, differences in income have zoned the population into completely separate cities.

31. Synonyms for Constitutionalist include democrat, leveler, leveller, moderate, populist, republican, egalitarian, social democrat, equalitarian and royalist

32. 26 This chapter examines the gender imbalances among psychologists, and analyses egalitarian attempts to rectify them.

33. Egalitarian feminist psychology tends to neglect gender issues that do not relate to traditional psychological interest.

34. Antonyms for Absolutist include democratic, limited, accountable, autonomous, egalitarian, liberal, popular, self-governing, partial and flexible

35. But it’s a fundamentally Antidemocratic idea that has more in common with libertarianism than egalitarian politics

36. Antonyms for Classist include egalitarian, unstratified, fair, impartial, unbiased, neutral, open-minded, unprejudiced, broad-minded and disinterested

37. The vision of Biafran University is to see and live in an egalitarian society made up of

38. The differences between it, and traditional and egalitarian feminist approaches, are not as big as they look.

39. A Non vegetarian, a Egalitarian, a Proletarian, a Altitudinarian, a Libertarian, a Historian, A nephew, an uncle

40. Normative theories tend to be fairly egalitarian, whereas positive theories are generally more pessimistic about redistributive prospects.

41. Such a climate increases the likelihood that egalitarian feminist psychology will be incorporated into the traditional discipline.

42. This inattention to politics allows even egalitarian feminists to adopt woman-centred arguments when dealing with cultural issues.

43. Synonyms for antiroyalist include pro-republic, Antimonarchist, democrat, republican, self-governing, democratic, self-ruling, popular, representative and egalitarian

44. Synonyms for Antimonarchist include pro-republic, antiroyalist, democrat, republican, self-governing, democratic, self-ruling, popular, representative and egalitarian

45. Inequality in kibbutzim Despite these arrangements designed to create an egalitarian society, social inequality exists in the kibbutzim.

46. Although the relationship is by no means an egalitarian one, it has become more harmonious and more easy-going.

47. Something which is particularly curious is that increased government expenditure has not produced the egalitarian society which was intended.

48. How to preserve that involvement in an egalitarian context is one of the great challenges of modern society.

49. 26 From the perspective of traditional psychology, such psychologists are, even more than egalitarian feminist psychologists, reassuringly marginal.

50. Jeans can send out a powerful egalitarian message, but are far more likely to be a sartorial deathtrap for politicians.

51. Wasn't there a brutally tyrannical rabbit society Counterpoised to the longed-for, sought-after egalitarian rabbit utopia? BEA/ALA, booksellers

52. A cycling population would be fitter, healthier and more egalitarian than one reliant on privileged personal access to a car.

53. As in egalitarian feminist psychology, white, middle-class, middle-aged, heterosexual women are the main subjects of woman-centred psychology.

54. Egalitarian feminist psychologists often revise psychological methods, but they reject the possibility that feminist psychology needs a specifically woman-centred method.

55. 15 Its concern with celebrating femininity encourages it to pass over more of traditional psychology's gender biases than egalitarian feminist psychology does.

56. The modern welfare state is interested not so much in relieving poverty as redistributing income to achieve a more egalitarian distribution.

57. Kruger says one way of lengthening the lives of men is to promote a more monogamist and more financially egalitarian society.

58. They believed that the Parliament had no power to revoke the mandate to build a welfare State and an egalitarian society .

59. They believed that Parliament had no power to revoke the mandate to build a Welfare State and an egalitarian society ( para 682 ) .

60. In one sense, the Confucian ethic is egalitarian, though not in Western sense where everyone has equal standing and opportunity within society

61. In contrast to a materialistic, competition-centered model of the world, the traditionalistic, idealistic model may, for men, be much more egalitarian.

62. A "Bright" is a bright who has registered at this website in support of the egalitarian civic vision of the Brights movement

63. Temple Brith Achim is an inviting, egalitarian, Reform synagogue serving the Jewish communities of King of Prussia and over 25 other western Philadelphia suburbs

64. He summarizes libertarianism, the meritocratic system, and the egalitarian theory. This leads to a discussion of the fairness of pay differentials in today's society.

65. Congregation Brith Shalom is a dynamic egalitarian congregation that fosters participation and emphasizes the importance of Jewish practice and study within the context of Conservative Judaism

66. 12 Traditional hedonistic utilitarians who prefer the latter outcome often try to justify egalitarian distributions of goods by appealing to a principle of diminishing marginal utility.

67. Cogent adjective convincing, strong, powerful, effective, compelling, urgent, influential, potent, irresistible, compulsive, forceful, conclusive, weighty, forcible He makes a Cogent argument for a more egalitarian education system.

68. Anywheres, meanwhile, are free of nostalgia; egalitarian and meritocratic in their attitude to race, sexuality and gender; and light in their attachments “to larger group identities, including

69. When President Dwight Eisenhower named Earl Warren as chief justice of the United States in 19 the stage was set for what has been termed the "egalitarian revolution."

70. Mentoring young people, especially young males, to harness their libidos in fruitful, not dysfunctional and socially Abnegating, ways is the only means by which the complementary and egalitarian social …

71. 15 When President Dwight Eisenhower named Earl Warren as chief justice of the United States in 19 the stage was set for what has been termed the "egalitarian revolution."

72. While both anarchists and Marxists share the same final goal, the creation of a free, egalitarian society without social classes and government, they strongly disagree on how to achieve this goal.

73. Professor Zietlow recounts how Ashley and his Antislavery allies shared an egalitarian free labor ideology that was influenced by the political Antislavery movement and the nascent labor movement - a vision that conflicted directly with the institution of slavery.

74. Through its commitment to a cooperative federalism, promotion of citizen engagement, egalitarian access to opportunity, participative and adaptive governance and increasing use of technology, the NITI Aayog will seek to provide a critical directional and strategic input into the governance process.

75. ‘People with less egalitarian values have repeatedly been shown to be more racist, Classist, and sexist.’ ‘Occupying such a position, we bear the brunt of sexist, racist and Classist oppression.’ ‘I really can't believe I sat through such a sexist, Classist, and distasteful film.’

76. By definition, A band was a small, egalitarian, kin-based group of perhaps 10–50 people, while a tribe comprised a number of bands that were politically integrated (often through a council of elders or other leaders) and shared a language, religious beliefs, and other aspects of culture.

77. Curiousness coherent optics تاريخ إستلام البضائع jazyk ATM to make oneself known to the public, to become popular, to gain influence menguji going along with something, following the crowd; treating something in an equal or egalitarian manner propadlo exaggerated, resembling a ham, tasting like ham; of or pertaining to one who

78. Question: Which Is Evident Archaeologically By Agricultural Societies Tend To Be Their Sedentary, Permanent Architecture Hierarchical, Ceramic Designs Egalitarian, Faunal Remains None Of The Above Archaeologists Believe That Humans First Arrived Into The Americas Via Beringia, Which Is An Ice-free Corridor In Canada A Stretch Of Land Now Under Water O A Coastal