Use "edom" in a sentence

1. Mountain Plateau of Edom

2. Edom to be consumed by Jacob (18)

3. Ob 10 —How did Edom “perish forever”?

4. By the fourth century B.C.E., Edom lay desolate.

5. Bedad : the father of Hadad king of Edom

6. Evidently referring to Bozrah, the capital of Edom.

7. vs 10 —How was Edom “cut off to time indefinite”?

8. The early nation of Edom apparently had only 13 sheikhs.

9. 7. (a) How was the prophecy against Edom initially fulfilled?

10. But powerful Edom furnishes no assistance when Judah is attacked by the armies of Babylon.

11. 2 Chronicles 25:19 Thou hast said, Lo, I have smitten Edom; and thy heart /b/Boastfulness.htm - …

12. A Levite of the family of Korahites; a son of Shemaiah and a grandson of Obed-edom.

13. Edom, long a vindictive enemy of God’s people, will end up in silence —the silence of death.

14. Isaiah 63:1 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? /c/Crimsoned.htm - 6k

15. Edom is heavily militarized, and its armed forces march through high mountain ranges to safeguard the country.

16. Hadad son of Bedad, who defeated the Midianites in the country of Moab, was the fourth king of Edom

17. Bedad was the father of a man named Hadad, who became king of Edom after the death of Husham

18. Hadad (Hebrew: הֲדַד), son of Bedad (בְּדַד), was a king of Edom mentioned in the Bible, in Genesis 36:31-43

19. (Revelation 11:15, 18) Ancient Mount Seir became the domain of apostate Edom, the descendants of Jacob’s twin brother Esau.

20. The image above is from Umm al-biyara (the mother of all Cisterns) the ancient site of Edom which became the Nabataean city of Petra.

21. At one time Moab, under King Mesha, revolted, and Israel formed an alliance with Judah and the neighboring kingdom of Edom to war against Moab.

22. Abhu saith," (he was of Caesarea,) "Ekron shall be rooted out"; this is Caesarea, the daughter of Edom, which is situated among things profane.

23. 1 Who is this who comes from Edom, in Crimsoned garments from Bozrah, he who is splendid in his apparel, marching in the greatness of his strength?

24. As Isaiah 34:1, 2 indicates, God had foretold that he was going to express vengeance on the nations, such as Edom, mentioned at Isaiah 34:6.

25. It may seem equally unlikely that powerful Edom will end up in deathly silence or that a night of hardship and privation will fall on the wealthy Arab tribes.

26. (2 Samuel 8:13, 14) Edom, they argued, was a simple pastoral society at the time and did not become sufficiently organized or have the might to threaten Israel until much later.

27. (Isaiah 34:9, 10a) The land of Edom becomes so parched that it is as if the dust were sulfur and the torrent valleys were filled, not with water, but with pitch.

28. The prophecy begins: “Who is this one coming from Edom, the one with garments of glowing colors from Bozrah, this one who is honorable in his clothing, marching in the abundance of his power?” —Isaiah 63:1a.

29. A Levite musician of the second division who acted as one of the directors in playing the harp at the time the sacred Ark was transferred from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem. —1Ch 15:17, 18, 21.

30. 14 Therefore, as we consider the rest of this part of Isaiah’s prophecy, we think not only of ancient Edom but also of Christendom: “Her torrents must be changed into pitch, and her dust into sulphur; and her land must become as burning pitch.

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32. (Isaiah 34:9, 10) The land of Edom is thus portrayed as becoming so parched that it was as if its torrent valleys were running with pitch and as if its dust were sulphur, and then these combustible substances were set afire. —Compare Revelation 17:16.

33. Chapter 63 The Divine Warrior - Who is this that comes from Edom, in Crimsoned garments, from Bozrah? Who is this, glorious in his apparel, striding in the greatness of his strength? “It is I, I who announce vindication, mighty to save.” Why is your apparel red, and your garments like one who treads the wine press? “The wine press I have trodden alone, and from the peoples no one was